View Full Version : Things to consider when developing NC:R

23-03-12, 20:07
Started writing this a few weeks ago when NC:R thread first showed up. Only just got around to semi-finishing it:

CMaster's big thoughts and recomendations for Neocron Reloaded post

There are my personal thoughts on things that would be a good idea with regards to Neocron Reloaded. It is based around the core idea of "taking the best from NC1 and NC2", with the slight provisio that I never played NC1, although have played pretty much every incarnation of NC2. It's also going to look at things that Neocron has never done right, and how they might be done better in the future. What this piece is also going to try and stay away from, is changing things from the "Neocron way" to "my way". Obviously that is not possible to entirely avoid, but the core concept is what NCR is trying to do is create a better Neocron, not necessiarly a better cyberpunk MMO. The rest of the thread is for people to agree, disagree, or spot the flaws in what I have suggested, because there will be some.

So some basic assumptions made:
Nukklear will not have the time or resources to really build a new game from the ground up.
Models, textures and sounds are importable from Neocron.
Code, world geometry are not
The idea is to stay true to Neocron without recreating the errors of the past
Systems are going to generally follow the route that they did before.
Nukklear will be happy with Neocron Reloaded existing as a niche product (IE no chasing afer WoW/ToR/Farmville user numbers, something like say, STO or BSG is more the idea), with it having a short and cheap development
Not withstanding the above, they would like NCR to be more accessible than NC, what with the original NC having a huge number of players who just "bounced off"

What's So Good About Neocron?
Given the idea is to take "what's best" from the many incarnations of Neocron, it's perhaps best to consider just what is so great about Neocron. Obviously everybody has a slightly different reason, but we can distill down some commonly agreed reasons.
Atmosphere/Sense of Place - This is one of the things that comes up time and time again with Neocron. It's also one of those thigs that is of course very hard to define where it comes from. However, we can certainly go some way to examing the key points. Sound design is almost certainly a big part of it. Effective sound really draws you in to a world. The graphical style certainly helps. Neon Signs and shops everywhere. Business. The use of furniture, raised walkways etc all helps in the levl design, although I'm not sure that the core level layouts do much good. {url=http://bradhicks.livejournal.com/365716.html]Others have written[/url] about the sense of place and design in Neocron. Sadaly, while a key component of Neocron, it's hard to really nail down what needs to be preserved here. The fact that NC is a sci-fi setting also sets it apart here. There's still very little done in the MMO world with a successful science fiction world.
Action driven gameplay. What brough me personally in to Neocron, and has certainly attracted plenty of others over the years is the nature of the gameplay. While most MMOs are tab-target driven and based off abilities on cooldowns, Neocron was sold to me as "a sort of multiplayer Deus Ex". Now it didn't live up to that claim in a whole bunch of ways, but the fact that Neocron's core gameplay was exciting, if rather flawed and lacking in depth really made it so much more worth playing than a lot of the competitors in the MMO space. There's a lot more to the game than just watching numbers go up, and that's a huge and important thing.
The skill system. Neocron's customisability in terms of character appearance is pretty poor. There's not a huge amount that can be done there, and once your character has been made even less. However, the customisation in terms of statisitcs and capabilities is huge. This, combined with the lack of class requirements on the vast majority if items meant that you never quite new what any character was capable of. Certainly, the classes had their strengths and weakeness, but there was no way to know quite what any spy, PE or monk was up to until you fought them.

