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02-05-14, 21:55
Well, I read, hear enough about how best tank is...

When I started as PE with pistols in hands people said me: "you are nothing", "you should to LOM and be a droner to get WoC right now", "I will be glad to see you with 5 WoCs on pistols" (like this is impossible), "this world rules by tanks and ppus", "remove your char and be pistol-spy or better be a tank" and so on. If not everyday, but every week exactly.

You said me this again and again. And almost no one asked me why I have choosed pistol/PE. I like pistols. And pistol/tank is more useless due game design. I suppose I could create pistol/Spy, which is also good. But this is does not matter, because PE can handle with "best ^^TM" pistol, BHG-9. Yes, it will works just for 3 mins. This is enough for NF duel. But of course this is crapsetup. I know, I know.

But... xpertz cant understand me. Cant understand my choice. Cant respect my choice.

Most expertz leaved the game. And those who stays alive they have one OP per 2 months when position of stars in the sky is good. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz thinks that I ready to go on OP war against (or with) them. Right now. Solo. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz thinks that every newbie looking for PvP. Right now. While I have only TT epic pistol on torso, and my 56/60 rank says everything about my setup. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz forgot PvE. They said that pistol/PE cant farm parts. I sold you 70 unressed yesterday and I could sold today other 70. LOL.
Everybody of such xpertz feels that they are xpertz when killed me on hunt and I'd less 50% hp. LOL.

And this is why you must be a tank. And I can continue their arguments. I collected them, for you.

Only solo-tank can farm rares.
Only solo-tank can farm mc5 rares.
Only solo-tank can farm DoY Tunnels.
Only solo-tank can farm Grave.
Only solo-tank can farm Woc discs.

Well, something above is untrue. But every tank want this to be true. They believe in this crap.

Xpertz thinks that NC is mmo-FPS. FPS. While many of them plays in 3d person view. Open wikipedia dumb tank and read what FPS means!

I am tired and you win. I wish no discuss this crap anymore. I wish no protect people choice and my own choice too. And if I will see any class, except a tank I will say him exactly the same that you said me: be a tank or leave a game.

I suppose this is that every newbie want to hear. You want more tanks? You will got them. Population will go up or will go down. But I know exactly in game will be more tanks. Your propaganda works perfectly.

Meanwhile I will stay with my pistols. With my PE. Yes, this class is nothing. Yes, this class is useless. And I like it.


02-05-14, 22:15

02-05-14, 22:33

Dude, for your own credibilities sake: STOP!

03-05-14, 01:23
walkman, have all the fun you ever could ask for. you're right: this game is meant to be played the way you want to.

03-05-14, 01:54
This doesn't make sense. Noone cares what you play, noone can make you play something else, so why would anyone try?

It's much more likely that you asked on help how to lvl (fast) and some dudes gave you honest answers, which can never be to make a non droner PE due to the objective inefficiency.

I respect your decision to play pistol PE, but dont give people shit for telling you that it's not a smart way to reach end-game. And don't ever try to tell a noob who wants to know the currently easy/fast ways of leveling/farming to make a pistol PE.
Or I will kill your PE.

(I've met enough guys who tried and who gave up on leveling their PE)

(edit: another problem is, that PEs today are nothing like the old PEs that most returnees remember)

03-05-14, 02:09
The current PE is but a shadow of its former self.

What used to be a versatile (PVP wise) class is now stuck to only 2 choices : pistols and rifles.

Reasons for that is that pvp drones kinda suck (unless moneyshot), mellee damage is a joke and HC PE-lv weapons' damage also are a joke.

You used to be able to run a judge, libby, pain easer, termi, TPC or POT PE setup without any MC5s and still be competitive 1v1, especially in duels.

Those days are gone. Nowadays if you dont have WOC, xbow/ionics and fucking at least 1MC5 and rarepart chip your PE wont do damage due to subskill being so low.

180ish subskill doesnt cut it anymore, you need 220/230 main fight subskill or aiming wont fucking cap.

Dont blame the players, blame the godamn game balance.

Nuff said.

03-05-14, 02:48
This doesn't make sense. Noone cares what you play, noone can make you play something else, so why would anyone try?

It's much more likely that you asked on help how to lvl (fast) and some dudes gave you honest answers, which can never be to make a non droner PE due to the objective inefficiency.

I did not ask for help. Because I am almost prepared for do solo anything. We just met in some place. When xpert asked why I play PE and later he said one of states above.

