View Full Version : Im new, some help needed

10-03-13, 11:53
Hello Everyone!
Im pretty new to the game and I dont really know what to do so I thought it would be the best to ask my questions here. So Im a private eye. As far as I know they have high versatility. I spent most of my points in heavy combat and some in melee combat. But I dont know if it was a good choice or not so I want to know which attributes should I level if I want to use rifles and heavy weapons mainly. Also if I know it correctly the attributes like strenght dexterity etc. level up invindually so my other question is which activites help me level my strenght and dexterity levels, or the levels increase from using certain weapon types? Also I feel pretty lost cause I have finished the starter quests at Mr.Jones so i have no idea what should I do now. And one last thing Im a member of the Black Dragon in their lore they are drug dealers and criminals so my question here is how can I make drugs? Sorry for my bad english and the long text. Thanks in advance for the answers.

10-03-13, 12:14
Hi and welcome to Neocron.

PE´s are versatile, thats right. U can play the PE with HC Weapons, Rifles or Pistols, how u want.
But I would prefer Rifles or Pistols, because PE´s dont have a 100 strength maximum like Tanks.
This means u cant use the biggest Rares and stuff.

What u can do now? lvl. First in the Sewers in P1 and P2 then u can go to the Military Base and lvl there in the Bunker near to the ASG Station in front of the Military Base.

Drugs can be recycled with Garbage. Especial with Garbage whose weight is high (0.9 weight)

I Hope this can help and sorry for my english... ;)

Dribble Joy
10-03-13, 12:20
As a generalisation, using a sub-skill will get you xp in that skill's parent stat.
So using pistols and rifles will get you dex xp, melee and heavy will get you str xp.

After the Jones missions there are the citycom missions. Aggressor missions are good if you have enough sympthy. Once they are too easy, head out to kill Launcher Cyclops. There's a good spot for them near the Military Base (MB), but as a Black Dragon runner this will be tricky as the CityMercs are hostile to you. There is another good spot in I_06.
There's also other places to level such as the Choas Cave at CRP, there's usually a team there. If you're using a form of ranged weapons, then the wastelands have various forms of high level mobs to kill.

There is also your faction's 'epic' run; a multi-part mission. Talki to a Wiseguy in BDHQ.

10-03-13, 13:38
And the advice has been given already PE's are indeed versatile (i love them :) ) but i would stick to 1 or 2 weapon types tops if you want to be able to use them really good.. a mix of 1 str and 1 dex weapon can be done without to much problems i think because PE's have pretty high str to. you will only notice you can't have as much points in force and piercing resists but as long as you don't go PvP allot that won't be a problem that can't be fixed by some armor i guess.

10-03-13, 14:13
Thanks for the answers now getting started will be much easier :)

10-03-13, 14:40
I remember when I first started playing I chose a PE like you and also wanted to be a 'jack of all trades'. It is good that PEs have access to many possible combat skills but I would stress that it is ultimately better if you focus on one or maybe two skills. I say this because I remember my PE being some sort of weird droner/pistol/melee/researcher hybrid. It was fun for a while until I realised I'd heavily handicapped my combat ability by diversifying my skills so much. I haven't tried a setup like that in NC2 but I assume it's just as unviable as it was in NC1 ;)

I would advise you to maybe try out a few combat types then once you've found one you like, focus on that. My only advice there would be that rifle and HC are marginally easier to level with than pistol, and all three are easier than melee. Droning is generally considered the fastest way to level but it's quite dull.

If you have any specific questions please feel free to message me and I'll do my best to answer them.

10-03-13, 22:15
I remember when I first started playing I chose a PE like you and also wanted to be a 'jack of all trades'. It is good that PEs have access to many possible combat skills but I would stress that it is ultimately better if you focus on one or maybe two skills. I say this because I remember my PE being some sort of weird droner/pistol/melee/researcher hybrid. It was fun for a while until I realised I'd heavily handicapped my combat ability by diversifying my skills so much. I haven't tried a setup like that in NC2 but I assume it's just as unviable as it was in NC1 ;)

I would advise you to maybe try out a few combat types then once you've found one you like, focus on that. My only advice there would be that rifle and HC are marginally easier to level with than pistol, and all three are easier than melee. Droning is generally considered the fastest way to level but it's quite dull.

