View Full Version : Are there any Military Factions in Neocron 2?

17-04-13, 02:19
Are there any at all? I heard City Mercs were the closest to a Military.

17-04-13, 17:05
Quick rundown I guess.

City Admin = The Police, Military, Personal protection and all that stuff. Founded by Lioon Reza who was recently assassinated by an unknown person or party. Many took credit for his death such as the Twilight Guardians or H.I.O.B an artificial entity bent on peace through the destruction of all humans.

DRE = Estate Agents and in general own the licences to almost all the property in Neocron City. Once part of the government it was turned in to a private company and has turned huge profits since.

NEXT = Design and manufacturing company in charge of making almost all the cars, trains, tanks, gliders, spaceships for Neocron. They really want to get the space programme up and running again as it will both make them a lot of money but also would reconnect us with the base Mars as a new home.

Robert Jordan Owns the next two but when he reached 90 he gave them to his sons to manage. Tangent went to Damion Jorden the older of the two, and the younger Seymour Jordan got Biotech. Which ever becomes the most profitable will win control over both companies.

Tangent = Design and manufacturing company in charge of the vast majority of weaponry, mainly the high tech stuff though. Also creates a lot of the S.T.O.R.M & COP BOT parts. Used to be part of Biotech but split off to form its own company and is now their biggest rival.

Biotech = Design and manufacturing company mainly interested in cybernetics, biomechanical implants & nanites. More interestingly though the Law Enforcer chip was a joint project between them and the City Admin, and darker plots involving controlling people with brain washing with similar chips and making legions of obedient citizens coming out of mc5 (info from the newbie quest). Not to mention as well the creation of the Dome of York Kamikaze Troopers was based on a BioTech chip design.
Biotech could easily get themselves in to a situation that they are the puppet masters pulling all the strings without anyone knowing they can or would do it.

ProtoPharm = Medical research and development company in charge of making newer and better medicine and replacement organs so people can live longer and happier lives. They are also working on ways to make people semi immortal by downloading them in to artificial bodies. They are however being monitored carefully as some think they will be able to mess with peoples minds or control them after they have been downloaded.

Tsunami Syndicate = Criminal gang that tries to run the prostitution, drugs, gambling, illegal firearms and anything else they can get their hands on. Major rival with Black Dragons.

Black Dragon = Criminal gang that tries to run the drugs, gambling, illegal firearms. More surprisingly though they also run some of the real estate market in the slums. Major rival with Tsunami Syndicate.

Crahn = A religious cult that once held power over Neocron by using their Psi-Monks to suppress those who did not have the gift but were overthrown for being cruel. They seek to take power back, but are playing a subtle game rather than a brutal strike.

City Mercs = As said above they are a military faction, though they aren't under the control of any other organisation, but are purely hired guns. Whoever can pay them the most or whatever they would get the most out of is who they will side with. They take the money for themselves and getting better armed for the day that will likely come that one of their enemies will think they have got to big for their boots and try to kill them before they get to strong and maybe try to take over themselves.

Fallen Angels = Originally founded by some scientists who escaped being Crahn slaves while they were still in power. The Fallen Angels are people who are mainly in to trying research and build things that make life easier. However their are factions within this faction who are making new weapons, armour, or are just out to take down the Pro-City alliance as they are not liking how the city is being run, and want someone else in charge.

Twilight Guardians = This is another military faction. They are considered by many to be outcasts, rebels and anarchists who wish to bring down the Pro-City regime as it as corrupt and controlling. They would gladly fight and die in battle to being an end to the City Admin and all it stands for.


Some of these I went more in depth on and changed my style of writing mid way through, but I hope you like it and find it useful.

Dribble Joy
17-04-13, 20:03
The militaristic nature of CA is a bit vague. Does NC have an actual military? Who do the Storm Bots report to and are they a military organisation in the purest sense?

TG is a rebel force, but it's a very free-form outfit without a particular structure and tends (mostly) to operate on a covert basis.

CM is outwardly the most militaristic, with ranks, discipline and the support systems an army would require. However, I would argue that they are not a military as such, nor a private army. They do not have a commanding organisation or political objective/standing. That said they are probably the closest thing to a militaristic force in NC currently.

I'm CM and we need more people, though RL has hampered efforts to get in game over the last week or so.

18-04-13, 12:26
DJ I'd agree that the storm bits in the area round jeriko would be " military" based vs the CA copbots. As for factions?

....Founded by Lioon Reza who was recently assassinated by an unknown person or party. Many took credit for his death such....some claimed none and sank back into the depths if Neocron....silent hunters used to be useful....why Logan hang on to his...