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10-10-11, 00:05
Hi guys. I am tired of EVE and I think about reinstalling Neocron.
How's the situation at the moment? Are there any runners left or are the servers empty?


10-10-11, 00:34
if you don't enable ooc, and find a few fun people to run around with, nc can still be loads of fun. There are however still people cheating, and nothing is being done about that, so it can also be infuriatingly frustrating to play if all you do is pvp. I wudn't recommend playing nc fulltime atm, but logging on each day looking for fun is certainly feasible.

currently on laptop so not playing till my gfx card gets back from warranty, but last time i played, pops were 5-8% at peak european times (20:00-23:00 cet)

10-10-11, 07:30
Hi guys. I am tired of EVE and I think about reinstalling Neocron.
How's the situation at the moment? Are there any runners left or are the servers empty?


People still play, about 50+ at peak times every day, people are always really friendly (I've had 10+ weapons donated to me and over 1 million and 500,000 credits!) and you will sometimes find someone to level with. Even if you don't the game is still brilliant fun and I'd recommended playing it again.

10-10-11, 09:05
The opwar situation is non existent to garbage. At the moment there is only opponent to fight and well, its like a sandwich stand and nothing has been done about it for the better part of 4 years.

There is barely any non plaza 2 related open world pvp.

However, if you wanted to level a new character or do some missions and get some items now would be the best time.

Same if you wanted to build up your rare pool, the actual emptiness of the wasteland means you wont get disturbed at the best hunting spots.

Dribble Joy
13-10-11, 00:55
Indeed. In the last few days I've been levelling a tank (my second ever) and recently got high enough to use my Doomie; which is epic fun.

Going to get WoC, then LoM to a lowtech setup for EoF/Wocket with Camo PA, because it's rather fitting for a Merc.

(By the way, I'm looking about for a 1 or 2 slot creed at the moment.)

13-10-11, 10:11
I wouldn't suggest using the wocket outside of AoEing an OP UG, damage may seem high but the rate it fires and the chance of it missing and killing your character just ruin it for leveling :)

Dribble Joy
13-10-11, 13:02
It's more the style than anything else. I might go with a Moonie though; less Str.