What should we do about all this?
So, given some idea of what Neocron: Reloaded will have to change and what it won't, some vauge feeling of what works and what didn't in the original Neocron, we come to the major point of this post: what should be done in the new game. This isn't going to be a full design doc, it won't fill in all the details of how things should work. Instead I'll try to describe the general outline of how things I think would be best implemented. I'll also be drawing on both mine and other's posts from this thread
Don't be afraid to throw out what is complelety broken - especially when/if it is being developed from scratch anyway. We'll come on to some key examples of this later: Outposts, Missions and Hacknet.
Give NCR true FPS combat - guns fire either hitscan or projectiles, that do damage on impacting targets. The weird hybrid system of NC might have been all that was practical in its time, but now there should be no reason not to do things properly. So many of the problems NC faced with PvP (many of which were blamed generically on "clipping" would never have occured with such a system, defensive strucutres would be more useful, and it would drastically improve PvE, both ending (or at least severly limiting) safespotting while making player positiong vs mobs much more important. I realise some classic players love the current system of Neocron. But it's a strange system, something that immediatley alienates and confuses new players, and it's a system that doesn't really make any kind of sense. When I pull the trigger of my gun, I expect something harmful to come out the end. At the moment, all you get is pretty effects - the harm only comes if you were targetting something already (with a few exceptions).
Minimise instancing. This all comes back to the strong sense of world and place. Instancing really strongly undermines that. I don't say no instancing at all, as appartments after all are just permenant instances. I also see the chance for procedural mission generation that uses instancing. However, if you want to recreate the feel and best parts of NC, then the real, continuous world is an important part of that. Being able to meet up with friends, ambush enemies, or just encounter new acquaintences anywhere in the world is what made it work. I know that the drive in MMOs in general has been to an almmost entirely instanced world, with the "presistent world" element almost vanishing. There's a lot of people out there that want to see games standing in opposition to that however, and to follow the path of vaugely connected instanced spaces hurts the idea of Neocron as a living world worth fighting over.
No click zones - or at least, as few as possble. Make it so that maps can easily have new walk across zonelines added - even better make the world continuous and zoneline free, however that would likley be difficult. Click zones are an obvious bodge, have a bunch of weird behaviours tied up in them, and attack one of Neocron's strongest aspects - it's sense of place.
Focus on Neocron City - I'm guessing there's no easy way to import World Geometry over to Unity. Even if there is, fixing it up for the new engine will still be a big pile of work. What I'd suggest then is that rather than trying to recreate the entire world for first launch, is to just initally focus on the Neocron city. It's the most interesting part of the game, and huge chunks of it (most infamously Mainsewers, but also most of the Outzone and Via Rosso as well as things like the clubs in Pepper Park) went mostly unused. Make the city the real focus of the game. Make Mainsewers relevant and perhaps the link into higher level environments. Worried about the lack of OPs? Create player contenstible facitilites in an expanded Industrial Area. The wastelands can still be developed and implemented, that'd be great - but for starters, just the city would be enough. I'd say there's a lot of space for Neocron City to be pretty drastically redesigned. Keep the core idea - Outzone/PP/Plaza/VR. Keep some landmarks like P1 medicare. But the level layouts could be cleaned a little and the links between them improved dramatically. Places like the Outzone and Mainsewers need to be give a much stronger reason to exist. Make Neocron have something to offer all playrs at all levels, not just a trade hub, a PvP hub, and a couple of "maximum efficency" levelling spots, joined by whole swathes of ghost towns.
Make skills, differentiating character builds really matter. The skill system in Neocron is frighteningly complex. Five independtly levelled statisitics, each with a whole clutch of subskills within them that can be player adjusted. Despite the fact that a lotof this frequently went over player's heads, I'd encourage this system to be left as it is. However, that isn't to say there aren't some very important changes to be made. First off, I'd like to see the tech levels (and hence mainskill requirements) stretched dramatically. In NC2.3, a spy can acheive a dex stat of well over 120, I think pushing 130 at the upper limits. Doing so comes with a whole load of costs in terms of losing out on important subskills and defensive stats. However, right now, there is no reason to make the strech. I'd love to see it so that there could be multiple ways of building pure combat characters, rather than the fairly static environment we have now. The core things I would look to see possible are A: defensive builds, these would focus on gaining defence while using a low end (~80-100) mainskill weapon. Defence could be gained through improving psi, str, or con stats; B: subskill specailists, these characters would use a mid level (95-110) mainskill weapon, witha focus on boosting stats like weaponskill, agility and weapon lore (or new equivilants), they'd get good damage, fast aming and lots of ability to aim on the move with this sort of build; C: Mainskill pushers. Using the top end of weapons with high mainskill requirements (110-130) these characters would be able to use the fanciest, most powerful of weapons - but their defenses and their skills in using said weapons would be diminished. This only covers the combat side of things, but I hope where I am going is clear - there should be reasons to really push the envelope, opportunities in that space - but it shouldn't be necessary to be focussed on one particular stat to make a character viable.
Make the skill system transparent There has to be some element of caution here, or it can make it too easy to work out the mathematically "best" character. However there needs to be at least some more clarity in the way skills work, for so many players never really understood, and many crazy myths went around. The first and simplest aspect is that players should be able to see what skills they will gain experience in when using an item. Weapons should explain that they will train, say str and dex and int. Construction tools dex and int. Etc. Beyond that, players should be able to see in game what skills are contributing. The full mathematics needn't be included, but it would be great to see that your rifle damage was "70% RC 30%WEP" for example. Giving players a huge possibility space with their skills really isn't much use if they can't see what their skills do. While we're at it, let's not have any more of the stupid "sweet spots" like we see currently with hacking, where any more than 110-120 hack actually makes hacking harder again.
Remove implant (and armour) maluses. Now testing could prove me wrong with this one, but my feeling is this: by and large, the negative elements on implant's aren't really helpful. Merely using one implant over another represents a massive opportunity cost - that should be enough. Especially as most of these negative effects just succeed in being a nusiance - a slight speed reduction in exchange for badly needed mainstats is typical. It may be that the need to fight ridiculous hybrids forces negatives in to the equation, but I'd like to try without. (as an aside, it would be interesting to see items like the old Kami chips suuposedly were - huge, realy penalties in exchange for milder, but unusal benefits)
Missions. Missions in Neocron at the moment are broken. The horrible interface that is used to find them. The trivial rewards. The fact that a "very hard" mission involves killing a mob that is less than half the maximum enemy level. So I'd suggest ditching all of it as it is. Even the much loved "quickjobs" just encourage farming of the few specific mobs on the list (eg rats, aggressor captains) rather than brancing out into other zones. Instead, I think what has been acheived with Black Prophecy points towards something more desirable for this. Taking on a mission from a faction picks for a list of tasks (Raid rival warehouse/defend faction assetts/assainate rival individual/deliver key componet/etc/etc). The specifics of the mission are randomly generated, the player sent to an appartment style-lift to go to the mission zone. You could even introduce the risk of other players from the target rival faction being sent (who would of course know the relevant code to gain access) to intercept the player carrying out the mission. Elements outside the key combat aspects of the mission (and even some of those) should take place in non-instanced areas as well, to keep the important world link discussed above. If all this is too much to do, then make the mission system very, very simple. Three drop down boxes. Faction/Task(kill/const/res/rep/rec)/Target(mob name/item to be built/res/etc).

