View Full Version : Non stop synchronizing /disconnects

13-11-16, 11:45
The game worked fine at patch 199 (from what I could tell I wasn't able to play long before patch 200 hit) for me, but since patch 200 im completely unable to play. After a random amount of time between 10 seconds - 2 minutes in game it stops responding and I lag out/synchronize back to the account login. Again, I had no issues at patch #199.

- I already reinstalled the game
- I tried different ports in the client settings
- Already virus scanned
- Already power cycled my network
- Already rebooted (harhar)

Not sure if im the only one having this issue or what. Hoping someone knows a way to fix this, or what could be causing it. 99% sure it's not on my end, but *shrug* It wouldn't be an issue if it was just the old synchronizing when you change zones like back in the day, but this happens when im playing/walking around/fighting completely preventing me from playing the game.

I tried clicking the link in nidhogg's signature to ask for help but it didn't work so posted here hoping someone can help out. Maybe the server just hates Texans :lol:

13-11-16, 12:57
Updated my routers firmware, set up port forwarding, disabled the firewall on my stuff temporarily to see if that helped, and the issue still persists through everything... im at a loss now

Ryan Steiner
13-11-16, 13:06
Have you seen this thread : https://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?156435-Solution-to-troubled-Cable-Virgin-connections&p=2233812&viewfull=1#post2233812

maybe it helps

13-11-16, 13:14
I dont got virgin cable =/ so no help. Also no clue what a superhub is assuming that's virgin modem/router stuff, lol

Thanks tho, appreciated

Seems other people have this issue as well : https://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?156645-R-198-Synchronizing&highlight=synchronizing


Tcp/ip: 7000, 8020, 8040, 12000, 13000
Udp: 6000, 6001, 5000 - 5016

Like in the above quote I also forwarded those TCP/UDP ports and the problem still persists

13-11-16, 18:51
Issue is finally resolved. Somehow my netlib.dll file in the neocron folder was corrupted. In case anyone else has this issue in the future, and stumbles across this thread I did the below to fix it:

- Delete netlib.dll from your Neocron directory
- Run the neocron Patcher, and click the 'Configuration' button
- Click the 'Check File Integrity', and let it run
- Close it once finished, and then run the game like normal

You can lock thread if you want since issue is Resolved

13-11-16, 20:12
Thanks for the update Demental, and posting the resolution you got to.