I respect your decision to play pistol PE, but dont give people shit for telling you that it's not a smart way to reach end-game. And don't ever try to tell a noob who wants to know the currently easy/fast ways of leveling/farming to make a pistol PE.
Or I will kill your PE.

First thing that you may know is most players just play in the game. I am actually dont warry about balance. But xpertz said crap above.

Next. What is end-game content? mc5 parts farming? I think it is quests like genotoxic suit. But you said so incorrect when for you end-game is firemobs (only solo-tank can stays against them) or what? What is end-game?

(I've met enough guys who tried and who gave up on leveling their PE)

Fine. And they may gave up with any class. Thats why. I am almost took WoC 2. Impossble, you say? Yes. With pistols. With TL 65 Mini Rocket Launcher. Perfect gun.

And you still doing crap above. Trying to say do NOT play as PE. Thank you.


What used to be a versatile (PVP wise) class is now stuck to only 2 choices : pistols and rifles.

Who told you this ...? Ok, melee is crap, yep. But even tank with melee is very poor.

Reasons for that is that pvp drones kinda suck (unless moneyshot), mellee damage is a joke and HC PE-lv weapons' damage also are a joke.

Do you want to tell that HC/PE is nothing? Did you see PA for 90 str on PE? HC/PE can handle with Winding argument, laser storm cannons, JDL. Yes, PE cant use ultimate CS or Creed. And what? Can I have fun or not? I think I can. And this is my desicion. HC/PE is unusual just because there are no genotoxic PA for them. Dev team have opinion that this is too overpowered or something else.

You used to be able to run a judge, libby, pain easer, termi, TPC or POT PE setup without any MC5s and still be competitive 1v1, especially in duels.

Of course. It is depends on skills of man.

Those days are gone. Nowadays if you dont have WOC, xbow/ionics and fucking at least 1MC5 and rarepart chip your PE wont do damage due to subskill being so low.

And again you talking about PvP and ignore PvE Who told you that I want only PvP? Who told you that PvP is only duels? Do you want to tell that PE with PPUs is just gunmeat? Or what?

180ish subskill doesnt cut it anymore, you need 220/230 main fight subskill or aiming wont fucking cap.

Just with CCP and SWAT and drugs any PE can have 220 main skill. And he have it even if he will use DiP and SFC.

Dont blame the players, blame the godamn game balance.

I see that balance is not perfect, but acceptable to have fun. And I dont tell even about macros, cheats which xpertz uses.

This is not Quake III tournament where prize $300k. You are looking for xpertz, like you. Everywhere. In everybody. And first that you say: do not be a PE. Thank you.


In continue of last words. The population so small and people like you still do not give a chance for newbies with your xpertz vision. You see apu and you said to him: apu is useless, you need to LOM into PPU so fast as possible. Great! You know how hard to handle PPU. You know that not everyone like PPU's job. And still people like you says this crap again and again.

This is why there are no so many huge clans. In prime time there are a lot of people. But they fear that bad words. I have meet with many people and I avoid those who says how cool they are as xpertz. This is why so many active clans with 2-3, max 5 people. And this is why we dont have any OP wars.

Give us a chance play as we want. And may be there will be more OP wars and clans. Yes, there will be best, good and bad clans. But they have chance to grow their skills. And sometime you will have fun fight againts them.

Or stop cry everyday how bad population is. Or how bad pvp is. Or how bad balance team works. They are working for all. For you. For me. And for everybody. Because now its a tank'o'tron.

03-05-14, 05:00
I respect your decision to play pistol PE, but dont give people shit for telling you that it's not a smart way to reach end-game.


How to cap INT,DEX/STR on PE?

Take repair nanites. Take rev/jones car. Take unLEd friend who will destroy car/bike. All procedure will take 6-8 hours.

How to get cap CON?

Ask xpertz in channels. Find answer via DM. No one tells you how this done by xpertz on public channels.

How to get cap PSI?

Take capped PPU and head to Chaos Caves. 1.5 mios (this is more then needs to cap) xp you will got in 2-4 hours.

And so, PE may be capped less then in 24 hours. How much time tank needs to cap everything?

And don't ever try to tell a noob who wants to know the currently easy/fast ways of leveling/farming to make a pistol PE.

Fast way for leveling is using macros, cheats. You are xpert, are not?
Fast way for farming rares is buying them. And then sells crafted 5 slotted weapons. Or farm as droner mc5 parts then create chips and sell them for amazing prices.

How to create always 5 slotters?

