View Full Version : are Neocron players being observed, too?

09-12-13, 19:05
Since we know that (http://www.engadget.com/2013/12/09/nsa-reportedly-infiltrated-xbox-live/) Xbox Live, World Of Warcraft and even Second Life were intensely scrutinized by terrorist-hunting NSA-agents, i wonder if we Neocronians are victims of privacy-invading special cyber-agents as well? any news on that? who is listening in on my NSFW-BDSM-RP in the dim cellars of this post-apocalyptic world, while getting paid for? and if so, is the City Administration involved?

09-12-13, 19:48
Even IF, i guess the NSA will hardly share gathered data with the GMs to help them clean up with notorious cheaters and buttplugs...

09-12-13, 20:17
Dear rebells of the Twillight Guardian you don't have to regret anything!

I can't speak about what happened outside of our servers but WE don't share anything to NSA, BND and all the other "democratic" institutions fighting for the rights of free ppl around the globe :rolleyes:

09-12-13, 20:22
I can't speak about what happened outside of our servers but WE don't share anything to NSA, BND and all the other "democratic" institutions fighting for the rights of free ppl around the globe :rolleyes:

At least not knowingly or willingly... ^^

09-12-13, 21:56
Dear rebells of the Twillight Guardian you don't have to regret anything!

I can't speak about what happened outside of our servers but WE don't share anything to NSA, BND and all the other "democratic" institutions fighting for the rights of free ppl around the globe :rolleyes:

He was told to say this if this topic comes up. ;)

09-12-13, 22:15
Someone ask Edward Snowden

09-12-13, 22:20
Maybe we should say that we are - recall the old adage about their being no such thing as bad publicity? ;). We should also say Elvis is alive and we'll and living in Pepper Park. Huh huh huh.

Full disclosure for the hard of thinking; the above paragraph is a joke. :p

10-12-13, 00:43
Just remember everyone, NCPD has an eye on you. ;)

10-12-13, 00:58
So, what we're having here is a Stormbot (!), telling us they'd never work with democratic institutions, another Stormbot (!!) adding that Elvis would be alive and dwelling in filthy Pepper Park and a 3rd (!) Stormbot (!!!) assuring us NCPD always have an eye on us. Which, summed up, is exactly what i expected from the Voice of the Compliance, or members of the administration.

Brave people of neocron! The fight for freedom is more urgent than ever! We now have proof were being watched wherever we go, and getting answers ripe with disinformation and ruse. Oppression is just around the corner, so support the freedom forces whereever you meet them. There is hope, good people of Neocron!

10-12-13, 01:21

10-12-13, 01:48
They probably read Hell Demons stories from way back and decided to never return ;)

10-12-13, 13:58
They probably read Hell Demons stories from way back and decided to never return ;)

10-12-13, 14:01
NSA has access to my mail account i use since im 13 years old.

neocron is the least of my problems ^^

10-12-13, 21:49
in related news: the NSA has been caught disturbing hardware randomizing (http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/12/we-cannot-trust-intel-and-vias-chip-based-crypto-freebsd-developers-say/) functions. will they compensate me for two plaza L3 appartments filled with holy true sight sanctum additional tech parts, instead of... more useful stuff?

10-12-13, 22:51
They probably read Hell Demons stories from way back and decided to never return ;)

Well some good came out of them then. Scared off the NSA.

I'm a fucking hero. Gimme monies.


11-12-13, 06:05
I'm a fucking hero. Gimme monies.

William Antrim
13-12-13, 00:50
Just so you know we are all being watched almost all of the time whilst on the internet. Look up BBC reports on the Prism system or any of the science and techno-geek websites. Whilst most of us in an average day or week do absolutely nothing to warrant this attention there are people who do bad things to good people who are being watched. All the time. Paranoia is good for business, fear keeps people in line and helps get difficult bills through parliament and congress.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist.

The intelligence agencies of the world just followed suit. :)

William Antrim
13-12-13, 00:51
Cant edit first post. gah. First line should say potentially being watched, we arent obviously all being watched due to the amount of resources that would take.