View Full Version : Public test of new Neocron Installer

25-02-13, 22:33
Update - 2nd May 2013: The installer is now Live - Download from http://www.neocron-game.com/

As previously announced we have been building a new Neocron Installer (http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?147401-Development-Update-January-2013). We have now reached a stage where we would like some help testing it.

This is a new installer that installs a fully patched Neocron game, and sets the compatibility settings for the more modern OS's. It also installs DirectX 9 and the C++2012 runtime.

It is also capable of installing a Public Test Server client.

You can download it from (Removed - See above)

When testing it, can you note the following and post the details back in this thread here.

Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Installation language selected
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Run DirectX Install [ ]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [ ]
Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]
The install directory

When you have installed Neocron.

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
Does the cool NC music play?

Finally any issues, feedback and questions on the new installer is welcome.


4/3/2013 - Build 16 - Removed XP-SP3 option.
2/5/2013 - Remove links - Installer is now live.

26-02-13, 00:02
•Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 8 Enterprise, 64bit.

•Installation language selected

•Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
I left everything here as default.

•Run DirectX Install [X]
•Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [X]
•Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [ ]
•Run Neocron as Administrator [X]
•Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]

•The install directory
C:\Neocron2\test\Neocron 2.2 CE

•Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No, no broken files.

•Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
Yes, same as always with a fresh install.

•Does the cool NC music play?
Only localized. As in close to the GR in MB the drum'n base'ish beat sounds. I think I can remember that there should be music everywhere though? Sorry, I havent played with music in years.

I will install the client as a testserver client tommorow, I really need some sleep right now.. ;)

Michael Corvin
26-02-13, 00:57
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
I used the preselected options

Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [ ]
Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]

The install directory
D:\[002] Spiele\Neocron 2.2 CE

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
Performed --> No broken Files

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
Yes it does ^^

Does the cool NC music play? :)
All Sounds and Music is playing (Ambient and Background Music)

Finally any issues, feedback and questions on the new installer is welcome:
Works fine --> Great work =)

26-02-13, 01:45
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?

Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [x]
Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]

The install directory
D:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
It does.

Does the cool NC music play?
So far, everything seems to work fine.

Finally any issues, feedback and questions on the new installer is welcome.
Create shortcut on desktop option would be cool.
Run as Admin should be recommended for Win 7 as well.
URL on extro screen is outdated it seems^^
When syncing to the next zone some music tracks continue to play till the new sector music starts.

26-02-13, 16:26
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Professionel 64bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?

Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [x]
Run Neocron as Administrator [X]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [x]

The install directory
D:\Gamez\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?

Patching to [T#181]

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
It does.

Does the cool NC music play?
Yup, dang dang dangdangdang dangdaaaannnnng daaaaaannnnnggg! :D

Finally any issues, feedback and questions on the new installer is welcome.
C:\Games folder doesnt require administratorrights in my opinion (got mine installations in C:\gamez and their work without)
Testserver down?
Some more options for windowmode. Maybe make a second bar for selecting between window and fullscreenmode.

26-02-13, 16:35
Tried to download but Norton 360 flagged it
Threat: Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP

This file risk is high.
Threat Details
Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.

Seems like you still seem to have to tell Norton that they have a false positive. This also happened with launching the game before and after patching it. But would be nice if you got them to amend their exclusions.

26-02-13, 17:20
Tried to download but Norton 360 flagged it
Threat: Suspicious.Cloud.7.EP

This file risk is high.
Threat Details
Threat type: Heuristic Virus. Detection of a threat based on malware heuristics.

Seems like you still seem to have to tell Norton that they have a false positive. This also happened with launching the game before and after patching it. But would be nice if you got them to amend their exclusions.

First of all I would like to reassure people that there are no detected virus in the installer using other virus scanners.

It is a known issue that Norton is falsely flagging dialogscript.dll as a virus and I suspect Norton is detecting this file in the installer.

@demonssword - Could you confirm which files Norton is flagging up when you play the game?

27-02-13, 03:22
was the standard one from a while ago of "dialogscript.dll" that was comming up before, but on clicking the linky at the top here it flagged up right away as the "neocron2ce-setup-[1].exe".
And yeah i know the game is just giving a false positive and reported it to symantec as well. But without the providers of the game getting in touch with them they need loads and loads of reports from players from what the person said to me in the chat window.

