View Full Version : squat of the forum ...

14-10-13, 08:56
for some days now i have trouble to get in the forum , very long loading time .

I see a lot of account logged with spécial name like ghtfp5982 and i see some logged in "team" in a few minutes .

maybe it's one more time to take care of this squatting account ? ...

14-10-13, 09:38
Some bot crawling through the forum maybe....

14-10-13, 10:33
We get hundreds of spam accounts and threads/posts created that are automatically picked up and added to the moderation queue so you don't see them. It's then our job to kill the posts and their creators. They don't generally affect the performance of the forum though so it could have been a server hiccup or another childish DDOS from some previously banned shitbird.

15-10-13, 19:06
or another childish DDOS from some previously banned shitbird.
You're being too nice towards him/them.. :p

Anyways, I too have experienced some rather long loading times, on the forum, the last couple of days.

15-10-13, 20:19
There was a web presence outage yesterday as well. Server remained online, but all connections (at least from the players I have communicated with) were terminated. Game/forum/web/irc all gone at once/all returned at once.

15-10-13, 23:17
There was some behind the scenes action required over the weekend which effected our web presence, the work was causing some issues with serving data smoothly. All of that should be taken care as of yesterday, so if you notice anything like that again please shout up.

15-10-13, 23:37
so if you notice anything like that again please shout up.

What are our options for reaching out if we don't have a twitter account and the forum is down? Is there any chance of breaking the webserver on to a box by itself so that the outages don't hit every aspect of nc? PM in your inbox btw.

15-10-13, 23:44
What are our options for reaching out if we don't have a twitter account and the forum is down? Is there any chance of breaking the webserver on to a box by itself so that the outages don't hit every aspect of nc? PM in your inbox btw.
If it's down we'll know about it, poor response times would be the thing to report via email/pm/here/irc/etc in case there is something we miss.

15-10-13, 23:47
roger that