23-03-12, 20:08
Outposts. Player owned territory is fantastic. It's a big part of high level Neocron and absolutley should remain. The current outpost system however shouldn't make a comeback in any way. The first thing that needs to be considered in the new design is that player owned territory needs to be defensible, and the players owning it need to be able to get there and defend before the defenses are bypassed. So this means walls, gates, shields, whatever that keep hostiles out. It means that these obstructions need to delay the attackers for long enough for defenders to mobilize. The rewards for owning territory need to be real as well. The obvious route is some kind of clan income - this has it's risks, but is worth investigating. Other options that can be added in to the mix are things like access to unique resources (or rare but otherwise obtainable might be better), improved efficency for processes (maybe researching in a high tech lab produces 2 BPs per run rather than one for example; maybe vehicles can only be built in a garage(or are much faster)). The existing idea of skill bonuses can be added in to the mix as well, however it isn't really enough on it's own and many of the exisiting bonuses are not useful (mine, uplink, fortress). It would be great to see the general idea of player contestible territory made a more core part of the game. So parts of the city in outzone or Ind A could be ownable (especialyl if going with my earlier suggestion of making the inital gain NC city only). So all the different outposts in the world as well as provding different benefits operated differently.
Hacknet. Ditch it until/unless you have the time and the inclination to make it really work. What does really work mean? See the "semi dreaming" section.
Ganking, factions, soulight. There's no easy answer to all this, but I'd say a few things: Yes, Neocron needs to be violent. But there's no denying that the constant being killed by anyone, including supposed friendlies led to a lot of people not putting up with the game. I'd in general like to see ganking discouraged more strongly, and "blue on blue" incidents strongly punished. My preferred way of doing this would probably be related to ditching soulight outright. There'd need to be a way of tracking the agressor in engagements (did beyond %threshold damage would be the obvious path). Attacking somebody within sight of a copbot or "secure zones" should see a bounty placed on that players head for some period of time. Faction sympathy should be hard to earn, with attacking friendlies dealing huge punishments. Equally, whatever punishment factor is used on players for friendly killing, there must not be any straightfoward way to earn it back. We've seen in the past that if there is a grindy way of resetting punishments, then the trolls set themselves up to do it much more efficently and quickly than players genuinely caught out. Systematically, this might mean some kind of exponential effect - for every offense commited, either the punishment increases, or the "probation" time in which they cannot earn back symp increases. No system is ungameable, but it's possible to create one so painful that few will bother (and after all, we want a world in which sometimes settling a personal grudge with a supposed "ally" is worth the cost). Equally, I'd like to still see something like warzones (and perhaps not just restricted to player owned territory) where the factions turn a blind eye to what goes on there, with a possible exception of intra-faction combat.
New Player experience - Newbie MC5 was a disaster. Mr Jones was a step in the right direction. An improved tutorial, integrated into a Mr-Jones style quest and explanation chain within the city is the way forward. Esepcially when combined with the "greater transparency" elements discussed above. Neocron City's atmosphere is a big part of the game's draw. So show newbies that. Clarity is what they need - make sure they know where they are going and what they are doing. Make sure the damn nav-ray works. Don't be afraid to explain a few systems along the way.
Find a space for APUs - I talked through one option here. I'm sure there are other things that could be done as well. I dare say few would cry tears if they were gone entirley. However one thing is for sure - if APUs represent best offence with worst defence, and if PPUs increae all characters defence by a fixed amount, then APU/PPU teams will always trounce anything else. So either APUs find another space other than pure damage dealers, or PPUs act as a defensive multiplier, rather than defense addition.
Minimal chrome on the UI - Says it all.

This section is for things that I'd love to see in the game, and still fit into the existing Neocron model, but may be stretching it a bit, taking things beyond the scope of the "Reloaded" project. The above Hacknet, Outpost and maybe even Mission sections have already touched on this. However, these elements shouldn't require reams of new content, or making some radically different game:
Improve utility. One thing I would love to see is non-combat skills having more application. As said, the idea of an "MMO Deus Ex" brought me to the game, and non-combat use of skills is a big part of that. As it is, the only utility skill really is hacking, with hacking of OPs being necessary, and a couple of quests/levelling areas needing a door hacked open. I'de like to see construction and research skills also opening doors, repairing necessary equipment in levelling areas etc. Really I'd like to see combat engineering being a thing - with a combination of weapon and contruction skills, combat engies could thrown up turrets, traps etc. Researchers could maybe gather intel on enemy stats and weaknesses. Implant could become a more general medical ability, with the ability to provide some kind of medium term buff. You see the general idea.
Make a worthwhile Hacknet What is needed for Hacknet to be worthwhile? For it to be it's own space with it's own rules, not just a cut down version of "real world" movement and combat. For Hacknet to actually effect things that matter - what wpuld be great to see is every object of sufficent importance to have a hacknet equivilant, that a hacker could manipulate. For high level missions/quests, having a hacknet hacker as part of the team could be necessary to open paths and control systems. For other missions/environments/quests it could just represent an alternative way of doing things. However all this becomes close to making another game. Expansion material perhaps, but likley not a good plan for inital release.
Allow investment in territory ownership - It would be nice for clans to have a way to really establish themselves a base, with approriate costs of course. Turrets were a good start on this pattern. Let clans put in furniture, vendingmachinets etc. Maybe a vehicle spawner/garage for wastes outposts. Buffed defenses in other ways etc.
Make quests/missions/levelling zones more sophisticated - To be filled in
Ditch psi - To be filled in, may be inapporpriate
GMs, events and player generated content - to be filled in

If anybody wants more details on how I'd do these things, perhaps some possible formlaes for the math elements, UI mock ups, possibly even game element mock ups/simulations, then shout up and I may deliver given the time.

