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View Full Version : Recap of todays (05.05.2013) event for those that missed it (screenshot heavy)

Deus Ex Machina
06-05-13, 02:16
Since I don't like to miss events, and especially what happened, and I wasn't too busy in the duration of todays event to take screenshosts, I thought I provide a bit of the story for all that want to reread it:

In the evening a message was broadcast, that power fluctuations are experienced throughout Neocron, and that Engineers have been dispatched to deal with the problem. There was some speculation between the runners where and what it was, and some helpful ones tried to locate the problem.

Shortly after that, the City Admin Broadcast a Message, that the Twilight Guardian had invaded the Industrial Area. Soon after that the First Runners arrived at the scene, and quickly the first casualties fell in battle.


Meanwhile malfunctioning in Plaza 1 Security Systems was detected and broadcast too.
The fight spread relativly fast via Industrial Area 1 to the Pepper Park.
(I also followed someone on the way, and it seems I oversaw some important information, as I didn't notice what I did there until I looked through my tapes)


Deus Ex Machina
06-05-13, 02:24

Several more Broadcasts were puplished, for example:


Despite heavy opposition of City Administration friendly Troops the Twilight Guardian quickly managed to push through Pepper Park 2 and 1 into the Plaza Sector:


The opposition in Plaza of course was heavier and fiercer, since the here stationed Copbots began to fight against the Guardian. It seemed though, that they were a bit confused by the situation, and decided to err on the side of security - so they shot at some of defending runners too.

Deus Ex Machina
06-05-13, 02:50
Meanwhile a John Davis began bringing order in the defense and marking important defense spots:

John Davis: Runners! We must fight back the TG scum! Get to Pepper Park! FOR PRESIDENT RED!

Also the leader of the Twilight Guardian Troops was sighted and mocked the defense of Neocron. When the Twilight Guardians managed to invade Plaza 1 the following snips of interesting information could be heard over the broadcast:

John Davis: Mendez! What the fuck are you up to!

Alex Mendez: Replacing you? This was prepared for a long time...

As mentioned before, the Plaza 1 security System was down at that time, and there was heavy fighting, and Elite Storm Bots were called in for Reinforcements.
It seems President Jack Red was on his visit to the City Admin Headquarters at that time, and he lost his nerves when the Twilight Guardians advanced on it:


John Davis and his Troops managed to reinstate the security System of Plaza 1 though, or so they thought, while the invasion pushed on the CA HQ. Jack Red decided to try to run for it, although John Davis advised him otherwise, since he was on his way to bring him out with a squad. It seems President Red was a bit late with the try to run for it:


John Davis was a bit too late, and it seems the Plaza 1 Security System was not fixed good enough.
Alex Mendez executed Jack Red on the spot, while John Davis was on route in Plaza 4.


In the aftermath Alex Mendez and other Guardians managed to flee, despite the squad of Elite Stormbots showing up with John Davis. It also seems that the Twilight Guardians managed to sabotage John Reds Genrep Data. And someone at NEXT screwed up and there was no backup. Which seemingly also surprised Alex Mendez.

John Davis had some final words to say:


No one knows how it will go on now.

06-05-13, 03:06
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them.

06-05-13, 03:43
I managed to get myself to p1 for that part of the event. It was interesting and there were tons of players there too.

Had about 3 disconnects while the event was going on which isn't bad considering. Though that combined with some severe performance drops really make me long to see this game on a much more capable engine.
Unfortunately I was unable to get any screen shots as that isn't working me, but i'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.
Keep up the good work.

Kane Gregory
06-05-13, 10:41
Yeah cool. But I didn't know where are all the non-le pro-ca people are. There are only a few people
of us and tons of le-characters. Maybe I overlooked them.


Sometimes I synced in the zone I get some strange model issues. Died one time because I stand in front of an enemy hums around and realised too late that something is shooting me ^^ (but I read about a fix for that on twitter)

All in all a cool event but as pro-ca I feels a little bit powerless against the hordes of enemies. Thanks the CA HQ that it is filled with guards who supports us.

PS: a little bit too much npcs my fps shrinks fast

06-05-13, 10:41
i have somewhat mixed feelings about the whole event. on one hand events like that make the world appear more alive on the other hand it feels extremely forced when you fight back against hordes of spawns that take no end. you die to attackers and die to copbots only to realize that no matter what, the story would have unfolded anyway. so we could have just sat back and enjoyed the show without firing a single shot. this destroys the whole experience. if i wanted to read a book/watch a movie with bad spelling i would have done just that.