27-02-13, 10:00
•Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64bit.

•Installation language selected

•Run DirectX Install [X]
•Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [X]
•Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [X]
•Run Neocron as Administrator [X]
•Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]

•The install directory
C:\game\Neocron 2.2 CE

•Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No broken files.

•Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

•Does the cool NC music play?
N/A Error occurring.

The installer doesn't place a shortcut on the desktop or have an option for it.
Crashed when trying to play earlier, error now occuring (http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?147643-Neocron-launcher-emergency-mode&p=2204430#post2204430).

27-02-13, 23:41
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
[ ] Run DirectX Install
[ ] Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install
[ ] Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode
[✓] Run Neocron as Administrator
[ ] Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server

The install directory
C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No broken files

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?
No. It runs as Admin, but the music doesn't play.
Running in compatibility mode causes it to run in a window, but at the fullscreen resolution, rather than the PREFWINDOWSIZE in neocron.ini.

Disable the intro and extro by default, or add an option for this.
Increase default brightness to at least 50%.
Add RPOS color theme selection and community RPOS skins to installer

28-02-13, 18:04
When testing it, can you note the following and post the details back in this thread here.
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit
Installation language selected
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Run DirectX Install [ ]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [X]
Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [ ]
Run Neocron as Administrator [X]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]
The install directory
C:\Spiele\Neuer Ordner\Neocron 2.2 CE

When you have installed Neocron.
Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
Performing – no problems
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
Does the cool NC music play?***

Finally any issues, feedback and questions on the new installer is welcome.
For me, like the "old" one.

01-03-13, 01:59
I installed the Testserver version BTW, but I guess the testserver is Down? The installation went pretty much as the normal client, and the info in the launcher was different than the "live version". Couldnt test it further though, since I hope/think the Testserver is Down?

04-03-13, 10:21
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
[ ] Run DirectX Install
[ ] Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install
[ ] Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode
[ ] Run Neocron as Administrator
[✓] Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server

The install directory
C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No corrupt files.

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?
Yes! With the new test server patch, Neocron now longer requires compatibility mode nor run as admistrator for music to play!

04-03-13, 12:50
Ok everyone, thanks for your testing. Your feedback and efforts have been excellent. :)

There is a new build released, please see the updated opening post for the new link. As some of you have noticed Alduin fixed the music bug in PTS#182 making the XP-SP3 option redundant.

I would like some more feedback and tests with the following options:-

Run Neocron as Administrator Unselected
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server Selected

04-03-13, 22:39
Ok everyone, thanks for your testing. Your feedback and efforts have been excellent. :)

There is a new build released, please see the updated opening post for the new link. As some of you have noticed Alduin fixed the music bug in PTS#182 making the XP-SP3 option redundant.

I would like some more feedback and tests with the following options:-

Run Neocron as Administrator Unselected
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server Selected

Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 8 Pro 64-bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
[ ] Run DirectX Install
[ ] Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install
[ ] Run Neocron as Administrator
[✓] Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server

The install directory
C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No corrupt files.

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?

05-03-13, 03:33
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 8 Enterprise, 64-bit.

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
[ ] Run DirectX Install
[ ] Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install
[ ] Run Neocron as Administrator
[✓] Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server

The install directory
C:\Neocron2 Testserver\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?
Yes.. Havent heard it in years! <3

05-03-13, 18:39
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Installation language selected


Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?

Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [x]

The install directory

C:\Spiele\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?


Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?


Does the cool NC music play?


05-03-13, 20:00
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows XP SP3 32 bit

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron as Administrator [x]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server []

The install directory
C:\games\Neocron 2.2 CE

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?


How cool is that? Now i can start NC on my very very very (....) old laptop with a Pentium M 1,7 Ghz CPU and a ATI X300 GPU. Good enough for doing some business on p1.

It wasn't possible with the old installer. I've spent hours! -_-

Excellent work guys! :D

11-03-13, 06:45
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Professional SP1

Installation language selected

Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
[✓] Run DirectX Install
[✓] Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install
[ ] Run Neocron as Administrator
[✓] Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server

The install directory
C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
No broken files.

Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?

Does the cool NC music play?