24-03-12, 11:13
I can barely agree on any of your points... :wtf:

Ganking, factions, soulight i agree that it needs some work but what you suggest: no.

Also the mission-suggestion sounds pretty much like instancing you want to minimize :wtf:

And where have you read that world geometry cant be imported into Unity? :wtf:

24-03-12, 14:04
wasteland geometry is probably the easiest to import into unity. If they still have the height maps it's about 30min-1hour or so to completely make a wasteland zone (most of the time spent re-texturing the roads in, and placing the models again).

24-03-12, 18:12
KK really should focus their time on things, that can be solved by changing some values instead of making things complete different. Before we are talking about stuff like this, kk should ask us what part of NC1 NC2-2.2 should they stick together.

I can agree to most of your ideas beside true FPS combat and the current skill system. True fps Combat in a RPG game is not good in my opinion. The current skill system is not complexe or something. It is pretty easy to understand and by far one of the best ive seen in a game.

I would add a rework of the City Term to your list. That would fix the mission system and could give some outpost settings improvements.

24-03-12, 21:18
[ edited - Leave the moderating, to the moderators. Thanks. ]

25-03-12, 03:17
I also have to agree with drachen, i dont agree with most of your points and the changes you are suggesting would change this game way tooo much from what we love

25-03-12, 12:13
I'd say safe the major changes for possible NC 3. NC:R should concentrate on fixing the major bugs in NC 2.2 and bringing back some things from NC 1 (like Turrets that are actually useful to have in an outpost).

If you want true FPS combat keep a close look on Planetside 2. That one looks like it's gonna be an easy to access funtime.

William Antrim
25-03-12, 14:35
I like the outpost change ideas, and the FPS ideas personally. I am not gonna shoot you down in flames like some of my predecessors as I can see alot of thought went into the original ideas.

I think hackable gates is a good fix to the OP idea. Start off on the outside of the gate and hack 3 terminals to get "into" the console to own the op. Hacknet can be removed but it still gives the defending team a chance to stack up their troops inside the hackable room to defend. It is a simple solution to a complex problem.

25-03-12, 15:12
A major thing that I dislike about NC PVP are these cookie cutter builds and the 3rd person perspective hopping jumping furball battle vids. I like the FPS aspect of the game, but when pvp battles only end in chars running around in hilarious speed, spraying with rares, I pass on that.

25-03-12, 15:22
I like most of it as well. I'll comment more later, but first: I don't understand your hate for the hacknet.

I think it's better to have hacknet how it is, than to have it be just another mini game. Of course there's too little content in hacknet atm, but there s tons of cool stuff you could add to hacknet. KK should really add the hack minigame to hacknet f.e. so you can hack

doors or terminals which give you buffs or something inside hacknet. They could also introduce different demage types or some kind of stealth/change of your character appearance to hacknet etc etc. I think there are lots of possibilities to be creative with hacknet.

And although the level design in hacknet is a bit monotonous atm, that could also easily be changed.

25-03-12, 20:58
The level geometry thing is my guess, not necessarily accurate. It was listed under "assumptions" for a reason. It depends on how much source files they still have of all of this. It's possible that there might be a way to import the original .map files, but trying to convert the .bsps would create a mess, better to just recreate. Again, if they have the original height maps for the wastes, like Biglines says they could easily be reused. All the objects in the outer world are .bsps in certain locations - they'll need to be replaced, again assuming there is some useful source for them.

Missions/instancing. Yeah, I hesitated. They are intended to be mostly a side thing, not something that people spend most of their time doing. Maybe even limit it to once a day. Other players should be able to get in to them if they know the code, and perhaps under certain circumstances other players could be given the code. However I am still in two minds about the whole thing, and I do actually think it's too much to aim for in NC:R on reflection.

Power - all I say about the skill system is to just give some ingame info on what your points actually do, and try to make more setup variety possible. I don't want to change anything core about the system - it works, despite (even because) of being much more complex than most other MMOs. What I think you need to realise is that KK can't just "change some values". They are going to have to rewrite almost all the game code. Mostly, the focus would be on recreating what was there already, however why recreate something that doesn't work at the moment?

About the OP changes - changing the bonuses would be easy, and they certainly need to be more useful. A quick-fix for op fights would be this: All Ops gain a shield that covers all the buildings. Only people who would not be attacked by turrets are allowed through this shield. Some generic building is dropped on the outside as a "shield generator". This can either be hacked like current op terms, or blown up maybe. 3 minutes (adjustable) after being deactivated, the shield goes down. There we go, the end of UG camping, and the chance to fire from the walls on the attackers, rather than having the attackers STARTING inside the walls.

Regaring FS/SL/Ganking: I didn't really propose any concrete solutions. The bounty idea I'll drop, as I've realised this weekend it's massively exploitable. I've had some clearer ideas on what to do about it now. The core point is though - some system is needed to punish ally-killing, which can't just be fixed with 20-30 minutes of grind.

Anyway, keep the criticisms coming. In some cases I clearly wasn't clear enough. In others, I'll agree that I got carried away and went to far.

26-03-12, 10:15
I think hackable gates is a good fix to the OP idea. Start off on the outside of the gate and hack 3 terminals to get "into" the console to own the op. Hacknet can be removed but it still gives the defending team a chance to stack up their troops inside the hackable room to defend. It is a simple solution to a complex problem.

