View Full Version : Offline mode?

28-07-15, 14:48
so im new to the neocron community and i know this is going to sound like a stupid question for an mmo, however its not exactly suprising that the playerbase has declined a LOT since 2000, and this is a game that i really enjoy. it would sadden me greatly to see the only playable server shut down with no way to bring it back up. so is there any way to play current versions client side?

28-07-15, 15:21
I guess, if it was possible, Zoltan would... punch you in the face through the Internet for that question :p

28-07-15, 15:33
why is that such a bad question? i just dont want to see such a great game die. i have seen way too many good mmos go under and i really enjoy this one. not to mention that the player base is dying. my only regret is that i didnt discover the game sooner :(

28-07-15, 16:43
If the game is "dying" right now then bringing an offline/standalone version would be like throwing the last shovel of dirt on its grave and walking away. Thats why its a bad question.

28-07-15, 16:47
we would really need to do a lot of work to fix the whole thing. highest server load i have seen recently is 9% but i do agree with you. i was just meaning for when the time does inevitably come. it always does. for all games with internet connectivity. one of my favorites called tabula rasa, died before it even really got started, although i think it died for a different reason. i would think of it when the time comes when the server CANT be viable anymore, the offline could be introduced. that seems reasonable. kind of like a memorial statue rather than a shallow grave.

28-07-15, 16:50
Well, there is an offline demo of NC1 floating around the web. That will have to suffice. People are much more rose-tinted about that time anyway.

28-07-15, 16:52
sadly as much as i wanted too i never did get to play NC1 what was different about it compared to 2? and i never got to play 2 til it was free. didnt hear about it til soon after it went free.