View Full Version : [cbt] [Announcement] - LG - calls a meeting
Kane Gregory
24-05-13, 10:59
[Personal ESYS-Client (v. ESYS-QN 1.03)]
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-:FF:-, The Regulators, VIRUS, =SXR=, fury, IMMUNE, FUSION], 17th Squad
Important Meeting
>Message Text:
Gidday friends, confidantes and enemies of the TG,
I would like to call a meeting and discuss some important
things. In cooperation with FUSION we will invite you to take a part
in our current plans. The full details will follow in the meeting.
It would be nice if your leaders appears or at least a representative of your clan.
Additional members of your clans will be welcome too.
Meeting spot:
Medicare Plaza-1 (the exact meeting spot will communicated via direct)
05.04.2756 - 9:17am (26.05.2013 - 7:00pm UTC)
>Message send successfully
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Phoenix Ltd - Section 2
Intercepted LG communications
>Message Text:
The codestreamers have intercepted a public message of interest. LG have called a meeting, find out what they are upto, or try and get me an invite.
OOC: I guess Fallen Angels are not invited. ;)
William Antrim
24-05-13, 11:48
What is UTC? My RPOS is only configured for GMT.
UTC is equal to GMT in regard to the time itself.
GMT = Astronomical time unit;
UTC = A general world time but not astronomical;
For Germany, UTC is + 2 (so the 7pm UTC mentioned is 9pm CEST).
For UK, UTC + 1 (so the 7pm UTC mentioned is 8pm BST).
Kane Gregory
24-05-13, 11:54
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>System ready
William Antrim
>Message Text:
gmt time is 9pm (gmt +2)
William Antrim
24-05-13, 16:13
8pm thank you. I will be there.
24-05-13, 16:22
I'm not gonna be there - any chance we can postpone?
Manuel Moonez
24-05-13, 17:31
You can count on us to be there.
Phil Moonez,
17th Squad, Commander
William Antrim
24-05-13, 20:27
What is on the agenda anyhow?
Kane Gregory
24-05-13, 21:15
I'm not gonna be there - any chance we can postpone?
I have chosen sunday because it's the most populated day in the week (thanks It would be nice if you could find someone in your clan who is able to get online. It's difficult to change the time. If all agree I would change it to 05:00pm UTC but earlier is not possible or you need it later? (not much scope in this direction).
What is on the agenda anyhow?
I can't disclose this secret now and at this place. Details in the meeting...
so what would that be for usa west coast time wise i will do what i can to try make the meeting
Doc Holliday
25-05-13, 09:44
[Personal ESYS-Client (v. ESYS-QN 1.03)]
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Dear Kayne,
Due to current hostile relations between several of the clans mentioned and ourselves we fear our attendance may have to be severely limited at this time. We will attempt to have an envoy present at the meeting but cannot guarantee it due to the above circumstances.
We would prefer the place and time to be made known to us if possible or at least be assured that there will be no hostilities if this is conducted in a place where weapons may be drawn.
Many Thanks.
Doc Holliday
First Nine, The Regulators
Kane Gregory
25-05-13, 16:38
>Connecting to Neocron City Network
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>Checking for mail...
>System ready
>New Message...
Dear Doc Holliday,
I asked around a few days and all clans assured me to have no problems with other allied clans (except STD ;P). As I know the war between FUSION and your clan is cancelled. (or I'm not up2date?)
The meeting will take place in an appartement and I think anybody will think twice whether they will attack each other under observation of the NCPD. I will try to get some security guards there.
(I set the time to 07:00pm UTC as said in the first mail. I think it's the best time and day for the meeting. Earlier isn't good for the west coast of USA and later bad for the EU because people have to work on monday.)
The meeting span is around an half hour more or less depends on how much the people discuss our suggestions and questions.
Greetz Kane Gregory
>Connecting to Neocron City Network
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>System ready
>New Message...
Dear kane
Clan Fury will do what we can to try and make this meeting if i am correct in saying it will be taking place at 11pm-midnight my time( west coast usa ) and saterday for me ? We would like to thank you for thinking of us and having us there in advance . We shall see you soon
Kane Gregory
25-05-13, 18:08
>Connecting to Neocron City Network
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>E-Mail System loaded...
>Checking for mail...
>System ready
>New Message...
Dear kane
Clan Fury will do what we can to try and make this meeting if i am correct in saying it will be taking place at 11pm-midnight my time( west coast usa ) and saterday for me ? We would like to thank you for thinking of us and having us there in advance . We shall see you soon
>RE: loosewire
>Message Text:
As information for all invitees,
GER: 9:00pm
USK: 8:00pm
USA, NY: 15:00pm
USA, SF: 12:00pm
=> for all: SUNDAY
I hope to god it's right.
I shall try and make this meeting.
@ Nikkon, European time is ahead of United States time, currently I believe UTC time is 4 hours ahead of eastern standard time (my time) and 7 hours ahead of Pacific Standard time (west coast USA). So the meeting should be 12pm noon your time on Sunday. Unless I am much mistaken, which happens occasionally :p
Kane Gregory
25-05-13, 23:22
We books two to three seats per clan. It would be nice if this limit will not exceeded.
The leader and a representative or two representative should be enough.
Sorry that we have not much more space.
On request, the NCPD has deployed officers to the appartement who will enforce a strict "no weapons" rule for the duration of the meeting.
Manuel Moonez
26-05-13, 13:27
Some policing sounds good, trigger fingers seem to be pretty loose at the moment.
William Antrim
26-05-13, 21:52
4 hours of foreplay for 20 seconds of squirt.
Biggest pointless waste of time ever. Everyone attended for fuck all. Not worth writing about as nothing happened. LG said they wanted to raid the canyon. Everyone left from boredom.
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>System ready
Clan "Regulator" - here: betrayer
>Message Text:
The CA Clan "Regulator" published internal faction informations.
I guess you do remember the raid at Neocron where Mr. Red was killed.
Now it seems this Clan undercut CA.
Please take care of you and trust noone.
Crahn with you
Kane Gregory
27-05-13, 00:07
Thanks to all the people who visited the meeting.
As I expected there are a few people doesn't understand that this was a
rp related event and who are intolerant against the gameplay-style of others.
Thanks to the people who cooperate with us.
I think the event had take much less time without the disruptions by some people.
I think the thread can closed now.
I think the thread can closed now.
Your wish is my order.
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