View Full Version : [FIXED][00152][#R183] Twilight Guardian Recycling Missions

15-05-13, 22:37
a. I think you can get 3 or 4 different options for recruiting officers that will be he first part of the job. 1 (or 2) of those are supposedly in Neocron, Plaza 2. I've never looked for them, but nevertheless they shouldn't be there in the first place.

b. You can talk to the fsmbefore talking to the recruiting officers, which will remove the required item (5x solantium) from vour inventory and bug the mission. the mission window will be empty and you can't abandon the mission any more. you can still talk to the fsm and lose more chems though. relogging fixes will make the mission appear again in your window, but you still have to abandon it or it will be bugged again.

18-10-16, 03:23
We have fixed the bug reported as "a" above, the fix will make it's way to Titan with the next patch.