Why not making some of the walls destroyable? So the defending Clan gets an information when someone attacks the Outpost walls. The enemy then has to fight the walls first and you have the time to gather behind.
After the fight is over you have to repair the walls again.

26-03-12, 19:10
Don't be afraid to throw out NC2 art/models and go back to NC1 player models.


NC1 models are more in-theme. NC2 models are just TRASHY.

26-03-12, 21:42
well he already said they were gonna use the best of nc 1 and 2, so my guess is they are gonna use the models

27-03-12, 02:04
The best thing to do with NCR is to forget about most of the things that don't work and just get it done.
They need to get this out quickly, and they won't be able to do that if they stop to consider every little thing that could be done better.
The more they mess with it, the more time they'll waste and the more people they'll alienate.

They should definitely look at things like balancing and implant bonuses, but the big stuff should wait for NC3.

William Antrim
28-03-12, 20:51
Id be happy if nc:r was a massive bugfix and balancing patch to make it like nc1 again (with balance) to be fair.

PVE needs to go back to nc1 values too.

We need to be able to solo level all classes out in the wastes and not just in certain caves. Also we need to be able to use all the classes more effectively.

I would like to see APUs given some better long range weaponry to compliment their weak defence (like spies with spells) and low tech pes would make a comeback - I hope this happens mroe than anything.

As usual though this post is turning into a wishlist so I will stop now.

Clive tombstone
28-03-12, 22:50
Sorry guys, but I gotta agree with Cmaster on the "True FPS" experience thing. I jump into NC every so often for a taste of nostalgia, but each time I do, I come back to the combat and feel somewhat disapointed... Maybe Ive been spoiled by the vast improvements in gameplay that videogames have received over the last 5 years, or that I was never good at pvp when I was in my NC prime (a while ago). Since then however, I've taken a liking to live combat as such, embracing a lot of different FPS's (The Battlefield series, particularly BC2 and 2042), tribes, planet side and many more.

Combat is one of the prime concepts of Neocron, and right now, it just doesn't feel as responsive or tight as it should be. Idealy, Id love to see combat that played a bit like Red Orchestra 2 (cover mechanics, minus the morale element and the quick deaths (the bleed out mechanics sound interesting though for a hardcore touch)). Right now, I just think the target box mechanic plain sucks now, and is terribly outdated. That said, keep the reticule mechanics, that's fine if you ask me, but hit scan (or hell, NO hit scan, once you get an engine that's capable of doing that). And combat could become way more interesting.

Also, in regards to Hacknet? I wasnt really ever that hot on that either, but It'd be neat to maybe see hacknet as an "Overlay" onto reality rather than its own dimension.

28-03-12, 22:58
I don't think the question has ever been whether or not hitscan is better or not. I think that most people agree that from a gameplay perspective, good hitscan gameplay is better than the current system.

that said, for nc:r, I believe it would be far too much work, and require too much change for it to be NC:reloaded, and instead would become - and be almost as much work as - a full fledged nc3 (having to redo almost every single map, almost every single skill, almost every single mechanic, and balancing from square one).

28-03-12, 23:28
I think you'll find there are some people out there, certainly some of those who still hang around NC, who really like the weirdo Neocron combat system. It's different to almost anything else out there, and inevitably some people will like that.

I also don't think the changes would have to be anything like as broad as you think. There's no need to do ANYTHING with the skill system to bring in hitscan/projectile weapons. Yes, you'll probably create combat which is a bit different to the current one, but no, I don't see why you'd have to alter any of the maps for it. Yeah sure, you plonk CS rules into NC and you get something awful. But you'd never use the CS rules. I also think it would make the weapons feel more different, rather than more samey.

29-03-12, 00:29
no point rehashing my previous arguments why I would think it would be completely different, it's in the ncr thread if ur interested ;)

29-03-12, 00:59
Right, here's a version responding to feedback, improving clarity, and reflecting some of my own changing thoughts.

So some basic assumptions made:
Nukklear will not have the time or resources to really build a new game from the ground up – and if they did it would be NC3, not NC:R
Models, textures and sounds are importable from Neocron.
Code, world geometry are not
The idea is to stay true to Neocron without recreating the errors of the past
Systems are going to generally follow the route that they did before.
Nukklear will be happy with Neocron Reloaded existing as a niche product (IE no chasing afer WoW/ToR/Farmville user numbers, something like say, STO or BSG is more the idea), with it having a short and cheap development
Not withstanding the above, they would like NCR to be more accessible than NC, what with the original NC having a huge number of players who just "bounced off"