11-03-13, 23:56
First Installation:

Your OS - Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit
Installation language selected - English
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Run DirectX Install [x]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [x]
Run Neocron as Administrator [x]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]
The install directory - C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE

When you have installed Neocron.

Perform a file check - are there any broken files? - No
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting? - No
Does the cool NC music play? - No

Second installation:

Your OS - Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit
Installation language selected - English
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you

Run DirectX Install []
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install []
Run Neocron as Administrator []
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [x]
The install directory - C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server

When you have installed Neocron.

Perform a file check - are there any broken files? - No
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting? - Yes
Does the cool NC music play? - Do not know since I never got in to the game.

When I started the game client the first time and the GFX settings window showed up and I did set all the settings and pressed OK, the client crashed I restarted the client and all looked fine. Could not connect to the test server though.

Third installation:

I did uninstall the previous installation. When I did that it did point to uninstall the C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server not the C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE that I wanted to uninstall.

So I did uninstall the C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE Test Server and then manually the C:\Games\Neocron 2.2

And reinstalled the Neocron 2.2 CE

Your OS - Windows 7 Home Edition 64bit
Installation language selected - English
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you

Run DirectX Install []
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install []
Run Neocron as Administrator []
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server []
The install directory - C:\Games\Neocron 2.2 CE

When you have installed Neocron.

Perform a file check - are there any broken files? - No
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting? - Yes
Does the cool NC music play? - No

When I started the game client the first time and the GFX settings window showed up and I did set all the settings and pressed OK, the client crashed I restarted the client and all looked fine.

16-03-13, 07:03
•Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Home, 64bit

•Installation language selected

•Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?

•Run DirectX Install []
•Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install []
•Run Neocron in Windows XP-SP3 mode [ ]
•Run Neocron as Administrator [X]
•Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]

•The install directory
C:\games\Neocron 2.2 CE

•Perform a file check - are there any broken files?

•Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
When should that happen? I always go into the options of a launcher (if it has one) to set them myself.

•Does the cool NC music play?

I should note that it took three full minutes between clicking on the installer and something actually happening.

16-03-13, 17:37
Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Wine 1.5.24 , Gentoo Linux 64 Bit
Installation language selected
Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Run DirectX Install [X]
Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [X]
Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]
The install directory
C:\games\neocron 2.2 CE changed to C:\neocron2

The installer runs well on wine.

Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
Does the cool NC music play?

Installed on a new WINEPREFIX (clean enviroment)
Mouse input during Intro will freeze the game
Requires to manually install vcrun6 to run the launcher
No Music: Would require native quartz.dll and l3codecx.ax but results in crash: http://pastebin.com/VdLMehWW

23-03-13, 17:55
•Your OS (Please state if it is 32/64bit as well)
Windows 7 Home 64bit, 4GB RAM, 2.53 GHz processor

•Installation language selected

•Which of the following options did you have selected and which ones did you change?
Had all except Test Server for now, that will come later

•Run DirectX Install [ ]
I did have this selected but did not notice a separate installer pop up as i would expect, this option was juggested to me after explaining some FPS issues on the forums but the game still runs bad when i walk in grass and foiliage.

•Run C++2010SP1 Runtime Install [ ]
I did have this selected in the installer but no separate installer poped up as i would expect same as the directX note above, this was also suggested du to my FPS issue noted above but did not help

•Run Neocron as Administrator [ ]
I always run as admin

•Install Neocron 2 to connect to the Public Test Server [ ]
Not yet, at a later date.

•The install directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Neocron 2.2 CE

When you have installed Neocron.

•Perform a file check - are there any broken files?
Check performed flawless

•Start NC - Does it prompt you for the GFX setting?
I wasnt prompted for any settings after running the launcher however after launcher loaded I went to configuration and started configuring how i like.

•Does the cool NC music play?
I did not get any music with the launcher or installer, infact after running the game where you log in and select characters i didnt get any music that i usually get.

02-05-13, 21:55
the download link in startpost is broken!

02-05-13, 22:02
the download link in startpost is broken!

The installer is now live, thank you for all the testing.

Please download the installer from http://www.neocron-game.com/

Any bugs or issues please create a thread in the bug reports forum (http://forum.neocron-game.com/forumdisplay.php?233-Bug-Reports).
