View Full Version : Battlefield 3

William Antrim
01-11-11, 18:15
So I figured I would start a thread as it has been out a few days now and already some issues have arisen (mostly user error by the sound of it).

Has anyone bought it yet? played it?


I have played some of the single player (it was ok), played a fair bit of the coop (it was ok) and lots of online (it was great).

My only gripe so far is the squad system on xbox at least seems to be a rehash of half Bad Company 2 squad system and half BF2 (PC) sort of system but it doesnt really seem to let me make my own squad manually too well.

That aside I am liking the game, it has a good mix of maps but I would have preferred a few more jet maps quite honestly. Hoping the DLC brings some and generally some really good playing.

I love the unlocks and the fact that there are so many and so much variety will keep me playing a while at least.

Has anyone else bought it? PS3 or PC?

I have read mixed opinions and spoken to friends who are veteran BF2 players and heard different things from them too. I am still waiting to buy it on pc myself to compare the two but I know CoD is still looming in the distance (ready for release in a week I believe).

Any thoughts?

01-11-11, 19:26
don't have a console to play it on, so I am kinda worried about the fact that EA is allowing themselves to scan my entire harddisk and send info about it to themselves, and what apps I am running. Some people say this is bullshit of course, but I am kinda waiting to see what will happen with that. Saw that a german newspaper is making a big fuss about it, so I'll wait for that.

the game looks okish though, but don't think I'll pay full price for it, doesn't look as long-lasting as bf1, 1 and 2 were innovative, bf3 just looks like another mega-budget sequel.

That said, it could of course be awesome, seeing as I haven't played it yet. I like the publicity they are doing, with london full of tanks, a web-gameshow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s-xPwnOoYw&feature=fvsr). Let's hope it doesn't actually need that publicity and actually lives up to the hype.

01-11-11, 21:56
the german newspaper:

though it might just be a tabloid, can't remember

02-11-11, 00:27
last patch was a total disaster it brought bugs and crashes! damn shame!

PC onwer, here.

02-11-11, 00:54
Not buying it for the same reason as Biglines. It's not just one newspaper: http://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2011-10/origin-battlefield3-datenschutz

There s even a petition to forbid sales in Germany, because the user agreement doesn t seem to fit german law. (Like Biglines said, you have to agree that EA may scan your complete harddrive and send whatever info they want back to their servers)

02-11-11, 04:37
pc gamer did their homework too: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/11/01/ea-origin-is-not-spyware/

Doc Holliday
02-11-11, 07:12

Will the squad issue has been advertised and a work around shown for how to fix it up. its not hard you just need to grow some good eyes.

The scan your hard drive thing i dont like and dont agree with but i can forsee the idea behind it in one sense. they are looking for hacks/cheats etc im sure. the bonus is they will also build a profile for what games people have or what programs they have installed should they choose to use this.

i dont think they are lookin to see what porn you have. i stream all mine so im safe :)

Edit. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-11-01-ea-denies-origin-spying-on-battlefield-3-users theres more on it all.

I still like the game. im really enjoying single player now too. wierdly. MP is the way forward tho.

02-11-11, 08:47
Hubby has it for PS3 and loves it.

02-11-11, 11:34
Played the PC version a lot. It's fun but they need to add server queue system back. Squad system works good. You get a few "disonnected from server." sometimes, which is a pain in the butt but they don't happen too often.
I'm also surprised I've not seen a single cheater yet, if I've played against cheaters I'm sure I would have spotted them through their stats :P.

I couldn't care less about the Origin eula, they had similar stuff when Battlefield 2142 was released which basically meant in-game commercial on big boards on the maps - commercial related to your country etc.

02-11-11, 11:47
setlec, not sure what you meant, but that article doesn't really address anything, and makes the point that "you just have to read the damn eula before accepting it". The biggest problem with that is that you only read the damn eula after you've already paid 60 euros for the damn game...

now in the netherlands that makes the eula invalid, but that doesn't keep EA from gathering the info anyway, it just means the users aren't bound by the eula

02-11-11, 18:42
lol well the previous links were german website, so I thought the articles are in german and so on... when PCgamer had article i just post the link to it, that's all!

02-11-11, 18:43
ah lol ok. Well there are load and loads of sites talking about it in English, but it seems that some german privacy lobby is actively bothering EA to explain it.

03-11-11, 20:05
Loved 1942, Vietnam, BF2 and even DIDN'T MIND 2142.

BF3 (PC) pisses me off. It reminds of the horrible Bad Company games. :(

03-11-11, 22:24
BF3 is quite like a mix of bf 1942 + BC2, it's different imo. i've more fun on BF3 than bc2 (switch sucks so much)

03-11-11, 23:31
lol, a crack group just released a crack for legit bf3 players to disable origin ;) (too bad it could be seen as a hack and as such yield a ban, but still :p)

04-11-11, 12:28
got it and playing it, really enojoy it. Dont give a crap about EA scanning my machine personally, it's the way of things these days, theyre all at it, UBI, Rockstar, Steam, Battlenet.... you name it, the companies are all doing much the same thing.

