View Full Version : Forgotten PvE

05-05-14, 08:58

I see here a lot of people who played in NC over 5 years. They hate PvE. Let's see how they know it.

Quest I
Location: K14
NPC: Sandra Lacroix
Target: kill CA troopers
Prize: ???


I may continue list of such quests. But first I want to hear xpertz answer: what is the prize?

05-05-14, 09:34
Why are you attacking other players love of this game?
why cant you spell expert properly?
what is the point of all these threads?

Ive played "since" beta4, when did i ever say i hated PVE?
why not just let people play the way they want to play and go do balance testing if you dont want to play with them?

05-05-14, 09:55

I may continue list of such quests. But first I want to hear xpertz answer: what is the prize?

Think it was the Symp NPC for DoY, right?
So, the prize is: Reputation - Maybe ;p

But please tell me: What's your point?

05-05-14, 12:37
English is not my native language. I make mistakes. Sorry.

Why I asked?

Well, because on th.org where xpertz lives no answer on this question. There are no even NPC page. Yes, yes. It is secret knownledge. It is secret quest for xpertz. Or may be no one did it.

I found it. I read that "we played 7+ years and we hate PvE", "we want PvP". And because on th.org no answer. Because forum on th.org died. I asking about it here. Where xpertz lives.

I am still waiting answer and more important I want to see how-to on th.org. In other games on any fansite you may find ALL answers. On all questions. All howtos.

Is my answer that you want to hear? :)


I was attacked by xpertz first. In first days of playing (after long break). They still trying teach me and people.

I attack no one personally. This is my reaction on their attacks. I suppose you may hate PvE only if you did everything and much better multiple times. I can understand this. But if there are everybody have knownledge about everything then why I cant find answer on this question? Because its developer's mistake? Then I want to hear or better to see link on bugreport and answers from dev's team (that they know about it, etc).

The point in that xpertz knows nothing about PvE. They just hate it and all. And they cant says this truth. They just like PvP and want more PvP. They dont respect others. They cry. They hate. They poison own population.


And if someone tell and better write howto on this quest I will say that this person is an expert. Untill then they are xpertz :)

05-05-14, 13:03
May I ask what's your native language?

I prefer PvP in Neocron, because it's fun.
But I also play PvE, just to level or help other ppl or to do "something" in NC (for example: trophy hunting).

Honestly, I would play more PvE, but there is not so much to play, if you know the whole cave system.
Why I should play CRP cave for more than 10 times? There is no reason, except XP.
Same for firemobs, Regant, Elvis, missions (like in K14 or Epics) etc.

You can do what you want, nobody will blame you or other ppl for playing PvE.

BTW: I'm right with "Sandra Lacroix" (Prize: Symp at DoY)?

05-05-14, 13:23
1. PvE in Neocron has very little to do with questing.
2. This is good news for PvE, because questing in NC sucks (always did).
3. The NPC in question used to be part of the alliance change mission (NC->DoY). If that mission is still in place and/or in working condition, I can't say.
4. Your attitude sucks. Instead of complaining that there is no complete how-to on a fansite, maybe roll up your sleeves and create one on http://wiki.techhaven.org/

05-05-14, 13:44
May I ask what's your native language?

Some may see in your question racism. Not me, but others. Is my spelling so bad?

Why I should play CRP cave for more than 10 times? There is no reason, except XP.
Same for firemobs, Regant, Elvis, missions (like in K14 or Epics) etc.

So, if your friend asking to help with the genotoxic suit quest you will refuse and tell him "let's pvp, neofrag, deck 1, go-go-go", "forgot genotoxic suit, its crap"? Funny. Funny because he will never see that dev's team did. Funny, because he never will got a pleasure doing this quest. Same with any non-prime class: PE, APU, Spy?. You are nothing they say. Crap, so my **/30 PE will never be happy. He is nothing. Good. Leave NC, run Skyrim and there are everything is fine with my elf ranger. Or just do job, then buy new AAA game to be relaxed after hard day. That's all. No population in NC. No PvPs. No OPs. Everything is good. There are nearby thread about this problem. In this thread we speak about quest in topic.

In other words. Any quest was completed multiple times by many people. Some of them should write howto and post it on th.org. Many years past. Do not you find this strange?

BTW: I'm right with "Sandra Lacroix" (Prize: Symp at DoY)?

The correct answer I will say later. Now we are collecting answers.

