View Full Version : Kalon says Farewell to Neocrack

Kalonji Faya
06-10-17, 09:19
Hi runners,

I don't know if it's a joke but I was connecting this morning as usual and discovered my main account was banned...
Got an email saying "[CPS] Client / data stream manipulation detected"... :confused: I can't understand how even is it possible !!

I know, some will say I admitted I've tried a cheat software back on Terra on Rekt Discord but that was once and never been done again... Was it an error from me to be honest ? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm aware not so much people know me, I've always been discreet, since my stroke 5 years ago I almost did no more PvP, and since I returned in june that year, I tried to help as much as I could new runners, or returning vets...
People who know me can say I've always been fair, always nice, of course sometimes I trolled but wasn't it part of the game ?

But I never used any cheat of any kind on Titan, I repeat I only tried once on Terra (when there were sooooo many cheaters).

So I guess I have no choice but to leave the game, after what happened I won't have heart to level up new runners...

I'll miss you all a lot, I'll miss walking in Pepper Park ready to draw my weapon, riding a rhino and kill some Warbots, I'll miss my kron55 after a long firemob hunt and oh god I'll miss the community...

Maybe you'll see me again if NST realizes they made a mistake but I guess that won't happen...

I came back happy and I'm leaving sad,



06-10-17, 09:39
Hi runners,

I don't know if it's a joke but I was connecting this morning as usual and discovered my main account was banned...
Got an email saying "[CPS] Client / data stream manipulation detected"... :confused: I can't understand how even is it possible !!

I know, some will say I admitted I've tried a cheat software back on Terra on Rekt Discord but that was once and never been done again... Was it an error from me to be honest ? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm aware not so much people know me, I've always been discreet, since my stroke 5 years ago I almost did no more PvP, and since I returned in june that year, I tried to help as much as I could new runners, or returning vets...
People who know me can say I've always been fair, always nice, of course sometimes I trolled but wasn't it part of the game ?

But I never used any cheat of any kind on Titan, I repeat I only tried once on Terra (when there were sooooo many cheaters).

So I guess I have no choice but to leave the game, after what happened I won't have heart to level up new runners...

I'll miss you all a lot, I'll miss walking in Pepper Park ready to draw my weapon, riding a rhino and kill some Warbots, I'll miss my kron55 after a long firemob hunt and oh god I'll miss the community...

Maybe you'll see me again if NST realizes they made a mistake but I guess that won't happen...

I came back happy and I'm leaving sad,



Helpdesk Ticketnumber?

Kalonji Faya
06-10-17, 09:50
I'll give it to you in PM as soon as I have it.
Thanks Z for checking in if you can, I didn't write that topic to make trouble, was just maxi-surprised when I saw that.
I still can't understand what's happening...

K aka Kalon

edit : Ticket#2017100610000036

Kalonji Faya
06-10-17, 10:02

I was thinking about something : the only thing that changed in my habits those days was a use of the neoscan tool to watch my resists in realtime and I only used it on my main account, could it be that ?

If that's provoking false-positive on your anti-cheat system, I won't be the only one to be banned by mistake !
Thanks for checking anyway,


06-10-17, 15:12

I was thinking about something : the only thing that changed in my habits those days was a use of the neoscan tool to watch my resists in realtime and I only used it on my main account, could it be that ?

If that's provoking false-positive on your anti-cheat system, I won't be the only one to be banned by mistake !
Thanks for checking anyway,


From what I can see that tool is just reading logs and I highly doubt it would provoke a detection.
On the other hand: What about the oldest reason for cases like these in Neocron - Account Sharing?

Kalonji Faya
06-10-17, 15:39
Got the helpdesk answer, can't say no about account sharing coz I shared it with and old clanmate, I admit that I was wrong, but I just don't know what's the software they're talking about, I'll ask google :)

I bet account sharing is against roc, but more than 12k days seems unfair for me...


06-10-17, 20:19
Hey Kalon,
would answer your PM, but:

"Kalonji Faya has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."


Kalonji Faya
06-10-17, 20:52
Hey Kalon,
would answer your PM, but:

"Kalonji Faya has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."


Hi X,

deleted some messages, if it's about the mini-event I think it's no more important now :( but thanks for answering :)


Kalonji Faya
16-10-17, 09:02
Well, I guess this is it... it's not an au revoir, farewell Neocron, I wish you a long life and a lot of new content :D

I really had fun here, met a lot of good ppl... but who knows maybe I'll meet some in some other games (yeah Bunny I'm talking about Elite Dangerous ;) ).

To everyone I played and had fun with : don't share your accounts, you can have really bad surprises !!

Thanks again to everyone who helped me and share their time with me !!

Kalon says Farewell Neocron, farewell the wastelands :(:(:(:(:(

ps : @Z, why Baldur doesn't answer my email anymore, I couldn't come on discord last monday due to family obligation, and until that day I have no more news (that's why I'm writing my eventual last post...)...