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View Full Version : Additional Ideas [Regant and Vehicle Repair]

31-08-12, 15:39
Hi community and dev-team,

"God of Hansaplast" has the idea to change the difficulty of the regant mutants.
I think it's a good idea but I know much of the people here will say:
"NOOO!!!11elevenoneone." BUT:

1) It's currently too easy to get capped and woc a char with the regant cave and the regant bossroom. It should be a "must have" to carry a ppu with you.
2) All the newbies IG gets the recommendation to level in regant because there are a lot of exp and money and you can level there with mid-high runspeed. They will never seen other level locations if this will not be fixed soon. To-Do: the dmg of genotoxic slugger and parasites should be much higher and the dots of the aoe should be much harder too OR they should be implemented another type of mob who compensates the weaknesses of the other mobs.

Okay the second problem where I agree with "God of Hansaplast" is to fix the repairing of vehicles.
Currently any monk gets the advice to repair vehicles till they reach the dexterity cap.
I think the large problem is, that the monks (yeah and other classes too who "should repair vehicles till they have enought runspeed for regant) have to repair a couple of hours and get bored and it seems to be no other way to level dexterity.
So maybe it would help to set a new requirement to the repair tool: "DEX: 30" or another requirement.


31-08-12, 15:56
We could spawn "broken item" into the boxes and garbage bins, so that those poor monks can roam the city for things to fix up^^
That or repair missions from terminals...

31-08-12, 17:17
First point i agree. Regants is way too easy. Drug up, run in, start your drone and kite the mobs.

Second point is just rubbish. Ive never seen someone giving a noob the advice to repair a vehicle.
Its way too expensive for a newbie to do. Since there is no other proper way beside doing tl 150 research missions to lvl DEX i see no need to change it. You can talk about the repair xp gain (i would cut i half or quarter) but not completely destroy this way for a monk.

31-08-12, 18:02
Concerning the dex farming:

To some degree, the problem is that we know the game inside out and use a lot of shortcuts the regular newbie doesn't even know about. In any case, most of the 'advanced' secondary skill capping tactics are so boring, that many people resort to using macros. For a game that is supposed to be fun to play, this is a big #fail

That is why I dont like any of the options named here. There should be a way to level secondary skills with less repetition of the same boring task.

Unfortunately, I don't see how one can fix this with little effort.
What I would propose here, is the implementation of a "cooldown" on any repetitive action. If you numb your chars brain by repeating the same task x number of times, the xp gained for that task will decrease for a while. Sort of like a SI for tradeskills.
Set a threshold high enough to exclude fulltime tradechars from the malus so they are not hindered.

This way you would force people to level more naturally and if that turns out to be far too slow and cumbersome, talk about increasing xp gain on the tradeskills in general - but I would really think the mindless repetition is what needs to be tackled here.

Dribble Joy
31-08-12, 19:51
[QUOTE=aKe`cj;2187245]increasing xp gain on the tradeskills in general/QUOTE]
This. Tradeskill leveling is mind numbing after about lvl20. I'd like to level my cster by actually building stuff, not by droning.