View Full Version : Twitch/activity

15-11-14, 13:01
Well I have never streamed before, but I am considering doing such. I figure letting people see what goes on inside of Neocron could draw in additional players. I don't know the additional site yet, but there is supposed to be a 15 minutes of fame site that tosses extra people into your stream for 15 minutes. It isn't a guarantee to be selected of course, but the chance sure can't hurt. Increasing in game community, and increasing forum activity should help increase the base. New players like to see helpful banter in game, and in forums. Questions answered, maybe some talk of bacon, and the best places to eat bacon, around the world.

Does anyone else here Stream?

15-11-14, 15:41
No....... but I like Bacon :D


15-11-14, 15:46
Mmmmmh, we have a rather active Neocron LPer among the german players aka Ressorator but Twitch... idk.
Glitchy Girl happened to streamed a session of NC once, you could try to hit her up I guess http://www.twitch.tv/GlitchyGirl

15-11-14, 20:05
One of our guys streams NC all the time, it's pretty funny during op fights when the enemy is watching the steam and knows exactly where we are going and what we are doing lol

I See Blue
16-11-14, 04:06
I have no clue why we didnīt twitch the PvP event last saturday. Should have thought of that. Will have to get someone to do that next time we do one.

24-11-14, 08:10
Sorry for the much delayed response but yep I was streaming tonight at http://twitch.tv/GlitchyGirl and if anyone likes I'll be happy to come along and stream whatever you need :)

27-11-14, 23:58
Well I don't know if you can set how big the delay is during a Stream, lol! Maybe, an OP fight is better as an uploaded video. (Though honestly as a viewer, that sounds like the most fun.) Glitchy I was watching you the other night, and helped you get your bike! :p

28-11-14, 02:21
Settign a delay isnt possible afaik, its always ~30 seconds, which makes communication with a streamer kinda a pain.

28-11-14, 04:06
There's a much lower chat delay on http://hitbox.tv

28-11-14, 05:35
Good to know hatmankh! Is it as popular as Twitch? I've never seen it before...

29-11-14, 02:26
It isn't as popular, no. If you're streaming a popular game and want to get 'randoms' stumbling across your stream then Twitch would probably be the better choice. Hitbox is gaining popularity though and it might rival Twitch in a few months.

For something like this though where you know almost 100% of the viewers are going to come from the existing community, you might as well go with the technically superior platform. The chat delay varies on hitbox but I think it's something like a minimum of 30 seconds on Twitch, no matter how good your connection. On hitbox it goes from 5-15.

I don't have a vast knowledge on streaming sites, there could be something even better than that out there.

29-11-14, 04:18
There exists also www.livestream.com but i think its even less popular then hitbox at least among gamers.

29-11-14, 08:06
Good to know, existing community is great. My overall goal, would be to get people who perhaps have never seen Neocron to take a look, and possibly download the game. Doing what it takes, to increase the member base kinda thing. Looking at multiple platforms of streaming never hurts!

29-11-14, 14:56
In terms of getting noticed Twitch is prob your best option Hitbox and Livestream have a much lower viewer count, The highest I saw on Hitbox had 188 viewers and well Livestream I'll pass its just plain awful and a hassle to find people.

Jack Slater
07-01-15, 10:46
I just started streaming Neocron on Twitch the last two days trying out OBS. Since I'm not a very talkative guy and these were my first streams ever it won't get bigger i guess. :D
Next step would be to get TS muted on stream but I'm working on it and maybe some day someone will be watching! ;)

07-01-15, 23:20
I'll be streaming Neocron/Warframe/Deux Ex: Human Revolution and maybe some other games here and there.

Right now it's warframe, then neocron.


Jack Slater
08-01-15, 08:13
Nice, if there are more streamers maybe someone brings some viewers and together we can maintain some input. :)
I'm still configurating but my schedule would be:
Weekdays 18.00-22.00 CET
Weekends 15.00-24.00 CET
Still I won't talk too much for the beginning but this might change depending on development.

Jack Slater
27-01-15, 09:12
For everyone who is interessted in streaming and wants do reach more people that would never search for Neocron on twitch.tv: There is a page called pwning.com designed to feature small streams. Your viewers won't go through the roof but it's something.