View Full Version : Lower Judge/ROG TL to 95 please.

William Antrim
12-06-13, 19:22
I would like to see (with the new balancing stuff going on) to see the Judge and Ray of God (PE weapons) lowered to TL 95 please.

These are PE end game weapons (not woc) and only really used by spies for levelling. However lowering the dex requirement to this would mean that the PE's could afford to shave off a little less dex in order to use their weapons - this would allow for more brain slots for other chips.

It is a tiny change and one which I think would open up the PEs to use PPR and the other useful chips (moveon if you guys manage to fix it) in the future.

12-06-13, 20:03
Most PEs I know tend to use a double resist setup anyway, this seems more like it would help them use the guns without needing to use any drugs.

However I do agree as I would like to see the pistols and rifles more split into being used mainly by spys or pes, the spys obviously using the higher tl guns and the pes getting the lower ones. I use to love my pe and even had a setup that needed no drugs, then the decimalisation came in and WHAM I couldn't use anything without 4 drugs anymore which just turned me off playing him.

Dribble Joy
13-06-13, 00:28
It all depends on the bonuses available. If +25 is easy to attain, then a judge is well within the PE's range. It simply depends on how much a char (PE or Spy) can increase their dex.