05-05-14, 13:48
1. PvE in Neocron has very little to do with questing.
2. This is good news for PvE, because questing in NC sucks (always did).
3. The NPC in question used to be part of the alliance change mission (NC->DoY). If that mission is still in place and/or in working condition, I can't say.
4. Your attitude sucks. Instead of complaining that there is no complete how-to on a fansite, maybe roll up your sleeves and create one on http://wiki.techhaven.org/

Hahaha. Yes, I am wrong again. If you are true expert then you must post and explain everything. Are you xpert or expert?


Oh, I am sorry. I forgot that you hate PvE, is not? Ok, someday howto will be written by somebody. Anyway, now others can find this thread and find the answer.

05-05-14, 13:56
Hahaha. Yes, I am wrong again. If you are true expert then you must post and explain everything. Are you xpert or expert?

Troll much?

05-05-14, 14:32
The reason people hate PVE is, as I see it, due to a number reasons-

1- Mob AI is terrible. The worst of any game I have ever experienced other than Soldner.
2- Mobs are not complex. They do the same thing at 100% that they do at 75% that the do at 1%. Fights start boring and end boring.
3- Mob damage is so unbalanced that you must use every environmental advantage possible to ensure you don't die in one hit. Or 40 invisible hits.
4- Invisible damage.
5- Haphazard placement of mobs. Clusters of DoY Bots or Y Replicants in the middle of a zone, anyone?

Now, if you're talking the mission system, you are pointing out another largely flawed system. Only being able to accept one mission is frustrating. Mission text is small and frequently uses broken English. Missions like the Regants Legacy (AK/BHG) and Regants Armor are obvious time wasters. Make me walk through the same halls taking the same exact pathway to right-click on yet another dead npc? GRIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/edit: lol - Soldner is a German game that is also now a 'Community Edition'. Maybe there is some talent sharing going on here?

05-05-14, 15:14
Some may see in your question racism. Not me, but others. Is my spelling so bad?

That was not my intention, your spelling is not bad.
It's just a question, cause you told english is not your native language.
Just starting coversation..

05-05-14, 15:19
Well PVE used to be more fun back in the days of Neocron 1. Not only was everything quite new to me, but the balance in PVE was quite nicely done. Imagine me as first Melee Tank going after a Doomreaper with a Long Laserblade - gee those looks on other players faces :D

The AI of enemies (not only mobs, i mean every non-player-character in this game) kinda sucks, you are absolutely right about that. With time we learned how to guide our enemies to the places we like them to be. Shoot a warbot non-stop, it will keep moving away, reduce your shooting intervall and it comes to you. Hide behind a slope or something until it's under your nose, then jump up so it can see you and it will run away. I did this a thousand times as low- to midlevel APU (with the old NC 1 settings - with the "new" NC 2 settings you will mostly die of starvation).

Some of the times I still farm Launcher Cyclopses at the bunker or at J_02 just for fun, mostly for the purpose of leveling.

There is no more "real" loot in this game except of rare parts (techparts for you english folks). In the beginning of NC 1 Aggressors used to drop weapons, also did the homeless NPCs in the Bum Asylum (Pepper Park 3) - that was one worthy way of spending your time grinding. You used to have 100k in about half an hour, very easy and fast money which you spent on your other characters, on creating massive loads of weapons (usually to sell them to other players, because they also had to level :)) or building up an worthwile business.

When they removed the weapon drop (i believe there was another of those famous wipes we encountered back then), people where not very amused. This policy (to make it harder for the people -> "so they would have more fun") continuued until NC 2.1. Mobs became more firepower and health while stripping them of their "good" loot, while us runners had to deal with less efficient heals, more restricted bonuses from implants and a messed up resist setup (ye, that still does NOT work.. never has worked the proper way).

One example is Gabanium Mine G_08 or gaba for short. You had Decayed Brutes and Decayed Horrors, some times warbots and hoverbots. It was fun, we had teams going there, we had loot, it was accessible for EVERY character type and class from melee tank over pistol PE until rifle spy and apu monk with their awesome energy halos (i spent months there).

Now? DoY stuff, hoverbots at every corner, Decayed Horrors / Brutes with massively strong attacks, while no possible cover to take for a longer period of time, always watching over your shoulder when the next DoY unit spawns behind your back.

This is one example that you can stretch over the whole game. It happened everywhere, to anyone. Yes, Neocron 1 was not perfect, yet everyone had fun.

I still like to do PvE - not that much anymore, but yes, i still like it. You had to change your tactics as the old Devs changed the game, same as nowadays. Hope dies last, that's why i am still hopeful that the game will get better someday. With the Sparta project there is at least a first step in the right direction (or not, time will tell :)).

