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04-02-14, 18:15

Color tags are working again, ladies and getlemen. Fix up your signatures. :)

This has been an announcement of the MINISTRY FOR A COLORFUL INTERNET & MEME-CONTROL

04-02-14, 23:13
wow now FN can write with blue letters again :D

Dribble Joy
04-02-14, 23:24
wow now FN can write with blue letters again :D

Damnit! Beat me to it!

05-02-14, 00:03
Not quite the frontend update I expected, but anything is better than nothing I suppose ;)

05-02-14, 01:35
This seems like a great place to high-jack. On the theme of "In other news..."

Zoltan dropped in on a thread earlier today to welcome someone back to the community over in the German forum. So I guess it's only fair i high-jack a thread in similar fashion. ;)

Consider this a bit of a sneaky peak at a dev update for the future.

The next patch should solve the Bad World Data issue we've been experiencing since we threw new, significantly faster hardware at Neocron.
We've been doing a huge amount of work on improving our tool set and rebuilding legacy tools (you might have noticed computers have come a long way in the last decade and a half) to ease and improve our content/asset pipeline.
Work is being done to improve the engine so we can more readily start using higher resolution world textures and other fun things.
...and finally... our art team have been very busy. ;)

Expect further details on all this and more, in our next Development Update.

With that said, here's a cheeky preview of the higher resolution hologram graphics our art team have been working on.



john irons
05-02-14, 03:35
What was it exatly that was causing the bad world data problem?
and why was it always at MB?

05-02-14, 12:26
This seems like a great place to high-jack. On the theme of "In other news..."

Zoltan dropped in on a thread earlier today to welcome someone back to the community over in the German forum. So I guess it's only fair i high-jack a thread in similar fashion. ;)

Consider this a bit of a sneaky peak at a dev update for the future.

The next patch should solve the Bad World Data issue we've been experiencing since we threw new, significantly faster hardware at Neocron.
We've been doing a huge amount of work on improving our tool set and rebuilding legacy tools (you might have noticed computers have come a long way in the last decade and a half) to ease and improve our content/asset pipeline.
Work is being done to improve the engine so we can more readily start using higher resolution world textures and other fun things.
...and finally... our art team have been very busy. ;)

Expect further details on all this and more, in our next Development Update.

With that said, here's a cheeky preview of the higher resolution hologram graphics our art team have been working on.



You have an art team?

05-02-14, 12:44
You have an art team?
It's certainly not a secret (http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?154895-Development-Update-%96-December-2013) that we've had artists on board for a while.

05-02-14, 16:47
It's certainly not a secret (http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?154895-Development-Update-%96-December-2013) that we've had artists on board for a while.

Sooooo new character models when?:D

05-02-14, 21:13
Sooooo new character models when?:D

Pretty god damn please.

PS, I am now challenging FN. My new colour is 'horrid yellow'.

05-02-14, 23:18
Tried throwing colour into my life, and she gave me:

The following errors occurred with your submission

BB code color is not allowed.

06-02-14, 02:03
Not sure where the problem lies with that...

Doc Holliday
06-02-14, 04:34
Pretty god damn please.

PS, I am now challenging FN. My new colour is 'horrid yellow'.

Looks like you wrote that post out then wee'd on it and then hit submit reply. Dont be a stranger btw :)

William Antrim
06-02-14, 10:17
That artwork gave me a chubby. Been waiting to see what those guys produced for a while! Thumbs up NST!

Cursed Shadow
06-02-14, 11:25
That artwork gave me a chubby. Been waiting to see what those guys produced for a while! Thumbs up NST!

This is a drop in the ocean of what they're working on.

06-02-14, 11:56
To skirt back to the original topic. The color tag has not been re-enabled to be used in full posts. It's for logical emphasis and use in signatures only, it's only back as we had a few requests for its return. When using it you should be mindful of all forum themes (light and dark) for visibility.

Posts using all colour in this thread will remain up to this point. Should any posts outside of this thread abuse the tag in such a manner, they will be removed.

The phrase this is why we can't have nice things comes to mind.

06-02-14, 14:54
To skirt back to the original topic. The color tag has not been re-enabled to be used in full posts. It's for logical emphasis and use in signatures only, it's only back as we had a few requests for its return. When using it you should be mindful of all forum themes (light and dark) for visibility.

Posts using all colour in this thread will remain up to this point. Should any posts outside of this thread abuse the tag in such a manner, they will be removed.

The phrase this is why we can't have nice things comes to mind.

Trivaldi. You really have hurt my feelings. This will be my last post containing 'horrid yellow'. :(

06-02-14, 20:20
The phrase this is why we can't have nice things comes to mind.

Could be applied to almost everything relating to NC :D

06-02-14, 21:19
Tbh, i don't really find full posts in one color as so annoying, it sometimes actually helps to identify posters on their "signature" color sooner. As long as nobody uses Rainbowtext notoriously... but oh, well.

Whatever the Mods say...

This is why we can't have nice things...

06-02-14, 21:31
It's a power thing.
