View Full Version : melee tank

05-05-13, 16:49
so i leveling up a melee tank and i am getting so frustrated with my weapons i keep buying new ones but each time i do my dammage go's up by 1 so atm i going 8 dammage to a agresser captin here are my starts

int 5
str 24
con 30
dex 15
psi 0

i have 60 in melee and 73 in force periceing

( old returning player forgot most i did no about the game)

if anyone can give me advice or help me out it would be so greatfull

thx for reading my post and thx in advance for the help and advice

05-05-13, 18:04
melee tank is atm not good to lvl up, also in "endgame" you dont see a lot of melee tanks, we need to wait that there will be an update for this (nice) class.

06-05-13, 07:57
Sadly melee tank is absolutely borked for levelling purposes atm. Just go Heavy Combat and level him this way. You can still lom back to melee once you finished him (and gained a bit of overcap xp in str).

Melee tanks are not particularly strong in the endgame atm (pvp or pve) but they can definitely annoy the crap out of other players to the point where they get useful. If you play them well that is.