06-05-13, 11:03
Nice event!

But .. where were all the non-LEd pro city runners?

06-05-13, 11:59
Nice event!

But .. where were all the non-LEd pro city runners?

i held them hostage in my apartment. they were packaging drugs for the dragons :>

i loved the overthrow attempt. but the guardian clans were completely confused and opened fire on dragons while cityadmin did not. i think some TG clans missed the political background about this coup d'etat or are simply confused with it's stance on black dragon.. but then again what do you expect from a bunch of canyon hillbillies?

hopefully the dragons and the mighty brotherhood will not accept such rude intrusion into their territory without any consultation beforehand and oversee future developments very closely.

06-05-13, 12:18
There's just one BD clan that always attacks TG, everyone not in that clan should've been save.

Also, I really liked the event, and as far as CA not being able to fight back bc of the NPCs, maybe they should've extended the event by CA pushing TG back out of the city.

Doc Holliday
06-05-13, 13:17
I think all the non le people in general have already gotten bored and moved on from the game. it was way out of my time zone anyway but looking at the screenies you could see an abundance of LE players. Too bad really.

as for the idiots who bashed the event saying it wasnt good. be thankful there was an event at all AND be thankful you got to participate. I didnt.

06-05-13, 15:25
I think all the non le people in general have already gotten bored and moved on from the game. it was way out of my time zone anyway but looking at the screenies you could see an abundance of LE players. Too bad really.

as for the idiots who bashed the event saying it wasnt good. be thankful there was an event at all AND be thankful you got to participate. I didnt.

Sadly, I got sick and tired of the new LE mentality. I'll check it out again in the future in the hope that it will once again be 80/20 in favour of non-LE'd players, but the other way around was driving me crazy. The game (or more accurately, the community) just isn't the same.

Looks like a fun event though. Kudos as always to the team.

06-05-13, 15:36
Guys, there is still so much debate about the LE and I'm sure we all agree there should be changes but please, instead of sitting here sulking, come up with ideas and post them in the brainport.

Try and stick your heads together, come up with ideas and hopefully the support crew will be able to make something cool out of it (because apparently Zoltan is sick of it too :P).

06-05-13, 15:46
as for the idiots who bashed the event saying it wasnt good. be thankful there was an event at all AND be thankful you got to participate. I didnt.

dont listen to them. it was fucking awesome. i was afk eating something and logged back into p1 where everyone was fighting!!! i nearly had a heart attack because i did not knew what the hell was going on. i popped my drugs and started shooting at the first red thing i saw. i chased this tank up the elevators to crytons!!! killed him with the help of someone on the way down. it was extremly amusing fighting inside the tubes in plaza1. then they said "TG attacks outzone etc." and there was a stream of people running from p1 to pp3. i synched into the outzone where some guy from infected started shooting at me. i was like "WTF WTF WTF" running around completely confused trying to kill this damn tank while some spys joined in on the fun of hunting me down while TG guards sprayed their red laser shit all over the place.

it was complete madness and it was awesome.

but it was not a good day to afk plaza 1.

06-05-13, 16:04
...it was fucking awesome. i was afk eating something and ...
but it was not a good day to afk plaza 1.these days are gone now... :D / nice patch. - thx for the pics, guys, i was not in town. (bunker for the future of the resistance..) :> but nice chat-action spams. O_o no one missed something, or...? - i´m not there... but i´m there... next time i should be really there... :D

06-05-13, 16:20
Just in case you didn't see these (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k8rh4xs4jpycedf/-SBd1ctOTh) last night. Very enjoyable, and not something that was even possible before because you couldn't switch safezone status without a patch, until now.

06-05-13, 16:44
Nice event!

But .. where were all the non-LEd pro city runners?

4 or 5 of us SXR were there, mostly fighting against the 15 or so Infected during that event. It was certainly fun and we had a good time :) Good to see things progressing a bit, p1 losing power and becoming unsafe was awesome lol.

06-05-13, 16:49
p1 losing power and becoming unsafe was awesome lol.
I've wanted to blow that place up, like, forever.

06-05-13, 18:54
Went to it on my MONEYSHOT RED SL. The new SL rules have nothing on us.

