View Full Version : R# 204 - The (very realistic) compilation for needed stuff

02-12-16, 21:28

please help us to compile a list of urgently needed things that we want/need to have in the upcoming update R#204.

What do we need?

Short but detailed description of features / bugfixes that we can do in 1 day, instead of high complex stuff or just 'feex neocron1112!!!kk'.

Things which are already on the do-to list:

Bug that leads to a client / server crash. You may know that as "sync" bug as well
low damage output on n00b-drones
NPC health needs some adjusting after the reactivation of npc armor
low damage output on vehicles
death in MC5 HN leads to a warp into the primary appartment without any chance of return
Mob stealth shooting(?) - NPCs don't do animations while shooting on players(?)
New rare pistols (https://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?156629-Rare-Automatic-Pistol-and-Mini-Rocketlauncher&p=2237094&viewfull=1#post2237094)

I will keep updating the post until the patch is released.

02-12-16, 21:36
A quick review on PvE mobs HP scaling - 120/120 are huge HP sacks - slow progression - less PvP ready charaters

02-12-16, 21:38
Mob stealth shooting.
Cant count the times I got shot by mobs (i.e. Warbots) without any animation showing it. Sometimes they even look the other direction and you only realize you got shot because you see your HP going down or DOTs popping up.

Vehicle Damage
Rhino V2 damage is ridiculous. A tank deals way more damage when he gets out of the gunner's seat and shoot with his personal firearm.

02-12-16, 22:01
When you die in the MC5 hacknet, you go to your apartment instantly and do not respawn at MC5, denying you from doing any of the newb quests. You should keep respawning in MC5 like you do when you regularly die, until you use the genrep to your apartment for the first time.

02-12-16, 22:15
Regents boss damage on mobs in area and one hit killing runners. Unless this is intended and I am mistaken about the severity. I know there was other discussion around this but cannot remember the outcome... if it was bugged or intended and certain resists needed to be adjusted.

/Edit - Thank you for the information theRaeisBae. I appreciate the clarification.

02-12-16, 22:30
Regents boss damage on mobs in area and one hit killing runners. Unless this is intended and I am mistaken about the severity. I know there was other discussion around this but cannot remember the outcome... if it was bugged or intended and certain resists needed to be adjusted.

It was intended for the boss to do massive fire damage with stacks as the NST felt you needed a team to dive into the bossroom and avoid easy-capping in a day by doing that room on repetition and solo. Whilst the mobs didn't have their damage resistance (issue that has since then been fixed) they would die from the fire pretty quickly, receiving stacks of 1200~ dmg.

It's not the case anymore so the boss just hurts like hell right now, your best bet is to find a high level PPU and have him cast anti-fire and support you all the way. I often argued with people on Discord or in-game about this kind of thing - NST is aiming at making cave more like group events in the fashion of old MMOs - But Neocron doesn't have enough population to get you rolling with that - and it's not easy to find a team anyway (faction relations, your own relation with other runners, griefers-belt scammers, etc.) not to mention that most of the time you'll level up more efficiently alone all the time. Also, only the boss is really hard as all the other mob at Regant have their distance attack bugged (never hits you) and their melee attacks ar ehitting you about 5% of the time.

Whilst I would deem necessary to restore Regant as before in the meantime and so it's not clogging the PvP scene - especially for newer players - I also go with NSt's opinions for the need of a team to do harder content. But it needs to be balanced AKA more leveling places, more risk vs. reward (why go with a team where it's super dangerous if when you split everything you get the same stuff you would have gotten WB hunting, or even less than that probably).

Cyreen Archer
02-12-16, 23:35
Gatling Drone Damage:
On low level drones with low skills it's constantly about 1 from fresh built char to about 30 dex with almost maxed out WPW and RCL /T-C at about 3:1 ratio
at 53 dex/int 135 WPW and 125 RCL and 61ish TC, crafted 99% GA-1 drone (TL37) they hit for about 5/shot, thats about 18 dps, comparable single target rocket drone (MR-100, TL51) hits for around 225, thats somewhere around 80 dps (same skills, 99% quality drone)
comparable Pulse laser drone (PL-100, TL44) hits for about 28/shot with 2 shots per second if i'm not mistaken for about the same 56 dps (as above, same skills, crafted drone)

HLT-Tools (can't say if the HLT 75-tool has the same bug, no char to try out)
HLT 40 Tool Nanite activity doesn't reset correctly if other (longer duration) Nanite effects are up, too
HLT 40 Tool Heal Value is very low compared to it's requirements (setting it to about 3 times the actual value should bring it on par with PSI heals ;) )

(and perhaps you could raise buff durations and get at least all single-target resist and skill buffs on a 10-20 minute duration - PSI and Nanite)

02-12-16, 23:47
(and perhaps you could raise buff durations and get at least all single-target resist and skill buffs on a 10-20 minute duration - PSI and Nanite)

I would love 10 minute shields (or 20 minutes!). Having to constantly rebuff my PE is annoying.