If you have any specific questions please feel free to message me and I'll do my best to answer them.
so if I focus on heavy combat and rifles thats acceptable right?

10-03-13, 22:35
It's probably a good idea to use Heavy Combat to cap your strength whether you end up using it once you're capped or not. Although it's recommended you remove all your Heavy Combat using loss of memory pills and putting the points back into resist force and resist pierce once you reach maximum strength.

Private Eyes are best with pistols or rifles, but really it's up to you how you make your character, if you don't intend to ever PvP, it won't really matter.

10-03-13, 23:35
It's probably a good idea to use Heavy Combat to cap your strength whether you end up using it once you're capped or not. Although it's recommended you remove all your Heavy Combat using loss of memory pills and putting the points back into resist force and resist pierce once you reach maximum strength.

Private Eyes are best with pistols or rifles, but really it's up to you how you make your character, if you don't intend to ever PvP, it won't really matter.

Heavy is great for CON, not STR.. As a PE using pistols or rifles your STR will cap by itself (slow'ish ofc). However, CON is the biggest pain as a PE, and using Heavy weapons pretty much removes that pain.

If you intend on PVP listen to the above, said by hatmankh. If not, you should probably just stay as HC. The TT epic cannon is VERY good for PVE, as a PE.

10-03-13, 23:49
Yeh, it really boils down to a PEs attribute caps. A PE can use most rare pistols, but only has access to a few rare HC weapons. As hatmankh said it might be a good idea to spec some HC to level up strength then once you get to endgame and want to engage in PvP you wanna LoM the shit out of HC and put it into strength resist skills.

Basically, it's tempting to try put skills in everything, but the game penalises you heavily if you try to make hybrid setups in too many areas.

Doc Holliday
11-03-13, 07:41
the point about drugs you all missed out on.

You can either recycle them (and you will need a very high recycle skill. 96. Not worth doing it on anything but a dedicated trade skill character or you can buy them from your faction supply manager. This is in the hq for black dragon and is only activated at 90 sympathy. You probably have 50 at the mo as your already in the faction)

11-03-13, 21:49
Hi, I just leveled my 3rd or fourth PE since i started playing NC. PE has been the fastest leveling caracter i played except my droner they are about the same but got bored with droner and stopped leveling him for a bit.

First know your lvl caps
PE skill cap
Strength********60 use transport if you want to carry lots of weapon ammo but will
Dexterity********80 most points to spend on weapon skills but may want to use recycle or repair and definitely some Agi
Psichic Power*****35 Pick either APU or PPU - suggested PPU for self buffs and heals

All of the advice given is good advice, i just disagree with a few things, at ur level and being new to NC you should start at Sewer LVL 1 entrance near some citycom stations so you can get missions fast and get used to doing them, get the small spider or roach missions and i usually just use my knife for a few levels 3-4 then go get the best gun or armor i can use and back to the sewer lvl 1, its good to start here to get used to the gameplay and missions. Do that untill your 6 or 7 then upgrade your weapon and armor and go to the aggressor dungeon called Abandon Cellar LVL. 4 Entrance in P1 or P2. Level here untill your about 17-20

Also I dont suggest using more than one weapon type that fall under the same skill unless you want a Hyb setup), like Str for example: there is two weapon skills Heavy Combat and Melee Combat. Str skill cap is 60 so you can use both melee and HC efficiently howerver your weapon specific brain implants usually subtract from an opposite weapon skill like the Beserk and Soldier implants to add to melee and HC. Beserk implants add to melee but take away from HC so that will make getting HC where you want it to use a nice HC weapon and vice versa with the Soldier implant.

