View Full Version : Get rid of the Dragon's Wrath Members in Outzone Sector 1

16-02-13, 19:22

Everytime I go in to Outzone Sector 1 near the Outzone Subway, either to level, or to pass through to head to another Outzone Sector 1, there are these 120/120 Dragon's Wrath Members that kill me on sight. Often, high levels do a quest there that causes them to spawn, and then they just run away and leave the mobs there to kill unfortunate lowbies like me, and they just stay there, and won't dissappear until killed.

The quests and Dragon's Wrath mobs for the quest should either be done away with, or the quest changed, so the mobs have to be killed, or someway, so the mobs don't just stay there, waiting to kill low level runners.

Right now, I can't go in that area without being killed, and If I try to run past, they kill me quickly because they do so much damage per shot.

Something has to be done about this.

Arista Barret
16-02-13, 20:49
I've always looked at this as an opportunity to help and get to meet someone. Ask for help in the help channel. i am usually the first to show up and help.I've met some pretty cool New guys and Im sure it helps build a sense of community.

William Antrim
16-02-13, 22:03
Also there is another way through that area you realise? Just go a different way around it or stick to levelling in other areas till you can handle it.

No the above is not a long term solution. I think that it needs to be sorted out and they have a despawn timer on the mobs personally but thats just me.

17-02-13, 19:36
theres a couple of GRs within the outzone, as well as different ways to walk into. dragon npc will be removed by GMs on request by a ticket.

17-02-13, 19:45
But it takes so long for a GM to hear your ticket, and take action, and the next day, someone else will do the quest, spawn the mobs, and leave the mobs there.

And what about runners who have a faction quest to complete int outzone 1? They are screwed.

Dribble Joy
17-02-13, 19:47
I say make it so you have too kill them as part of the quest....

Deus Ex Machina
18-02-13, 07:49
I say make it so you have too kill them as part of the quest....Would be the simplest solution I think, sure there would still be left overs, but not in that quantity. Also concerns other spots, e.g. at Blakkmist Garbage Dump.

But most of the time there are some that enjoy the challenge / mission to get rid of them for you if you hint that there are too many Dragon Wrath member in the Outzone. Ask your faction, or failing that any allies - or just everyone. But sure, that does not work everytime, but often enough I think.

18-02-13, 11:37
This is a known issue and is on the list to be fixed. For now the advice in this thread is sound, either put in an in game Help Request or ask for assistance via the HELP channel.

18-02-13, 12:06
i get problems too while on epic run.


send a ticket to gms, then while waiting asking for help in chat or find a different way to go.