05-05-14, 15:58
The reason people hate PVE is, as I see it, due to a number reasons-

-- cut --

Except AI mob's design is good. They must be hard. Not all, but bosses and mini-bosses. This is why you need huge team in WoW. There are dungeons for small (upto 5) and big (upto 25) teams. In NC mob's design different. And there are one big mistake: droners. You may say that droners is good (because of fast leveling). In plain view droner has nice concept for NC's atmosphere. But realisation....

--- Spoiler time! ----

WoC Disks farming // End-game content

Team: droner and hacker

--- That's all ---

So, if there are no droner profession most people go to farm WoC Disks in big teams. At least with one more person: tank (keep agro), ppu (heal tank), hacker (hacking and looting). You know how many mobs inside Ceres Labs. You know that there are a lot of belts (I have hacked some today, dont warry, you lost only medkits and ammos). I am sure such teams have fun.

This is my casual opinion. I am not expert, yes, yes.

Now, if you're talking the mission system, you are pointing out another largely flawed system. Only being able to accept one mission is frustrating. Mission text is small and frequently uses broken English. Missions like the Regants Legacy (AK/BHG) and Regants Armor are obvious time wasters. Make me walk through the same halls taking the same exact pathway to right-click on yet another dead npc? GRIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you are wrong, IMO. Killing mobs and leveling is most uninterested part in any game. NC has no exception. While doing a quest you go deeper in game atmosphere. Many games have much more dialogs. Much more check-points and you will met more NPCs. NPCs tells you their stories and you feel that you are part of this world (game world). Actually, in NC you have only one correct decision to complete quest (second is abort/fail). So, both Regant's quests is a history, part of NC's world. And many people (me too) like this. Yes, we have what we have. At least, this is better then nothing.

And still, "your" (or who tells that Ceres Labs is end-content) end-content is more boring then genotoxic suit or even xbow quest. Location is same as you see in begining. There are few funny things and a lot of stupid mobs. While real end-game is quests, an oldschool quests (no markers, no tips, nothing).

While you still try to focus on PvP, I remember you as I said in other thread, PvP in NC is not perfect, there are better FPS games. And if I want real and perfect FPS I have to choose different game (dont bit me hard :)

05-05-14, 17:54
Some may see in your question racism. Not me, but others. Is my spelling so bad?
Yes, yes it really is that bad. Im guessing that you're using google translate?

So, if your friend asking to help with the genotoxic suit quest you will refuse and tell him "let's pvp, neofrag, deck 1, go-go-go", "forgot genotoxic suit, its crap"? Funny. Funny because he will never see that dev's team did. Funny, because he never will got a pleasure doing this quest. Same with any non-prime class: PE, APU, Spy?. You are nothing they say. Crap, so my **/30 PE will never be happy. He is nothing. Good. Leave NC, run Skyrim and there are everything is fine with my elf ranger. Or just do job, then buy new AAA game to be relaxed after hard day. That's all. No population in NC. No PvPs. No OPs. Everything is good. There are nearby thread about this problem. In this thread we speak about quest in topic.

If a friend needs a Genotoxic PA, I will help him get it. Same with most other things. I wont enjoy it though (although big amounts of booze and voicecom helps quite a lot). But I will help him out.

In other words. Any quest was completed multiple times by many people. Some of them should write howto and post it on th.org. Many years past. Do not you find this strange?
There is guides for pretty much everything in NC, on thn or the wiki tbh.
If something is missing, write it yourself.

EDIT: Uh and about WoC disc farming. You're wrong. Droners have been nerfed to hell in those places (They cant exploit, like they used to). Tank + hacking PPU is the best for that place.

06-05-14, 13:28
Well, because on th.org where xpertz lives no answer on this question. There are no even NPC page. Yes, yes. It is secret knownledge. It is secret quest for xpertz. Or may be no one did it.

I found it. I read that "we played 7+ years and we hate PvE", "we want PvP". And because on th.org no answer. Because forum on th.org died. I asking about it here. Where xpertz lives.

I am still waiting answer and more important I want to see how-to on th.org. In other games on any fansite you may find ALL answers. On all questions. All howtos.

The strange thing about PvP'ers is they somehow forget that they have level and do to PvE to become a PvP'er but that's an argument for another thread.

The THN Forums - Yeah it's not the most active part of the THN. It hasn't been for years - and with the small NC community I rather see these forums more active... and regarding your question - where on the TH forums did you ask?

The Wiki - it's open to *anyone* with a wiki account to submit a new guide. Like you said, all fansite wiki's on other games have how-to's and answers but they also require the players of the community to edit and submit howto's in the first place.