What's So Good About Neocron?
Given the idea is to take "what's best" from the many incarnations of Neocron, it's perhaps best to consider just what is so great about Neocron. Obviously everybody has a slightly different reason, but we can distil down some commonly agreed reasons.
Atmosphere/Sense of Place - This is one of the things that comes up time and time again with Neocron. It's also one of those things that is of course very hard to define where it comes from. However, we can certainly go some way to examining the key points. Sound design is almost certainly a big part of it. Effective sound really draws you in to a world. The graphical style certainly helps. Neon Signs and shops everywhere. Business. The use of furniture, raised walkways etc all helps in the level design, although I'm not sure that the core level layouts do much good. Others have written (http://bradhicks.livejournal.com/365716.html) about the sense of place and design in Neocron. Sadly, while a key component of Neocron, it's hard to really nail down what needs to be preserved here. The fact that NC is a sci-fi setting also sets it apart here. There's still very little done in the MMO world with a successful science fiction world.
Action driven gameplay. What brought me personally in to Neocron, and has certainly attracted plenty of others over the years is the nature of the gameplay. While most MMOs are tab-target driven and based off abilities on cooldowns, Neocron was sold to me as "a sort of multiplayer Deus Ex". Now it didn't live up to that claim in a whole bunch of ways, but the fact that Neocron's core gameplay was exciting, if rather flawed and lacking in depth really made it so much more worth playing than a lot of the competitors in the MMO space. There's a lot more to the game than just watching numbers go up, and that's a huge and important thing.
The skill system. Neocron's customisability in terms of character appearance is pretty poor. There's not a huge amount that can be done there, and once your character has been made even less. However, the customisation in terms of statistics and capabilities is huge. This, combined with the lack of class requirements on the vast majority if items meant that you never quite new what any character was capable of. Certainly, the classes had their strengths and weaknesses, but there was no way to know quite what any spy, PE or monk was up to until you fought them.
Minimal instancing – this ties back in to the “sense of place” thing. Yeah, lots of big MMOs are increasingly nothing but a lobby for a bunch of non MMO player space instances. Don’t let NC become that.

Things that are broken and should be replaced, not just recreated?
My big effort with this thread is to see that when KK go about recreating Neocron in the new CLI code (probably C# but who knows), and new tools, they don’t go wasting their time remaking things that are flat out broken or unpleasant now.

No click zones - or at least, as few as possible. Make it so that maps can easily have new walk across zonelines added - even better make the world continuous and zoneline free, however that would likely be difficult. Click zones are an obvious bodge, have a bunch of weird behaviours tied up in them, and attack one of Neocron's strongest aspects - it's sense of place.
Make skills, differentiating character builds really matter. The skill system in Neocron is frighteningly complex. Five independently levelled statistics, each with a whole clutch of subskills within them that can be player adjusted. Despite the fact that a lot of this frequently went over player's heads, I'd encourage this system to be left as it is. However, that isn't to say there aren't some very important changes to be made. First off, I'd like to see the tech levels (and hence mainskill requirements) stretched dramatically. In NC2.3, a spy can achieve a dex stat of well over 120, I think pushing 130 at the upper limits. Doing so comes with a whole load of costs in terms of losing out on important subskills and defensive stats. However, right now, there is no reason to make the stretch. I'd love to see it so that there could be multiple ways of building pure combat characters, rather than the fairly static environment we have now. The core things I would look to see possible are A: defensive builds, these would focus on gaining defence while using a low end (~80-100) mainskill weapon. Defence could be gained through improving psi, str, or con stats; B: subskill specialists, these characters would use a mid level (95-110) mainskill weapon, witha focus on boosting stats like weaponskill, agility and weapon lore (or new equivalents), they'd get good damage, fast aiming and lots of ability to aim on the move with this sort of build; C: Mainskill pushers. Using the top end of weapons with high mainskill requirements (110-130) these characters would be able to use the fanciest, most powerful of weapons - but their defences and their skills in using said weapons would be diminished. This only covers the combat side of things, but I hope where I am going is clear - there should be reasons to really push the envelope, opportunities in that space - but it shouldn't be necessary to be focussed on one particular stat to make a character viable.
Missions and the citycom. Getting missions right now is a pain. It would be nice to see a better mission system added, however a simple short term solution would be a series of dropdowns: 1. What task (kill, construct, recycle etc); 2. What item (Aggressor, elevator part, chemical) ;3. Who for (Biotech, Black Dragon, etc). Perhaps the best citycom solution would just be to implement a browser (say Webkit, and keep it up to date) in the game, and have a decent site to navigate.
Outpost rewards. Currently, the rewards for actually owning an op are of limited value, frequently even useless (Uplinks) or borderline useless (mines, forts). The obvious route is some kind of clan income - this has it's risks, but is worth investigating. Other options that can be added in to the mix are things like access to unique resources (or rare but otherwise obtainable might be better), improved efficiency for processes (maybe researching in a high tech lab produces 2 BPs per run rather than one for example; maybe vehicles can only be built in a garage(or are much faster)). The existing idea of skill bonuses can be added in to the mix as well, however it isn't really enough on it's own
Outpost combat. Outpost combat currently suffers from a massive bias in favour of the attackers. They get to not only chose the timing and location, but they also get to start within the walls of the outpost, aiming at the one direction the defenders have to come from if they want to get there in time (as little as 2 minutes from first warning I think) to save the OP. What needs to happen is that the defenders receive a warning when the attackers are still outside the walls. This could be as crude as a magic shield, which after being hacked/damaged enough takes X minutes to go down and prevents anyone who would not be attacked by turrets from passing through, to most sophisticated walls and gates systems.
Hacknet. Ditch it until/unless you have the time and the inclination to make it really work. What does really work mean? See the "semi dreaming" section.
Ganking, factions, soulight. Too much random “blue on blue” killing drove people off and made the game a frustration to play. None of the systems put in place in NC2 ever put a stop to it, or made people really happy about it. The problems were twofold – one, the punishments were never effective, as those who intentionally broke them arranged for ways to quickly grind their reputations back again; two, that people had no opportunity to defend themselves. In the future, whatever punishment is used against random trolls and griefers needs to be something that can’t easily be regained, certainly not by grinding a single task. Equally, something needs to be set up to mark “attackers”, while still defending people from the “level 1 runs in front of your gun” griefing. I have some more specific ideas, but we’ll leave it here for now.
New Player experience - Newbie MC5 was a disaster. Mr Jones was a step in the right direction. An improved tutorial, integrated into a Mr-Jones style quest and explanation chain within the city is the way forward. Especially when combined with the "greater transparency" elements discussed above. Neocron City's atmosphere is a big part of the game's draw. So show newbies that. Clarity is what they need - make sure they know where they are going and what they are doing. Make sure the damn nav-ray works. Don't be afraid to explain a few systems along the way.
APUs. If APUs are the high damage/low damage class, and PPUs continue to give a fixed or progressive scaling (ie more def to those with less base) then APU/PPU teams will always reign supreme. APUs either need to be given a different role to glass cannons (one option here), or PPUs need to have a multiplying, rather than additive defence effect.