03-12-16, 01:02
Neofrag is currently broken, which means testing out new setups isn't really a thing.

Not sure what the issue is, but when you attempt to open the menu for NF nothing happens. It's not hidden anywhere, underneath some things, etc. It just doesn't pop up.

Tested on all the NF decks in PP1. I imagine PP2 is the same issue.

03-12-16, 01:25
- Adding JO "all buyer" traders to popular hunting spots. Military Bunker, El Farid, Chaos Caves etc.
- As other said- nerfing high tier mob HP down. Everything that does very strong damage to you in seconds, shoudnt take half hour to kill because reward is not worth the risk.
- Add "recall" item, allowing to teleport back to your appartment from anywhere. Working similarly to command that unstucks you. Can make it consumable for balancce. Or not, for convinience.
- Ability to summon vechicle anywhere in wasteland, not usng the parking lot other than repair of them.
- You get full xp from mob you "help" kililng, rather than partial.
- NPC in Neocron that teleports you directly to Outzone 7
- Fix new Fire effect or add option to disable it, since it is very badly optimized - slowing down client when you are on fire or everything around is burning.
- Increase faction epic quests reward XP like 10x, for each stage starting with first
- Add "rapidfire" type weapon to Melee. Something like stilleto with frequency of 180 hits per minute akin to smgs, doing low damage but fast, so that you just hold attack button. (well, thats not exactly one day work but can just adjust values for basic stillet - making it scale better and have lower damage, but higher frequency)
- Increase credit value for all beverages and food stuff that drops from mobs to at least 10 credits each depending on type. (still not worth it, but better than cleanign your inventory of 0 credits stuff weigthing you down)
- Add a new area in wasteland with Cyclops and Butchee spawn, with high respawn frequency.
- Increase respawn frequency at Red Point Storage and the other "storage" outpost dungeon (dont remember the name), Ceres soldiers with rocket launchers.
- Drecrease spawn amount of small creatures like spiders in wasteland, increase of big 40-90 mobs in the swampy area at west side of map. People dont go to wasteland on low levels generally so all those low level mobs do nothing , but add load to server.
- Decrease rate of fire of Anarchy Breed goons in wasteland
- Make big spawn of Squeed/Tentacles at the sea shore at the East.
- Increase spawn of rats of all kinds in the low level severs, decrease of flying insects.
- Add intermediate (rank 40-50) monsters spawn to Pepperk Park Industrual Areas
- Add "appartment preview" aka create characters with each type of appartment, called say "Showcase 1"-2,3-...99 and manually via GM remove the door on appartment so anyone can enter it, by just going to elevator and typing the charcacter name (i.e. Showcase One). So that people could check how all appartments look before buying.
- Using Wasteland Venture (or whatever the device that teleports you randomly in wasteland) shoud count as missino, and give certain amount of XP for all skills. So people will use them more often to "adventure".
- Increase headshot damage modifier for Melee weapons.
- New players should recieve email explaining how to use Nanites tool and where to buy one. Alternatively, add TL 5 Basic nanite tool with special kind of nanites you`ll not use later to all players starter equipment.
- Reduce chance of implants being uneqipped on death. Initially it was intended to reward tradeskillers and social interaction, but at the moment its nothing but a hassle. Its also for me the only real reason i use LE on my farm chars.
- Improve xp from terimnal construction/research missions

Cyreen Archer
03-12-16, 03:01
another presumably small bug: leaving drone doesn't reset view correctly
- play in FPS mode
- start a drone
- fly around a bit and return to your (digital-)meatbody
- exit drone by pushing <esc><esc>
result is: i end up in a twisted 3rd person mode with a strange angle

03-12-16, 11:12
Got a wierd bug in j01 and j02 with what looks like huge white hud boxes appearing randomly around the zones. Then the morph into upside down trees. I might have to get some screenies as its hard to explain

Cyreen Archer
03-12-16, 13:50
Got a wierd bug in j01 and j02 with what looks like huge white hud boxes appearing randomly around the zones. Then the morph into upside down trees. I might have to get some screenies as its hard to explain

are you talking of this stuff?

03-12-16, 23:55
Yeah those and other weird looking things

07-12-16, 11:23
Will hacknet be sorted out at Any point ? Used to enjoy teaming up and leveling in there .