However you can use a good Hyb implant setup like i did with my hyb monk, you can use one each Berserk and Soldier as below which shows the implant stats and the total gain using both implants. then one other implant of your choice, just remember if you use another berserk or soldier it will take away from the other skill.

**************Beserk x12******Soldier s12*********total

BTW leave the LE implant in so people can not kill you while you are trying to leveling until cap, if you take it out at higher lvl you wont be able to get it back in unless you do some loming to reset skills down to a certain level then you gotta level all over again.

Before decided which weapon it may be a good idea to go look at the various brain, eye, and backbone implants on the www.techhaven.org database.

After leveling in the abandon cellar's go to Military Base, you may want to hitch a ride from someone or save some money and use the Venture Warp to warp to a random spot on the worl map then just run to the nearest and Genrep Station and a them so you have them later for traveling untill you get a spot near the Military Base. You can do Launcher Cyclopse missions here and if you have a vehicle it will make leveling a bit faster, the basic chaincraft takes 12 vhc and is about 100k at the vehicle shop. Level hear untill about 35-40, you can get all your leveling gear in the military base also, they have psi monk spell too around the base though a bit trick to find and remember when your new. The leveling spot is a short run straight out the front door of MB at the bunker.

After Military Base its time for Regants Legacy! This is an extremely good place for people who can do AOE damage and still good for single target weapons too to level, you can also start a WoC quest here.

HC weapons have some nice AOE and single target
Pistols have nice single target damage and only one AOE which is the Rocket Pistol, I like them but for the rocket pistol to have damage worth using you need to get at least a 3 sloteted one, it gets a ton better with the highest level rocket pistol TL 65 i believe.
Rifles are all single target weapons, no AOE. I found makes leveling slower but great damage.
Drones have some nice AOE and single target and nice to send a drone in pve combat and leave your body away from mobs.
APU will let you use do damage using PSI abillities.
PPU will let you heal and provide yourself with buffs and boosts, i recomend using PPU because with only PSI caping at only 35 you get enough points for any great aggressive spells.

Happy hunting!

11-03-13, 22:42
thanks for that info stonehaven but I got some questions, Id be happy if you would answer them :D firstly when we talk about levels we mean the levels of the stats like STR and DEX or is there an overally character level which I havent noticed? also I got questions about traveling, you said I need to hitch a ride. Isnt there a teleporter or something? I have to walk or use a vehicle if i want to travel in the world? and about the skills so I want to use rifles mainly which needs DEX but when I checked the stores I found only low level pistols so I decided to spec 10into pistol combat buy that nail gun or what and us it to level DEX I wonder if it was a good choice. and about constitution: in which areas should I spent points here? also you meant PSI usage for self buffs my PSI power is currently at 0 how do I start leveling it? so that would be it :D Im curious about these things, and sorry for bombing you with questions :D

Doc Holliday
12-03-13, 05:51
Clostridium hes given you a lot of information but sadly a lot of it is pretty bad if you want me to be honest. Not intending on flaming here but there is a lot more to it than what he is saying. again he disagreed with others i disagree with him.

Now. Pepper park is a better leveling spot by far than the level 1 sewers. Its quicker and the damage sustained isnt bad at all. You can easily spend a while down there. the level 1 sewers (you will see the level on the sewer hatch) are crap in comparison.

If you head in to pepper park sector 1 (F9 brings up your nav ray) you will find the pussy club and opposite of that under a ramp a hatch for the abandoned rooms level 2. Go there and level. If you happen to miss that or want one closer to a Yo's store (all buyer for easy creds) you can run along to pepper park 2 and you will find the abandoned rooms level 2 hatch right near to the dig site starter mission location (also in the nav ray)

Regards the vehicle thing. I wouldnt even bother spending 100k on a chaincraft. The chances are someone will blow it up for you and you are out of pocket that 100k. You have 4 char slots. I would seriously advise you to make a driver character even if you intend to delete it later and do that mission instead. you receive a quad which can be destroyed but you will never lose it. you can always repair it at the vehicle garage and always respawn it. It has infinite lives essentially. the chaincraft has one.

