View Full Version : So when does all this new stuff start?

18-01-17, 14:42
I logged on, same graphics, weapons, can only get one mission. Except for the tutorial I haven't seen any difference.

18-01-17, 14:53

18-01-17, 15:00
You can't see any difference? Really?

We changed a lot in the past, and ofc with the big Update (https://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?156702-Neocron-Evolution-2-3-Release-Notes) (Evolution 2.3) we had.
This includes decals (graphics, btw.), missions, server stability and a lot of other stuff.

You can see our progress in all Patch/- and Updatenotes, also the upcoming changes on the Vedeena forums.

If you want to help us, to improve Neocron, we're very happy to get your constructive feedback.


18-01-17, 20:20
The big thing for me was missions, you can still only get one mission at a time.

18-01-17, 21:42
Yeah, no difference because you can only accept 1 mission still. No change at all really.

If you're expecting the same thing you get out of tab target MMOs then your expectations are sorely in need of adjustment. The mission system is not like the wow quest tracker.

You should adjust your attitude while you're at it, the Dev team have made huge strives in improving many aspects of the game, most recently damage calculation and stability, all of this in their spare time. They deserve your respect, not your dismissal. If you disagree then I don't think you're paying enough attention.

18-01-17, 22:29
Mission System Improvements
Our new mission system technology has received several updates to improve performance. As well as removing the old maximum number of mission in the old system, the new system allows us to dynamically add missions to the game world without a patch.

They said it was implemented, so where is it?

18-01-17, 22:33
Mission System Improvements
Our new mission system technology has received several updates to improve performance. As well as removing the old maximum number of mission in the old system, the new system allows us to dynamically add missions to the game world without a patch.

They said it was implemented, so where is it?

That is referring to the fact that CityComs used to display a maximum of 3 missions per page, they now display 6. So, in answer to your question: it's in the game.

EDIT: typo and words

18-01-17, 23:50
Mission System Improvements
Our new mission system technology has received several updates to improve performance. As well as removing the old maximum number of mission in the old system, the new system allows us to dynamically add missions to the game world without a patch.

They said it was implemented, so where is it?

It's implemented and live not in the way you think it is.

One big issue with the old mission system, is if we wanted to note your progress and save it for another time, the content team was severely limited by by the flags available - most of those are in use from the existing Jones and WoC missions. The new system is unlimited and there are other changes that allow us to add new missions without patches.

It's a background change you won't notice, but to the content team it's like night and day to allow them to add new content without limitations.

19-01-17, 00:50
Well I'd rather have the ability to take more than one mission but hopefully these changes will lead to it.

William Antrim
23-01-17, 14:39
You know, this guy does have a point. Having multiple missions running at once might well be a good thing to implement here.