View Full Version : Getting My Bearings Again

04-01-15, 08:17
I'm sure none of you know me, as I typically didn't say much when I played Neocron but I played off and on for a while and just recently decided to fire it up again. I decided to stream it, because why not? I only had some friends of mine watching but it was still neat to explain things to them. I barely know how the game works and things slowly came back to me as I played. Wanted to give big thanks to Shadaloo and JB Dronez for helping me out.

If anyone's curious, you can find the stream right here (http://www.twitch.tv/zeris/b/606844466). It's not the most exciting of streams, since all I was doing was grinding cyclops at the MB, but it's there. I'll likely continue to stream the game when I decide to play it.

Either way, it was cool to play Neocron again and I just wanted to let you guys know that you have some slightly-less-than-new blood back in the pool.

04-01-15, 12:35
welcome back

04-01-15, 17:59
Great to see folks returning! Welcome back :)