Regards levelling etc. The aggressor sewers are good up to about level 15 overall. This is your xx/15 rank. the xx signifies combat rank showing how effective you are in combat. the overall rank is defined by the total of your skills added together and divided by 5. When someone refers to base rank or overall rank generally they mean this. If talking about a weapon for example they will usually refer to the requirement of it by saying oh that gun is DEX 44 etc. If you want to make some good money quite easily and have gotten the urge to go out of the city one great place to level is out at jeriko fortress.

On the nc world map is a mutant pool. its marked and is in Jeriko Sector. Jeriko is an outpost which is fought over by clans in pvp. thats the essence of neocron right there but thats for a whole other post. East along the road from jeriko is the mutant pool. Here spawns 1 or 2 cyclopses and lots of other mutants as well as some aggressors etc. Its a great levelling spot and you will find slightly higher monsters spawning than you do inside neocron. also some will drop tronik parts for you. These are very valuable junk to collect to sell at a Yo's shop as mentioned previously. It will help you save some credits early on.

The military base bunker is a great spot to find teams as mentioned by previous posters and i definitely advise you to go there but when you get levelled up DONT just go straight to regants like the previous poster said. There is SO much more to the game than there. Yes its a very good levelling spot but theres plenty out there to explore so just ask yourself do i want to have fun and take my time or do i want to power level for pvp at endgame. If you truly want to take some time learn the ropes of the game and explore then go and actually do that. You will get more from the game that way. There are so many spots around the world where you can find monsters to kill and loot and still level up well is what im saying. By all means give regants a go because its pretty awesome the first time you go in and see it all but it will get mindnumbingly boring if you just stay there till cap and you are missing out on so much of the game by doing so.

Also final thing yes there is a teleport system. you may or may not have noticed the gen reps around the city. These are linked all over Neocrons world and once activated you can teleport back and forth for a fee. Where you go from and to dictates the fee. Its always cheaper to travel somewhere from your apartment for example. Not all genreps are always open as some can be controlled by clans but i will keep the explanation simple for now.

Venture warp is an alternative to this. Its more of a fun thing than anything serious but for 2000 credits will randomly port you somewhere in the world. Its not without risk though.

where you end up and more importantly what you end up in front of (;)) can be hazardous to your health and you may find yourself back in neocron city a lot sooner than expected.

13-03-13, 00:47
Doc has given some great info on the vehicle, the driver mission usually takes me 15min's to complete and yes it can’t get blown up for good but takes 3 more VHC to use which isn’t bad, so overall get the Quad and transfer the key to your PE.

I have not found peperpark sewers being a good place to level, ive tried to give the PP sewers a chance multiple times but i found the mobs are spread too far about making missions slower and if you die you will be finding yourself having to run or gr all the way back to P1 for someone to poke your implants back in, especially if you used an implant in order to ware some armor.

Plaza sewers are much better if you are new, plenty of people around for pokes and advice and the citycom right next to the sewer so you can get missions fast, there is also an (all buyer) YO's right around the corner in the next zone in P1, probably not a 30sec run unless your inventory so full you run slow.

But if you want to explore which I liked to do when i was new then go explore the different sewers, rooms, and cellars around all of Neocron and decide what you like and don’t like, also try the different missions available at the citycom, there are various delivery, research, and construction missions as well as kill specific mob missions. All and all i guess it comes down to personal preference on leveling at low level i guess, I have my ways of leveling while someone else has their was of leveling so take in everyone’s information if you like then you decide what you like or is best to have fun with your character.