I must admit I found it fun to throw revenges to people in P1, however the storyline delivery was a bit slow, the regular copbots should've been temporarily removed, and the event scripting was full of typos.

I recommend you guys script the next event in advance as to allow spellchecking the text, and simply copy/paste into game chat.

Making an event where the storyline could be either one of 2 choices and determined by runner PVP performances would be great also.

06-05-13, 21:21
Wow, this looks pretty great. Probably the best story-guided event I've seen in NC2 - much better than the old spawn events, as it actually has an evolving storyline within it.

Keep up the great work guys!

06-05-13, 22:23
Wow, this looks pretty great. Probably the best story-guided event I've seen in NC2 - much better than the old spawn events, as it actually has an evolving storyline within it.

Keep up the great work guys!

Not nearly as awesome as some events (a lot of years ago) with a massive "anti" vs "pro" fight, somewhere in the desert.. Tons of unLEd people were fighting, and a ton of anti guards/stormbots aswell..
Cant remember what kinda storyline that it had.. But it was pretty fun (and massive!) :p

I cant really speak of this event though, since I wasent home at the time >.<

06-05-13, 23:10
Although I didn't participate, I experienced the event via server wide admin- and help messages. It's been very interesting and great fun nevertheless. I'd like to see more of those.

Though sometimes admins seemed to exaggerate. I'm talking about two things in specific.
1) The copbot's repeated SYSTEM WIDE ALERT spam. It's not bad to repeat a message once every now and then to make sure everybody understands what's going on, but repeating a message three times, then waiting ten seconds and doing the same again can be disturbing at times.
2) TG's NPC army was overwhelming. If the plan is to railroad a story element - which I think can be perfectly fine - this has to be done with players in mind. I'm not sure if everybody had fun facing the TG zerg.

Flutter Spy
07-05-13, 02:34
OMG! OMG! I looked at the screenies Nidhogg posted and I was standing next to him admiring his PA. You are a Rock Star Nidhogg! (literally)

07-05-13, 14:00
I hate to say it again but the struggling game engine really limited the fun a lot for me. (Somebody get this on unity or steal planet side 2's engine lol)
But still was great seeing the carnage especially in P1.

Just out of curiosity does dropping graphics settings to the minimum still have little performance improvement on a suitably powerful machine. I7 920, Geforce GTX 670, 12gb ram yada yada yada.... You know what I mean.

Ivan Eres
07-05-13, 15:37
I hate to say it again but the struggling game engine really limited the fun a lot for me.

Maybe the number of attendees should be limited for such events. It's mean somehow, I know, but it's better than ppl crashing.

One one of the screenshots i also saw the old bug where the local list is not shown correctly anymore. There are only a few names that can be seen, while the rest is black.

Deus Ex Machina
07-05-13, 16:06
One one of the screenshots i also saw the old bug where the local list is not shown correctly anymore. There are only a few names that can be seen, while the rest is black.With me, it always happens when players are not shown correctly, I guess all those not shown are those that are drawn as placeholder characters (Same look, no name shown, ...) - there once were many of those around for me ;-)

08-05-13, 06:09
There was a server-side patch after the event that is supposed to address that problem.

08-05-13, 08:46
Nice event!

But .. where were all the non-LEd pro city runners?

funny you should ask. i was on my ppu(le'd) when it all started. i was out in ind and pp3 supporting a "winning" fight where we killed everything out there multiple times. but then we see announcements that they breached the next zone ahead. i was like wtf? we killed them all lol. so then a couple of clanmates, faid and gunshifty log on and are like whats up? im like "event, log in" faids like, im right next to u lol. im like oh crap, forgot to tell ya im on le'd ppu lol. so he and shifty go to pp2 and run into infected. and that spills to pp1 and into plaza 3. i leave the pp2 fight and go to my appy in plaza 3 to pop the ole le so i can support my dudes. grabbed a sammich and coke and im red to go. get to p1 and its anarchy lol. so im ppu'n 3 v about 10 infected and im thinkin to myself "are we the ONLY procity clan defending" i honestly saw no other procity clan defending anywhere. i did see the odd clan member from some obscure clan fighting in ind/pp3 but i guess i was just too busy either casting heals or recasting shields because of the antibuff spam infected was tryin to deploy on meh lol. then at the end when mendez was supposedly escaping into the subway faid and myself chased after him only to get jumped by the infected horde lol what a way to end the event. my damageboost was in that belt :/