Things that would make the game much better
The underlying system isn’t broken per se for the upcoming examples, but it’s far from ideal. Without any real effort, a lot of this could be improved.

Make the skill system transparent There has to be some element of caution here, or it can make it too easy to work out the mathematically "best" character. However there needs to be at least some more clarity in the way skills work, for so many players never really understood, and many crazy myths went around. The first and simplest aspect is that players should be able to see what skills they will gain experience in when using an item. Weapons should explain that they will train, say str and dex and int. Construction tools dex and int. Etc. Beyond that, players should be able to see in game what skills are contributing. The full mathematics needn't be included, but it would be great to see that your rifle damage was "70% RC 30%WEP" for example. Giving players a huge possibility space with their skills really isn't much use if they can't see what their skills do. While we're at it, let's not have any more of the stupid "sweet spots" like we see currently with hacking, where any more than 110-120 hack actually makes hacking harder again.
Minimal chrome on the UI - Says it all.
Focus on Neocron City - I'm guessing there's no easy way to import World Geometry over to Unity. Even if there is, fixing it up for the new engine will still be a big pile of work. What I'd suggest then is that rather than trying to recreate the entire world for first launch, is to just initially focus on the Neocron city. It's the most interesting part of the game, and huge chunks of it (most infamously Mainsewers, but also most of the Outzone as well as things like the clubs in Pepper Park) went mostly unused. Make the city the real focus of the game. Make Mainsewers relevant and perhaps the link into higher level environments. Worried about the lack of OPs? Create player contestable facilities in an expanded Industrial Area. The wastelands can still be developed and implemented, that'd be great - but for starters, just the city would be enough. I'd say there's a lot of space for Neocron City to be pretty drastically redesigned. Recreate the core city, all the Plaza/VR/PP. Consider revamping OZ, MS, Ind A etc., allowing for new areas to be added on. Give high level players more stuff to do (the NCPD mission was a good start, however it foolishly overlapped with some low level epic elements).
Give NCR true FPS combat - guns fire either hitscan or projectiles, that do damage on impacting targets. The weird hybrid system of NC might have been all that was practical in its time, but now there should be no reason not to do things properly. So many of the problems NC faced with PvP (many of which were blamed generically on "clipping" would never have occurred with such a system, defensive structures would be more useful, and it would drastically improve PvE, both ending (or at least severely limiting) safespotting while making player positioning vs mobs much more important. I realise some classic players love the current system of Neocron. But it's a strange system, something that immediately alienates and confuses new players, and it's a system that doesn't really make any kind of sense. When I pull the trigger of my gun, I expect something harmful to come out the end. At the moment, all you get is pretty effects - the harm only comes if you were targeting something already (with a few exceptions).
Bring back NC1 Player models – or some slightly revamped versions. Can’t say I’m too fussed myself, but the general player preference is vastly this way.
Player Shops. Everyone wants them (near enough). Getting decent gear frustrated the hell out of new players. Making players still the core of the economy is good. Making spamming trade for an hour to get what you want isn't.