Doc explained what i mean by your level which is the second number of your combat rank XX/00. As far as leveling is concerned the levels i suggested to stay at each leveling spot i meant for a beginner. if a new guy goes for butchee’s or launchers at level 15 they will more than likely be dying a lot and i was trying to avoid getting you killed too much since you are new.

The Mutant Pool Doc mentioned is a location in the OutZone area of NC which is like a big maze but after going there a bunch of times you get used to it and there are lots of different mobs down there, he really meant the Mutant Trap's in the wastes; which is a great leveling spot when you are more versed with NC PVE combat, there will be less place to hide at most mutant traps in the wates because you are outside, you can use nearby hills and stuff for cover but the hurlers and butchees will still get you there, again it takes a little more experience at the mutant traps but PE will have more resists to those mobs too so give a try if you like. And if an enemy faction has control of that OP you will not be able to travel there easily after dying.

Doc would like you to explore more it sound like which is why im shocked he has more or less deterred you from using the Venture Warp, I assume that if you are an explorer type then you will do your exploring no matter whos advice you use the most. The venture warp is the best way to visit the different areas on the World Map before you have plenty of GR's activated, it will place you in a random sector and location in that sector on the map, i have never had it spawn me in the middle of dangerous mobs where i die instantly however the sector may have many dangerous mobs in it.

Most dangerous mobs you can simply find a route around them on your way to activate the nearest GR. Do this alot and you will get to explore many different zones and activate many different GR's for later usage just make sure you have at least 3k with ya for 1 round trip, 2k for the venture warp and 1k to gr back to your apartment when you find the next GR, I would say maybe 60k for 20 venture warps would get you a nice amount of exploring and GRs taged.

If you want to use rifles mainly then don’t spend any points on pistol, especially at low level since you are not planning a hybrid setup and you will have that many more points to spend in rifle making you do more damage, just go with one or the other. You can always start another character and try another weapon if you like. Leveling in NC can be tough a little slow for a beginner but not too bad really, but once you get your leveling pattern set in stone you can level a character pretty fast.

The nailgun is nice low level pistol yes, you can LOM the skill points if you like and put them back into rifle. LOM pills are purchased in P1 caddi-corner to Medi, just buy the pistol LOM Pills, dont use too much though cuz you dont want to end up with too low of Dex skill since it will also remove some exp from it, if you think you might go too low Dex by using them just wait a few levels then LOM. Using LOM Pills takes away 5 skill points from that skill like Pistol for example and gives you back the points you spent on those 5 skill points.

For example: you spend 1 skill point on each skill up to 50 then is costs 2 skill points to raise it 1 until around 70 i think, they have this information on techhaven.org btw. So if you have 55 on pistol and use a pistol lom pill it will take you down to 50 pistol and give you back 10 points to re-spend on whatever. Know this though, if you have 4 points on pistol and use a pistol lom it will not do anything, you have to add a point to make it an even 5 then use the LOM Pill and it will subtract that 5.

You should find a low tech rifle dealer where you got that pistol just look around for him. There is a high tech rifle dealer in viarosso sector 2 at HEW if you prefer those.

Constitution I use Endurance, Body Health, and Athletics but at early levels Athletics and Body Health is all you need. Athletics makes you run faster and Body Health gives you more HP. Endurance will give you more endurance and let you run further before running out of breath then taking short bursts of walking running which makes you slower.

I am probably going to add some points to my poison resist so i can level better at the chaos caves near CRP on the map F12 but you shouldn’t need any of those resist yet until have a good foundation on what you want to do or what mobs you will be fighting later. the resist here are personal preference where your gear should be taken in account also.

You will get small amount of psi while leveling, if you do missions you will get much more, my PSI was almost caped after finishing up my leveling at the military base to give you an idea, that took less than day that i didn’t have to work so i was free most of the day and even started on regants that day too. You can level your PSI faster if you choose aggressive PSI abilities and use aggressive spells to do damage, wouldn’t worry about that though jus let is raise naturally from missions and leveling because you dont want to have to lom apu and take away from the psi exp you had.

