View Full Version : Spy Holo PA Weight

13-03-17, 22:19
Hi guys,

After the transport malus was removed from the Spy Holo PA I noticed that weight was still an issue. I then noticed the weight of the Holo PA is 21.50. This seems like an anomaly from looking at other PAs.

Spy = 7.5 / 8 / 21.5
PE = all 16
Tank = all 21.5
Monk = all 5

The holographic armour should be the lightest as it's a hologram? Yet it's the same weight as Tank PA.


14-03-17, 11:26
I wonder if it's deliberate - as a trade-off for the increase speed you get wearing one, you get to carry less kit.

14-03-17, 15:34
I did wonder that, but it originally had a transport malus anyway so it would have been easier to just decrease the malus, like the ath malus was reduced on many other PAs.

Seems like either a sneaky stealth nerf or bug?