Salvage poor gun and you will got more then half of parts. Then re-create gun. Sells 5 slotted gun for millions. There are a lot of tanks with pockets full of money.

Yes. This is that every noob may want to know. I am sure some xpertz does not know some things.

Are you glad to hear that?

Or I will kill your PE.

I am not a schoolboy. I dont afraid to lost anything. I am always prepared to die everywhere.


Crap. Continue.

Is capped PE prepared for real, xpertz pure ultra PvP?

No. You need to get WoC. Head in regant boss room and did 63 solo clean up there.

You have WoC, is PE prepared?

No. You need to buy 2-3 xbow. You need 5 5-slotted ionic shotgun pistols.

You have WoC, you have 2 xbow, 5 5-slotted ionic shotgun pistols. Is PE prepared?

No. Use macro for 5 ionic shotgun pistols so they will shoot automatic without reload for you. You will win always any tank with CS, Creed, does not matter.

Now you are prepared to PvP.

This shit says xpertz me. While I want just play in game. Thank you. Xpertz.

03-05-14, 11:05
I think walkman said something very important here: There are people going to Neocron to win fights, and there are people going there to play the game. No, thats not the same. Winning fights is just a tiny part of "things you can do in Neocron". And if all the other things are worthless to you, it's because you're thinking that way, not because of how the game is set up.

03-05-14, 14:00
I think walkman said something very important here: There are people going to Neocron to win fights, and there are people going there to play the game. No, thats not the same. Winning fights is just a tiny part of "things you can do in Neocron". And if all the other things are worthless to you, it's because you're thinking that way, not because of how the game is set up.

It is just a tiny ... but it is the part where the game starts to shine, where all your effort of leveling, crafting, training, teamplaying, skills etc comes togather...

However i think that the game mechanics work against an PE right now. Since there is no cap to any weapon or skill the PE suffers most from it. Tanks and Spys took off in damage because they can wear the right gear and specialize into the right stats. The 2nd drawback from removing the caps right now is that you have to boost your mainstats with drugs to be competitive. Drugs gives you far to much advantages. And once you allow high specilized classes and support them by removing any caps it will end up with inbalanced allrounders.

The current progress in balancing weapons is kinda good for high specialized classes but its hard to fill the gap.
In Neocron like in many other games there is a simple option, always adopte to the current playstyle, and lern to counter it.
Aka Monkcocron, Tank'o'cron, OP Libi,OP Devouer, Toxic Beam/Halo stacking, Paralyse Spam, Ionic Pistole (switch), Ak Spy, CERES etc.

If a class is able to solo endgame content like MC5 or Doy Tunnels, i would say it not working as intended. Aiming towards this is a bad idea, why would you play an online game if you going to be solo all the time ?

03-05-14, 14:19
It is just a tiny ... but it is the part where the game starts to shine, [..]

No. :|

03-05-14, 14:23
* for some of us


03-05-14, 14:46
In the end. As I see no one of such xpertz knows that PE can do absolutely everything what spy can do. 115 Dex on PE is impossible? No. This task relatively hard, but possible. You should use simple WoC +1 PA. Thats all. Even more with gold PA PE will have 116 dex. PE can fire top level Parcticle Nemesises. PE can use all pistols and all riffles, but of course for limited time. Xpertz forgot that can do riffle PE: be almost pure sniper with SH, you will think that this is stupid riffle/spy and later met you with IAR-47/CAR-47 in hands. I am sure xpert will be surpised.

Xpertz knows only regant boss room. Haha. There are a lot of places much better for leveling, because in such places you will not see any runner. No one comes here. You said you tired of PvE. But even so you still do not know all aspects. I have a lot of questions about PvE and there are no answers on th.org even.

Xpertz knows how to cheat, use bugs. They are tired of play into NC. They are looking for fights where wins best cheater, but best PvP player, IMO.

Actually, NC is not best game for PvP. Just because of technical issues, mostly packets delays (pings). And people came to play in good mmo-RPG with PvP elements. And many of us knows: winner is who have minimal delay, have teammates with minimum delays. And if I want pure and best FPS I may run Counter Strike, Quake, etc and play via LAN. And you still believe that every newbie comes to NC only for fights? You are kidding.

Yes, NC has good, but not perfect network code. And there are still a lot of issues which can not be fixed once via magic words. Most issues never be fixed until game will came pure LAN-only. And truly I have not pleasure in PvP fights while I or my apponent have big delays. NC server re-calcutes everything and such calculations mostly are wrong, because I see and react not when I could do this, but when server "says". In most cases PC models just flies around you and even if you act correctly server may have different decision, after re-calculations.

