View Full Version : Reagent's Solo

22-04-13, 19:34
Is it possible to solo Reagents as an APU? Should I be looking for certain values of fire resist in order to do this?

My current plan is to get a Chrysotil Suit and cap strength and give it a go with Kevlar armor. This should give me added protection against the boss but obviously at the cost of more damage from Genotoxic damage. Or should I be able to do this will regular Psi armor?

I'm also a bit of ways away from being able to use the 40 Con injector. Should I get an injector that removes fire stacks? I admit I actually have no idea how to do that since injector came at a time when I wasn't active.

22-04-13, 20:52
I imagine the first room would be fine as an APU so long as you can outrun the crawlers.

However the boss room should be easier (spec fire resist/armour for the Genotoxic Nightmare), and again keep out of reach of the rest of the mobs. ( I really mean out of range as I imagine one hit from a crawler would seriously damage an APU)

Use energy based weapons - don't bother with force poison or fire.

More than likely, you'll barrel yourself.

22-04-13, 20:53
I did Reagents from PSI 40 ( should have started at 27 right away ).
Light kevlar's, Poison 50, fire 20+
fire underpants ( what ever was the name ).
Medpacks, Heal nanites, lots of stam boosters and stay on the move. No other mob will hit you, if you do it right.

PS: By doing it right, i don't mean any exploit tactics, but the fact that you should stay on the move and avoid melee.

22-04-13, 21:55
Regants Legacy yes easy...

Regants genotoxic PA quest... maybe, but doubtful.