View Full Version : Gaming motivation research

13-08-15, 14:39
According to Gaming researchers Quantic foundry (http://quanticfoundry.com/2015/07/20/how-we-developed-the-gamer-motivation-profile-v2/) there are 12 main motivations for playing games, a long way from the initial 4 classes of Bartle. Do you agree with this? How does this apply to your Neocron activities?

Immersion: Gamers with high Immersion scores want games with interesting narratives, settings, and customization options so they can be deeply immersed in the alternate worlds created by games. Gamers with low Immersion scores are more grounded in the gameplay mechanics and care less about the narrative experiences that games offer. Immersion is composed of 3 underlying motivations:
Fantasy: The desire to become someone else, somewhere else.
Story: The importance of an elaborate storyline and interesting characters.

Creativity: Gamers with high Creativity scores are constantly experimenting with their game worlds and tailoring them with their own designs and customizations. Gamers with low Creativity scores are more practical in their gaming style and accept their game worlds as they are.
Design: The appeal of expression and deep customization.
Discovery: The desire to explore, tinker, and experiment with the game world.

Action: Gamers with high Action scores are aggressive and like to jump in the fray and be surrounded by dramatic visuals and effects. Gamers with low Action scores prefer slower-paced games with calmer settings. Action is composed of two underlying motivations:
Destruction: The enjoyment of chaos, mayhem, guns, and explosives.
Excitement: The enjoyment of games that are fast-paced, intense, and provide an adrenaline rush.

Social: Gamers with high Social scores enjoy interacting with other players, often regardless of whether they are collaborating or competing with them. Gamers with low Social scores prefer solo gaming experiences where they can be independent. Social is composed of two underlying motivations:
Completion: The enjoyment of competition with other players (duels or matches).
Community: The enjoyment of interacting and collaborating with other players.

Mastery: Gamers with high Mastery scores like challenging gaming experiences with strategic depth and complexity. Gamers with low Mastery scores enjoy being spontaneous when gaming and prefer games that are accessible and forgiving when mistakes are made. Mastery is composed of two underlying motivations:
Challenge: The preference for games of skill and enjoyment of overcoming difficult challenges.
Strategy: The enjoyment of games that require careful decision-making and strategic thinking.

Achievement: Gamers with high Achievement scores are driven to accrue power, rare items, and collectibles, even if this means grinding for a while. Gamers with low Achievement scores have a relaxed attitude towards in-game achievements and don’t worry too much about their scores or progress in the game. Achievement is composed of two underlying motivations:
Completion: The desire to complete every mission, get every collectible, and discover hidden things.
Power: The importance of becoming powerful within the context of the game world.

13-08-15, 15:38
Looks like you answered your own question ^^

All those points you brought up are what make NC so good.

14-08-15, 16:03
Did the survey but it told me little new. I'm an absolute non-achiever :D