View Full Version : Hunting Lizards

27-09-15, 13:58
Greetings runners,

So I decided to finally give this old gem of game a new try. Think I have downloaded and installed it at least ten times in the past but barely made it past character creation. Back in the days I played Neocron alot. It was one of the first mmos that got me hooked and created some of my best game memories. Then came EVE, WOW and today due to a lack of time mostly "offline titles".

But guess what, this time I made it past character creation and is happily killing lizards in Twilight Guardian. Speaking of lizards, how come you have small, normal and big lizards and iguanas. Even in the 28th century an iguana surely is a lizard. I vote for a fix.


27-09-15, 16:10
Welcome back, again, I guess.