As for that NPC - well I've not seen that NPC before so have you done the mission and found out what the reward is, and I look forward to seeing your next wiki edit. :)

06-05-14, 15:22
You'd be mistaken if you think THN is run by the PVP crowd.

THN is ran by Brammers, and while I salute the THN ressource itself, Brammers take very little to no part in PVP. He is a famous RP/Tradeskill AFAIK. Never seen him on OP war battlefield in almost 10years.

Understand that a big part of the community is a PVP crowd. PVP is fun in NC, and attracts anything from WOW to CS players.

No matter how much you wish for this community to be strictly RPG, it's not gonna happen.

Example, in the lastfew month Pricks and 17th were the 2 main OP war clans.
Battles with about 10 runners on each side would take place 3-4 times a week.
Those 20 players accounted for about 2-3% server population, which you need to consider over the 10-11% peak server population.

Those 2 clans, with their 20 players, accounted for at least 20% of peak population.

06-05-14, 16:07
You'd be mistaken if you think THN is run by the PVP crowd.

THN is ran by Brammers, and while I salute the THN ressource itself, Brammers take very little to no part in PVP. He is a famous RP/Tradeskill AFAIK. Never seen him on OP war battlefield in almost 10years.

Well as I said above, the THN has a wiki, which anyone can edit. So perhaps the PvP crowd would like to submit some howto's.

Anyway let's put some of these incorrect facts to rest. Yes I am probably famous for running the THN being a RP'er and tradeskiller in NC1. However my character "Brammers" hasn't tradeskilled since NC 2.2 both on Terra and Titan.

So for seeing me on OP war battlefield Kame is probably correct that he hasn't seen Brammers on OP war battlefield since as I'm a spy who uses a stealth tool.

Also I do use alts these days, since there is a small price for being a little famous is everyone wants to kill me and my known alts just for my dogtag. I've been on a few teamspeaks to hear the someone shout "Quick Brammers is out of a safe zone"

Who knows.... you may have been fighting my alt last week....or I could be in your clan. ;)

Understand that a big part of the community is a PVP crowd. PVP is fun in NC, and attracts anything from WOW to CS players.

No matter how much you wish for this community to be strictly RPG, it's not gonna happen.

Example, in the lastfew month Pricks and 17th were the 2 main OP war clans.
Battles with about 10 runners on each side would take place 3-4 times a week.
Those 20 players accounted for about 2-3% server population, which you need to consider over the 10-11% peak server population.

Those 2 clans, with their 20 players, accounted for at least 20% of peak population.

So going by your maths, that means approximately 80 players or 80% of the peak population are doing something else like PvE - Kame your figures are making the PvP crowd sound like a minority, and PvE is is the majority of the community!

06-05-14, 16:29
Those figures only account 2 clans... 2 clans having a 1/5 global server population impact, it's quite a lot in my opinion.

It doesnt account for the casual, PP1 pvp'rs (some players do not OP fight at all).

See, even Brammers PVPs now... Damn !!!

06-05-14, 17:39
Who knows.... you may have been fighting my alt last week....or I could be in your clan. ;)

I just had to say... I really enjoyed that line.
People seem to forget about the anonymity of a 4 slot server not to mention multiple accounts. I think the only thing we do know is that Bram and Kame are not the same person as I believe you can only have one forum account! :lol:

William Antrim
06-05-14, 18:24
Not to mention how many people dont actually have their forum names linked to a character they play. I hardly ever play William Antrim any more but lots of people here know all of the other 11 chars I have played.

06-05-14, 22:09
The THN Forums - Yeah it's not the most active part of the THN. It hasn't been for years - and with the small NC community I rather see these forums more active... and regarding your question - where on the TH forums did you ask?

I did not. Anyone have to notice that last post on forum was dated about 2013. Except one/two new has been posted few days ago. Last one I did not saw them when I looked for an answer about this quest. Many people in same situation doing the same, they just leave forum as it is. This does not excuse me, I know. May be I could ask on THN forum. And may be I would found the answer.

As for that NPC - well I've not seen that NPC before so have you done the mission and found out what the reward is, and I look forward to seeing your next wiki edit. :)

Currently I have some troubles to do what you asked. First, I dont speak english freely. I am working on that, so may be some day... Second, I want to complete the mission with my friends, and they left the game till unknown time. And if I have found clue correctly, solo PE cant complete this task. I suppose quest possible to complete with zerg attack in team of 4+ Where could I found such team? :)

Question is still open.