29-03-12, 01:03
This section is for things that I'd love to see in the game, and still fit into the existing Neocron model, but may be stretching it a bit, taking things beyond the scope of the "Reloaded" project. Most try to steer away from needing masses of new content, but:
Improve utility. One thing I would love to see is non-combat skills having more application. As said, the idea of an "MMO Deus Ex" brought me to the game, and non-combat use of skills is a big part of that. As it is, the only utility skill really is hacking, with hacking of OPs being necessary, and a couple of quests/levelling areas needing a door hacked open. I'd like to see construction and research skills also opening doors, repairing necessary equipment in levelling areas etc. Really I'd like to see combat engineering being a thing - with a combination of weapon and construction skills, combat engies could thrown up turrets, traps etc. Researchers could maybe gather intel on enemy stats and weaknesses. Implant could become a more general medical ability, with the ability to provide some kind of medium term buff. You see the general idea.
Make a worthwhile Hacknet What is needed for Hacknet to be worthwhile? For it to be it's own space with it's own rules, not just a cut down version of "real world" movement and combat. For Hacknet to actually effect things that matter - what would be great to see is every object of sufficient importance to have a hacknet equivalent, that a hacker could manipulate. For high level missions/quests, having a hacknet hacker as part of the team could be necessary to open paths and control systems. For other missions/environments/quests it could just represent an alternative way of doing things. However all this becomes close to making another game. Expansion material perhaps, but likely not a good plan for initial release. One good suggestion I have heard from two sources now, is simply to make hacknet traversing the “real world” but interacting with objects differently, and invisible to real world players (also, fancy post-processing effects to show you are in cyberspace).
Allow investment in territory ownership - It would be nice for clans to have a way to really establish themselves a base, with appropriate costs of course. Turrets were a good start on this pattern. Let clans put in furniture, vending machines etc. Maybe a vehicle spawner/garage for wastes outposts. Buffed defences in other ways etc.
Expand territory ownership. Basically, make the territory ownership system more flexible than the current one. I’d love to see clans being able to seize factories and things in Ind A. Imagine adding a new, genuine “PvP dungeon” – players can capture some forts or similar inside it, but they have to defend from both players and NPCs. None of this stuff has to go in right away of course – but make the code capable of reuse.
Make quests/missions/levelling zones more sophisticated - To be filled in
GMs, events and player generated content I actually think this is really important, but anyway. Code the game so that GM’s can alter almost anything that is alterable. Not core game rules, but any settings for zones, any parameters of mobs, creating or disabling spawnpoints, generating new instances of existing zones, etc. Create a security system that lets you distribute these abilities sensibly, rather than being all or nothing (and ideally, lets powers be enabled for a short time). This way, while your content developers can never churn stuff out fast enough to keep players happy, EGMs can keep the game interesting for players. Equally, opening up the quest scripting system could let players create basic new content to flesh out the game, and with checking it could avoid being the mess that say, CoH’s system is.
Procedural missionsI think what has been achieved with Black Prophecy points towards something more desirable for this. Taking on a mission from a faction picks for a list of tasks (Raid rival warehouse/defend faction assets/assassinate rival individual/deliver key component/etc/etc). The specifics of the mission are randomly generated, the player sent to an apartment style-lift to go to the mission zone. You could even introduce the risk of other players from the target rival faction being sent (who would of course know the relevant code to gain access) to intercept the player carrying out the mission. Elements outside the key combat aspects of the mission (and even some of those) should take place in non-instanced areas as well, to keep the important world link discussed above. This should not become the primary method of levelling/play however. Consider a one per day restriction, rewards of specialist use, etc

If anybody wants more details on how I'd do these things, perhaps some possible formulas for the math elements, UI mock ups, possibly even game element mock ups/simulations, then shout up and I may deliver given the time

29-03-12, 01:12
no point rehashing my previous arguments why I would think it would be completely different, it's in the ncr thread if ur interested ;)

You've not really explained any of those particular points. You say that the map layouts would be changed, based on you not enjoying CS or HL2:DM combat in recreations of NC zones. That doesn't prove really show much, other than NC isn't CS or HL2:DM.
You've never given any reason for why a change in combat hit detection should necessitate any change to the skill system at all. I certainly don't see why it should.
You're statement that all weapons feel the same under a more true-FPS system seems to be based off modern gun-porn games. It's quite easy to make drastically different feeling weapons with projectiles (a lot less so if you only use hitscan, granted). In fact, switching to this sort of system would make the difference between rapid fire and slow fire weapons more pronounced.

29-03-12, 01:17
hmm, guess you're right. I'll see if I can write a more argued post tomorrow, bit tired atm.

29-03-12, 19:18
As I don't want to open a new thread for my thoughts, I'll post here. Neocron Reloaded would mostly be a fixed and cleaner game combining the best of NC1 and NC2. For that, I guess we can't expect big changes or radical new developements.

So my ideal Neocron wishlist is now for an further Neocron (if there will be one).

The greatest aspect which made Neocron different from other games on the market as it came out, were the FPS aspect. Looking at the game as it is right now, tactical combat along with cover and weapon choice doesn't play an important role at all. Rather the game follows down the usual Cookie-Cutter-Build lane. It's not about tactics, it's copying a popular build to outwit the game engine with speedwarping. Some classes are generally borked right from beginning, Leveling is a pain in the ass and most only effective by visiting caves far beyond your level with friends far beyond your level. In order to change this plus providing a greater Atmosphere, I'd like to see following.

- Movement Speed is capped on a reasonable scale, so these Donkey Kong Jump&Run Videos will end
- Remove Resists from Skilltrees. Seriously, Resistances should be a matter of Armor setup. Instead give skills to wear armor more efficient.
- Armor Customization. Armors should be a hull with certain capacity, and Players insert plates, layers and other material that then define their resistance and protection capacity.
- Hardpoints on vehicles where players can install adapted weapons. By that the Combat Specialization of Heavy/Rifle/Pistol/Drone/Psi can use their favorite vehicles with their favored weaponstyle
- Integrate cover and enviroment for aiming and damage calculation, which will also set an end to Donkey Kong Jump&Run
- Customizable fortifications in Outposts along with Hardpoints for weapons
- NPC Raids on outposts or cities, which will ensure more action and fun for everyone (as proven in Tabula Rasa)

I'm not mentioning individual clothes & weapons which are also visible to see on your Char, along with fitting sounds, as I asume that's a standard nowadays.

31-03-12, 21:41
Fucks sake, you guys are giving me a lot to read to get back into being a supportive member of this community. :lol:

Along with the stuff on outposts, make it so clans can pull money from an outpost they put money into. Mining facility? Money. Research lab? Money. etc. Maybe another tier of tradeskilling for materials from outposts? Thats a ways off though. Focus on fixing core aspects of the game before anything else.

William Antrim
01-04-12, 11:43
your signature is wrong Apocalypsox. The first line should be.... he who knows not.... not he who knows.

01-04-12, 11:48
Good thing we cleared that up.