View Full Version : Mechanic RPOS

22-07-13, 00:37
A quick and dirty created rpos. Dusty for many years, so time to release.

http://picload.org/thumbnail/orcggrg/shot0030.jpg (http://picload.org/image/orcggrg/shot0030.jpg)

Download mega.co.nz (https://mega.co.nz/#!hAUlDaRS!NLuA0jvWx0LKlSSflyBITyJlnr8Hv8GGnELFdrXdK5c)

22-07-13, 16:31
Thread renamed at OP request.

22-07-13, 21:16
Really nice! Headlines need a bit more tweaking with the fonts i think but overall well done. I like that its still somewhat incorporates the old style.

23-07-13, 00:18
Looks neat !

23-07-13, 09:35
more than awesome!

23-07-13, 19:42
that looks really good.

23-07-13, 22:13
looks amazing, only prob, is it isn't black in game for me, is there a command i need to type to reset to default so it shows as black?

I was told for the black color u need to change the rposcolor.ini file for the black color
Can you plus upload your file so I can change the color to black also? Thank you if possible

24-07-13, 16:25
Add this to ur rposcolor.ini.
And use the hudcolor command (/set gfx_hudcolor 13).

Default=128 128 128 221
DefaultText=192 192 192 217
DefaultButton=128 128 128 255

DarkText=17 214 255 150
DefaultTextEffect=128 128 128 215

SysMessages=255 100 100 120
GameMessages=0 179 238 120

//Chat channel Colors
LocalChat=255 255 255 200
GlobalChat=170 230 255 200
TeamChat=0 158 226 200
ClanChat=125 230 130 200
DirectChat=255 161 5 200
ZoneChat=211 211 211 200
CustomChat=95 215 215 200

//Local List Colors
Player=0 250 224 200
PlayerNoPK=239 244 249 200

//Character System Colors (implant bonusses etc. )
CharSysWarning=180 180 50 150
CharSysBonus=0 255 0 150
CharSysCritical=200 115 110 150

ContextActive=210 251 67 150
ContextNoActive=255 5 193 150
ContextDisabled=180 115 75 150

HighlightText=0 0 0 150
HighlightBackground=128 128 128 150

Item=255 255 255 150
ItemDisabled=125 125 125 150
ItemNotUsable=120 10 0 150

Damage=255 75 75 255
Heal=150 250 40 120

//SoulLight Indicator Colors
GoodSoullight=0 255 0 150
NeutralSoullight=192 192 192 150
BadSoullight=255 0 0 150

//Healthbars Colors
GoodHealth=192 192 192 150
MediumHealth=254 186 30 150
BadHealth=255 36 5 150

//Faction Window: Faction Sympathy Colors
FWGoodSympathy=0 255 64 150
FWNeutralSympathy=128 128 128 150
FWBadSympathy=255 0 0 150

//BoundingBox Colors
BBGoodSL=0 255 64 200
BBNeutralSL=192 192 192 200
BBBadSL=255 0 0 200

BBGoodFS=0 255 64 200
BBNeutralFS=128 128 128 200
BBBadFS=128 0 0 200

BBCombatLevelVeryLow=92 92 92 200
BBCombatLevelEqual=192 192 192 200
BBCombatLevelHigher=200 200 100 200
BBCombatLevelVeryHigh=255 0 0 200

//Worldmap Faction Colors
CityAdmin=80 200 0 100
DiamondRealEstate=0 0 255 100
Next=100 0 0 150
TangentTechnologies=255 0 0 100
BioTech=100 255 100 100
ProtoPharma=0 255 255 100
CityMercs=0 100 0 150
TsunamiSyndicate=255 0 255 100
BlackDragon=50 50 50 200
CrahnSect=100 0 100 150
FallenAngels=0 100 100 150
TwilightGuardian=255 150 20 100

//Worldmap City Colors
Neocron=80 200 0 100
DoY=255 190 40 100

//Crosshair Colors
Crosshair=128 128 128 221
AimingArrow=128 128 128 221
DroneBase=128 128 128 255
FullEnergy=128 255 0 255
MediumEnergy=192 192 192 255
LowEnergy=255 0 0 255
DroneCrosshairCore=128 255 190 50
DroneCrosshair=128 255 190 255
DroneHudChatBG=128 255 190 50

30-07-13, 05:53
thanks lighthouse, you came through to better my game once again ^^