Dribble Joy
13-03-13, 01:18
You only need endurance if you are running about in the wastes, at which point you should have a quad. I wouldn't bother with it at all at any stage of leveling.

As for the PP sewers, they are still great for pure leveling and are a very sort run from P1 (go to P3, zone to PP1, turn right and there's the hatch). Missions are a mess unless you are doing small sewer rat or aggies, so I wouldn't bother too much with them at that stage.

Doc Holliday
13-03-13, 06:19
NEVER EVER EVER Spec Endurance. Its a waste of time.

Pepper Park Sewers and Abandoned Rooms are 2 diff areas. Spider sewer in pepper park 1 (level 3) is the best place to go for a low level aoe user so a beginner tank for example. Seriously. Its packed with 34/34 spider queens who spawn 3/3 spiders. you bomb them and they die fast. basic grenade launcher works a treat. Its one of the BEST levelling spots for a new char but i would NEVER advise it for a brand new player so i didnt mention it.

The abandoned rooms are the bomb. and very easy to level in. your mistaken on which ones i referred to.

PS. Venture warp is a risk i was just making sure that he knew. level 20 char. 2k for the venture warp. Lands in front of a grim chaser (big bad ass firespewing monster). Dies. Grs back to plaza. 2k for the gr fee. more for pokes. Gets no where. See the point?

I know its fun and a great way to get to places but for a new player on his FIRST char i wouldnt recommend. 2nd and 3rd sure. probably has more money by then.

13-03-13, 08:56
I think Ill just make a driverfor a quad but how do I transfer items between characters? Btw game is going well got my basic DEX9 rifle and as my STR is 16 Im planning on checking archer and wesson for a new heavy weapon as this flame thrower I got from jones seems useless I aim at the target from a close range and it just doesnt seem to hit anything

Dribble Joy
13-03-13, 09:39
The first decent HC weapon after the tl3 launcher is the tl19 laser cannon (though this will be found at HEW, not A&W). There is the first grenade at tl16, but you will spend a fortune on them.

Check out the Tech Haven Items DB (http://www.techhaven.org/db/) For item requirements and whatnot.

14-03-13, 12:05
I have created a driver and got the quad key but how do I transfer items to my main? I know its a retarded question but I really cant find out how to do it xD

14-03-13, 12:58
I have created a driver and got the quad key but how do I transfer items to my main? I know its a retarded question but I really cant find out how to do it xD

As it currently is there is no "easy" way of doing this. So I wouldnt call it a stupid question..

Throw the key on the floor of your Apartment, or put it into a box. If you have made friends, they can help transfer the key aswell.
Remember to activate the key on your main, before deleting the driver character.

14-03-13, 13:40
Btw are there any black dragon clan which is recruiting and wouldnt mind a new player joining its ranks?

14-03-13, 15:08
alot of good advise in this thread. where ever u decide to level keep in mind. check citycom for missions for your faction and sympathy level, hit f6 to check yours. your psi will level by doing missions slowly, but if u team with others it will level very fast, so always have a mission going. and remember u are black dragon, so as dribble joy said earlier you are an enemy to city mercs, so going to the military base will be extremely difficult to tag the gene rep (gr) and grab missions from. the guards there will yell at u and start shooting u in a matter of seconds so be aware if u decided to go into the military base. sure u can level at the bunker still, but when u die, the next closest gr is battledome. look for yahoo in game. ill help u out as much as i can.

William Antrim
14-03-13, 19:54
If you want to level off Launchers head North East from Battle Dome about 200m (within the same zone) to find a small Launcher Cyclops spawn area. There is a gogu at the Battledome itself (near the GR) and a shop to buy ammo and a recreation unit to heal you up.

All of this is within rifle range of those launchers and best of all, noone else uses it. You can go there and shoot the launchers to your hearts content.

When you get a bit bigger you can shoot Warbots from the same spot. Did I mention there is a gogu there... and a gr...