I suspect that EA have built the program scan badly and theyve had to word the EULA in that manner because its the only way they could get it to do the job they want it to. eg. Their only interested in EA games and usage but the only way they can get it to work is by scanning all the processes/entire machine etc. so have had to word the EULA in that manner.

Add me on Battlelog if yer on PC, 78Pants

04-11-11, 12:42
the only other app that scans your entire computer is punkbuster, and punkbuster only sends that information if it is a violation (so if you're cheating) afaik.

Steam vac does the same, and the hardware/software scan is opt-in.

And just because everyone does it, doesn't mean we should stand for it. The only way to punish these idiots is by hitting them where it hurts, which is the wallet and the publicity. Most people will just give up and accept, but if enough people stand up for their rights something might actually happen.

04-11-11, 15:45
got it and playing it, really enojoy it. Dont give a crap about EA scanning my machine personally, it's the way of things these days, theyre all at it, UBI, Rockstar, Steam, Battlenet.... you name it, the companies are all doing much the same thing.

Which doesn't mean that it is ok or right... :rolleyes:

05-11-11, 00:28
got it and playing it, really enojoy it. Dont give a crap about EA scanning my machine personally, it's the way of things these days, theyre all at it, UBI, Rockstar, Steam, Battlenet.... you name it, the companies are all doing much the same thing.

I suspect that EA have built the program scan badly and theyve had to word the EULA in that manner because its the only way they could get it to do the job they want it to. eg. Their only interested in EA games and usage but the only way they can get it to work is by scanning all the processes/entire machine etc. so have had to word the EULA in that manner.

Add me on Battlelog if yer on PC, 78Pants

Dammeet, you should have a PS3 :P Oath would love to play with you! lol

06-11-11, 00:10
lol, a crack group just released a crack for legit bf3 players to disable origin ;) (too bad it could be seen as a hack and as such yield a ban, but still :p)

Name of group?

06-11-11, 00:24
can't remember, something with a year

06-11-11, 00:30
can't remember, something with a year

Thank you. im sure i know who :)

Chuck Norris
08-11-11, 00:50
Battlefields sucked, spyware sucks thumbs down. MW3 though looks dope!

08-11-11, 12:22
Battlefields sucked, spyware sucks thumbs down. MW3 though looks dope!
MW3 looks like the same recycled shit they've been regurgitating every 12 months since 2007.

08-11-11, 16:17
At least i expect more then 5h campaign from MW3...
Although as flib said, it will be the usual excuse of a story, drowned in pathos. But it will do and better then BF3

William Antrim
08-11-11, 18:19
Battlefield 2 didnt even have a storyline/single player mode.

It is console geeks that need a storyline.

PC gamers have been playing online since dial up.

08-11-11, 20:12
well if the online isn't much different from the last one, the single player becomes the only thing that makes it worth investing each year tbh...

09-11-11, 14:49
I did have a PS3 but only got an Xbox now, PS3 died and honestly couldnt see the point replacing it. Get him a decent PC Danae :p

Drachen - I'm not saying its right, im saying i dont give a shit. Learn to read :rolleyes:

Bigline, I know your right in the hit them in the wallet thing. I'd normally agree but I made the choice that there is no way I was missing out on BF3 for something I already put up with from other programs (ie. Steam, Xbox etc.) anyway. Been playing since BF1942 and love the series so...

As for MW3, no one in their right mind should be buying that shite. PC gaming is supposed to be about innovation and advance of technology (as well as profit of course) and MW3 does neither. I admit I am curious as to where they take the story but its basically the same game as it has been for he last 4 years. No chance am I paying good money for a game that could have been done as a mod to the first Modern Warfare.

09-11-11, 14:53
well is bf3 that innovative then? what i've seen is the 13 in a dozen shooter with some planes involved as well (and ye, I loved the early games)

William Antrim
09-11-11, 19:18
It is innovative in that it is bringing destructible scenery.

To the best of my knowledge so far the only 2 games bringing a feature like this are: Unreal 3 (utter shite and not worthy of the storied franchise) and BF Bad Company.... (original Frostbite Engine).

BF3 runs the Frostbite 2 engine and has brought Battlefield 2 smack bang up to date.

Personally I like the game.

Elric are you planning to play it on Xbox at all?

My gamer tag can be pm'ed if so.

09-11-11, 20:11
Didn't Red Faction have destructive scenery? So much so that you could make your own tunnels through the rocks. It was innovative back then, now, it's just been updated.

