View Full Version : Potential Player Events

17-04-17, 01:50
I'd like to host a player event sometime during the week of 4/23. I'd like to get some ideas on what events would be best off with the current population/playtimes.

Also, given that the stand-still bug still hasn't been resolved on Retail, I imagine a competitive tournament would be out of the question (though I have hosted one in the past (http://challonge.com/Neocron) and would host another if enough people want it).

I was thinking either a FFA type event (I have a couple spots picked out that would be awesome) or some sort of Demolition Derby with teams of 2. I am open to other ideas as well.

What I need from you (the community):
-Feedback on which event you'd rather see
-Which date/time works best for you and your group
-What kind of entrance fee/prize pools you'd like to see
-Sign up in this thread so I can get an idea of how big/small the event will be
-GM Support (such as removing Mobs from an area/changing it to a Battlefield Sector)
-Spread the word and try to get some of the inactive groups (Wolf Pack, GP, SOAD) to come have a good time as well



18-04-17, 01:04
well I made a decent suggestion, but it seems to have vanished, no clue why?

18-04-17, 01:10
another suggestion would be something like what Inglorious Bastards (Terrarists) did a while back
is a video of the event, was a lot of fun actually

18-04-17, 09:00
Drone racing through city?

18-04-17, 21:36
I did think Drone Racing before.

However, the one thing I was thinking is how to you ensure someone's not cheating. Different drones for each player, and someone at checkpoints I guess.

19-04-17, 01:39
Sign up for the event on Sunday; got a lot of feedback from people in game and it seems FFA is what most people wanted. Will definitely consider some of these events for the future.