And if you wish to say that CS is not best for PvP then you should try to play on CS server with 120ms+ delays. Most players with lower delays will ignore to play with you. And if you dont understand why, this shows only that you never play in pure FPS. 10ms and 150ms its a huge difference. And if you cant imagine what is problem, well... continue believe in pink elephants or how better to say? :)

And Torg was right. We are different. Its pretty easy to find xpertz which you want to find. They are not asking noob questions. They are not asking for PvE. They are doing that you want. First it is PvP duels. They call you for fight, and not vice versa.

03-05-14, 15:53
It is just a tiny ... but it is the part where the game starts to shine, where all your effort of leveling, crafting, training, teamplaying, skills etc comes togather...

You know why WoW was (and still?) so popular? I never see better PvE then WoW gives to players. Show me any NC quest where you need at least 20 players of all classes? Show me! You may say that is OP fight. No. Because in WoW you need team of 20-25 players who works all together and dont fight with each other. And NC OP fight its miminum 4 guys (2 vs 2, multi-accs).

Show me quest where you need first to think and then, after huge amount of mistakes, everybody must act correctly. Show me!

(Yes, WoW xpertz may complete everything in team of 10 people, but this is after all will have best weapons/armors. And still they are must act as xpertz, no mistakes, every action by clock)

Actually, I had played in WoW less 2 months. On new server. There were no market yet. We did all from zero. And its was very-very impressive. And we had own "Leeroy" guys, we had to make a lot of mistakes first times. And as in NC, WoW gives ultimate PvP only with top-level things, but even if all people on server have not such things, then mostly WoW's PvP is perfect.

I wish no discuss how WoW nerfing all classes every time. We are discussing PvE, PvP and when people works together in NC.

If a class is able to solo endgame content like MC5 or Doy Tunnels, i would say it not working as intended. Aiming towards this is a bad idea, why would you play an online game if you going to be solo all the time ?

Great! How many people willing to go for farm parts in MC5 or DoY Tunnels instead of saying "be a droner and all will be ok"? Or be a tank. Tank can solo mc5. I am sure you must be pretty skilled player and I am sure while you are farming in mc5 you will never see such tank like you. In most cases you meet LE droner with PNs.

How many people on "noob" question about mc5 or doy tunnels says: you need a TEAM. Everybody says only "be a droner" or "be a tank". And if noob has choosed PE or APU and leveled it, how he must act on such reply? Sure, Esc -> Create Spy/Droner -> Lost one-two week on leveling -> Esc -> Create Spy/Engeneer -> Lost 2-3 days on leveling -> Esc -> Create Spy/Sciencist -> Lost 2-3 days on leveling -> Esc, open droner -> Go to farm in mc5. Fine! Brilliant!

One, yeah, only one quest in NC is pretty near WoWs quests/farming. It is genotoxic suit. But best team which I have were of 3 people. We asked on channels. But... And we did it as many xpertz did. Died few times. In correct time. In correct places. I cant call it even a bug. This is surprise which dev team did, because population so low... So, if there are not such suprises most people never did quest as intended. Actually, I did this quest solo on Terra as APU, and we saw such solo-APU on Titan once. And my PE took agro in pool. And my PE sometimes survived while running from pool, solo and not solo. And I read how tank (looks like a old xpert) asked why his tank can't run out of pool without "old bug". Was funny to read this. Tank cant did that PE did.

So, if I have not time for OP fights or I want huge PvE what can NC offer for me? To work together?

04-05-14, 07:44
the game has changed... over the years.
I´m sorry for you...
You missed the peak times of NC.
There was always a group farming MC5 or DoY Tunnels.

04-05-14, 22:09
Walkman, dont try to teach us anything about this game.. You cant..
We know every single thing you say.

The things you say: They are POSSIBLE yes.. They sure as hell isnt viable though.
And the reason why most people are talking about PvP and not PvE? Most of us, who have been here for 7-8+ years dont CARE about PvE. We want to be VIABLE in PvP, thats it.

Uh and we dont really care about what YOU do.. The people that told you to make a tank instead? They were just trying to help you. Stop being ungrateful that people wants to HELP.

04-05-14, 22:19
wow, this dude is goin off!!!

04-05-14, 23:20
wow, this dude is goin off!!!dont we all, once in a while?

