View Full Version : Neocron Crosshair's

Jack Silver
06-05-13, 15:26
Here is my Crosshairpack.


Enjoy - Shagon

06-05-13, 20:40
thx, but how do configure my rpos to use them?

06-05-13, 23:05
can you post a screenshot jack silver?

how i can install a crosshair i liked here?

Michael Corvin
06-05-13, 23:10
Go to your Neocron Folder --> gfx --> rpos (rpos, not the rposv3 Folder)
If the RPOS Folder doesn't exsist --> create it ^^

Take your Favorite Crosshair and Name it "crosshair.bmp"
Copy the crosshair.bmp to the "rpos" Folder
Done =)

07-05-13, 09:05
Go to your Neocron Folder --> gfx --> rpos (rpos, not the rposv3 Folder)
If the RPOS Folder doesn't exsist --> create it ^^

Take your Favorite Crosshair and Name it "crosshair.bmp"
Copy the crosshair.bmp to the "rpos" Folder
Done =)

thx for this info :)

now i anloy need bmp dateien and screenshots :D

Deus Ex Machina
07-05-13, 16:25
I tried my hand at a crosshair yesterday, as i wasn't quite satisfied with the existing ones.
I am not yet fully satisfied with the one I have done, but I guess for a while I won't be working further on it, so I thought I'd share it.
Its Triangle based.


EDIT: Somehow the Picture Displayed in the Preview but not in the post. Couldn't find another way to link it, as I cannot upload .bmp files.

03-03-16, 03:17
I'd like to get confirmation is we are allowed to modify the crosshair texture or not. Can we?