View Full Version : [00894][R#185] Bugged OP Bonus after Rezz

Jack Slater
19-10-13, 22:21
I recognized a wierd OP Bonus behavior while huntig at a mine.

When everything is fine my Spy has got 36 REC at the mine. Thats Glove + OP Bonus. (No points spent in REC) After dying and being rezzed the OP Bonus seems to disappear (13 REC). So I tried synching and I end up with 0 REC in a sector without bonus. Only solution is a complete logout.
I'm aware that there is a known bug with fortresses forcing you to completly relog but I couldn't find a report about it.

20-10-13, 17:03

This is about the fortress. So I think all OPs have that bug (lab for res, fac for const and uplink for hack)