04-05-14, 23:31
dont we all, once in a while?

He went full potato, man. Never go full potato.

05-05-14, 08:11
Walkman, dont try to teach us anything about this game.. You cant..
We know every single thing you say.

I dont teach you. Who cares? You are xpertz, I know.

Most of us, who have been here for 7-8+ years dont CARE about PvE. We want to be VIABLE in PvP, thats it.

Who cares? Why you try help me to leave game in firsts days of playing?!

The people that told you to make a tank instead? They were just trying to help you. Stop being ungrateful that people wants to HELP.

Yes, they said exactly: be tank or be ppu. I think you will be glad if I just quit game. You poison your population. Well, I see that you want to play with 10 your friends. OK. I will help exactly as you said.

Dont want to discuss your xpertz vision anymore.


Why I dont want to play as tank or as ppu?

Tank is dumb. They have 25 INT and can do nothing except fighting.

PPU is not my style. I can, but I prefer play as APU. I already played as APU, but time is changed.

Now. I like pistols. Just like them. And all. I like how they looks, how shoots and so on.

I dont want to play as tank or ppu.

I choosed PE because wiki on th.org says that is best solo class. I like play solo and I prefer play in teams when needed. PE with pistols its like rogue class in other games. He is not paladin. He is not healer. He is not ranger with bow. Actually in NC he can handle with crossbow, so, its like gnome/dwarf with crossbow. I like this play style. I like play this role. ROLE.

I am sure you cant understand that I said above. I cant understand why you dont want fights with 2 PE vs 1 tank. Or 3 PE vs 1 tank. Because your skill will grow up. While PEs will have pleasure to play. Yes, yes, yes. Its not professional. Then why you cry that no PvP? Why you cry that no OP?

Where is your pro-friends?? Why you dont leave as did they? Leave game and stop ruin game population.


You think I am too smart or vice versa. I know people who prefer play only as APU or PPU. I know people who prefer only spies with riffles. And I am who prefer only PE with pistols. And there are many like us.

That's all.

05-05-14, 20:59
This is one of te worst threads I have ever seen on those forums.

As much as Id like to have nore players, I suggest you leave this game. It will not provide wht you want.

If you want to play an rpg, go play wow or some shit with the people of your kind, aka carebears.

05-05-14, 21:43
How about stfu play what you like? Stop crying like a baby, Must be that time of the month from the way this thread is going.

PS; alot of info on thn is outdated by quite abit..

05-05-14, 22:26
If you want to play an rpg, go play wow or some shit with the people of your kind, aka carebears.
if you want to play an online-shooter, go play a deathmatch on a real one. or pretend to play a shooter while running in circles inside an MMORPG, thus being a carebear. on second thought - we dont need to fight over mere opinions, do we? keep shooting, everyone. Neocron has been big enough for all social groups of players for 12 years or more, and will be in the foreseeable future.

08-05-14, 23:03
i wasnt aware a tank could solo doy tunnels or woc tunnels


09-05-14, 09:46

How to get cap CON?

Ask xpertz in channels. Find answer via DM. No one tells you how this done by xpertz on public channels.



How to create always 5 slotters?

Salvage poor gun and you will got more then half of parts. Then re-create gun. Sells 5 slotted gun for millions.

show me how

09-05-14, 14:33
Salvage poor gun and you will got more then half of parts. Then re-create gun. Sells 5 slotted gun for millions.

show me how

I'm too cheap to try salvaging on titan, yet i tried it with rare weapons on vedeena - got a message that there are no parts to recover.

Back to topic.
I don't see this thread going anywhere near an productive end. If you want to play pistol PE, do it. I play lots of different characters, always have been. Most of the days i want to play my tank, collect some parts, the next second i want to play my PE so i log that character for a while. When i don't want to play that character anymore i log one of my other characters that appeals most to me at that certain time.

In life there is no "you must do" - there's only free will and your own decisions that either make you happy or sad. Saying i want to play my droner for a while but i "have to collect rare parts first" - i won't be doing that for long and also i won't be very happy.

Same as if i want to eat a steak but i "have to eat some corn today" because .. whatever.. i will not be satisfied.

09-05-14, 14:42

09-05-14, 18:45
got a message that there are no parts to recover.

i know that, but walkman is a experttttzzz. may he has a trick

09-05-14, 20:29

24-05-14, 01:41

24-05-14, 03:05

Dru Blood
26-05-14, 16:52

26-05-14, 23:16
This thread has ran it's course.