Doc Holliday
10-11-11, 04:51
Didn't Red Faction have destructive scenery? So much so that you could make your own tunnels through the rocks. It was innovative back then, now, it's just been updated.

havok engine i think it was. Destructible buildings and stuff. not the scenery. similar but different.

on the topic. i havent seen many games where you can run around jump in cars and planes and shit and parachute out and go attack people other than the flashpoint games and americas army or what ever. theres alot of generic fps games that are military shooters but not many with vehicles. 6 years ago every man and his dog was doin world war 2 shooters. then bf2 came along. now its all about modern combat because thats what the fans want and love. someone will bring something different and new and it will change again.

maybe a good cyberpunk fps game would be nice (seewhatididthere!!! :P)

10-11-11, 18:47
It is innovative in that it is bringing destructible scenery.

To the best of my knowledge so far the only 2 games bringing a feature like this are: Unreal 3 (utter shite and not worthy of the storied franchise) and BF Bad Company.... (original Frostbite Engine).

BF3 runs the Frostbite 2 engine and has brought Battlefield 2 smack bang up to date.

Personally I like the game.

Elric are you planning to play it on Xbox at all?

My gamer tag can be pm'ed if so.

Red Faction did do destruction too although I never played it so dont know to what extent.

No plans for getting it on any other platform but the misses might.

10-11-11, 18:59
havok engine i think it was. Destructible buildings and stuff. not the scenery. similar but different
No, no. You could blast holes through mountains and create your own caverns and tunnels, (if you had enough ammo). I'd classify that as scenery personally.

10-11-11, 19:07
Red Faction Engine is called GeoMod and is genuine to Volition. ;)
And i think the freedom of destruction was bigger in the first game then in the later ones.


William Antrim
10-11-11, 19:11
Doc was referring to Red Faction Guerrilla or whatever it was called on the xbox and yes that was the havok engine. Dont know about previous versions as I never played them.

10-11-11, 22:21
I brought up Red Faction and I was talking about the first one. And yes the first one was far more extensive with it's destructible scenery.

William Antrim
11-11-11, 00:21
I know. Just talking about different editions.

11-11-11, 01:18
Just finished downloading the game, currently installing, but doubt it will run on my crappy Athlon II x64 4800+. I WANT MY PHENOM II X4 NOW!!

11-11-11, 03:41
I did have a PS3 but only got an Xbox now, PS3 died and honestly couldnt see the point replacing it. Get him a decent PC Danae :p

He just got a second PS3 - if someone in this house is getting a decent PC it's me :P

Doc Holliday
11-11-11, 06:29
I brought up Red Faction and I was talking about the first one. And yes the first one was far more extensive with it's destructible scenery.

calm down. i got mixed up. i didnt know u could blow holes in mountains. sounds like fun.

11-11-11, 11:36
calm down. i got mixed up. i didnt know u could blow holes in mountains. sounds like fun.

NO! You made a mistake on the internet and must be corrected with all the venom and sarcasm I can muster.

Sorry if I came across pissy in my other post(s), not my intention. :angel:

William Antrim
11-11-11, 14:57
Haha I just saw something hilarious.

Jodo is a blue and you're telling him to calm down.

Calm down, calm down ey ey ey....


Ok back in the box.

Doc Holliday
11-11-11, 23:16
Haha I just saw something hilarious.

Jodo is a blue and you're telling him to calm down.

Calm down, calm down ey ey ey....


Ok back in the box.

it was intended in such a way :)

Chuck Norris
11-11-11, 23:42
BF3 will die just like the rest of them no one liked 10 mins treking across an open battlefield just have your whole team annihilated in 10 secs with one hacker in a jet.

TBh you are all expecting way to much from FPS imo unreal 2k4 was a lot of fun, ever sicne 9/11 everyone's focus is on covert ops, just gotta know your market..

Im just glad the halo generation has grown up out that crap, thank god we wont be seeing those steaming piles anymore

Doc Holliday
12-11-11, 07:49
BF3 will die just like the rest of them no one liked 10 mins treking across an open battlefield just have your whole team annihilated in 10 secs with one hacker in a jet.

TBh you are all expecting way to much from FPS imo unreal 2k4 was a lot of fun, ever sicne 9/11 everyone's focus is on covert ops, just gotta know your market..

Im just glad the halo generation has grown up out that crap, thank god we wont be seeing those steaming piles anymore


people still play bf2. people loved bfbc1 and 2 on console. There are so many servers you can get away from a cheater if you see one and its pretty obvious. also most never used jets in my experience. With the security in bf3 the way it is server admins have a much easier time to kick/ban people.

Didnt really get the reference to UT2k4 but what ever.

Halo anniversary? the revamped thing or what ever it is?

lol. great post. very informed.

William Antrim
29-11-11, 00:04

Gulf of Oman.

It just looks awesome. I for one am getting REALLY excited by this.

Anyone here on xbox live and has bf3?