View Full Version : Firemob Hunting Guide for I-16

21-11-11, 03:39
Here's a rifle guide to I-16 as was requested in game.
Spawn points are in green. The NW corner is a particularly hidden location that the mobs tend to pile up in after a few hours hunting.
Fall back to the bunker at the yellow spot if you need to.
The GoGu at the back of Cajun Uplink is a short hop at the blue spot.
The ASG makes it much easier to travel there from racetrack (in case the grs are locked), the second pic shows a pretty safe route.
Hunting with a glider from the hilltops is also a good strategy here.
You are more then welcome to the ammo and first aid kits in the bunker boxes, I usually leave lots of loot there for recycling as well.
I have been ambushed there a few times, but it is mostly quiet these days (maybe not so much after this post, lol)

21-11-11, 13:13
don't you loot the corpses? I mean the most important reason for firemobbing is farming techs, shooting from hilltops seems counterproductive then?

That said, how much xp/hour do you get just shooting mobs in that zone?

edit: ps. might want add this guide to the wiki page: http://wiki.techhaven.org/I_16 it might otherwise get lost in this forum

21-11-11, 15:58
Easy, glide down, loot, fly to next position. It's not about productivity, it's about fun.

XP per hr, yeah well, again it's not a race, it's a hunt that counters rl stress and provides entertainment that's immune to the cheaters :)

21-11-11, 16:04
really wasn't meant as a criticism. I personally prefer an area somewhat closer to crp, where all the mob spawns can be visited in an eternal circle. I think I might actually go hunt there, as you say it is somewhat relaxing, and it doesn't involve cheaters much.

22-11-11, 10:02
Just be careful if you zone directly into the NW corner of I_16 from Cajun, mobs like to camp that zone line...