View Full Version : Communal Help Thread

William Antrim
24-09-11, 18:42
Good morning Neocron.

Well afternoon but anyway.

Ok so, damn..... thats a sweet earth..... (who knows where that is from)

Ok so, I have been in game now for about 2 weeks or so. Most people here will have seen me on one toon or another over that time I would expect.

In my recent runnings with various machinations of LE'd noobs I have found quite a warm reception generally from the playerbase. I have helped new players myself and even had items/guns/armour/levelling help offered to me by older players. I have been given approximately 1 million credits also on various toons by random people committed to helping the community.

I have found in that time also that there (when I start talking on help) others who are also willing to help new players.

Granted they dont always come to the forums but I was kinda thinking, should we have some sort of thread here, on the forum for offering new items/tradeskills/spare rares etc etc for the new players. I know there are levelling guides ahoy and the TH database is an epic source of information for all things Neocron (see what i did there) but is there room for a centrallised help hub where we, the community, can pitch our time and ideas into a pot to help improve the experience for new players.

I have helped some noobs level in the last few days quite a lot. I have given advice and stuff too but i dunno how to transfer and sort of broadcast this help a bit further out into the wider community. Granted there are only 70-80 players at peak times now but if we can keep the few real noobs we do have then surely the game will stay afloat a little longer.

Does any of this make sense? Do you guys see where i am coming from? Is this an idea we could make work? I mean i don't wanna take over from the GMs or anything like that or piss in anyone's patch but I just feel a bit helpless when lots of people are doing lots of things behind the scenes to help the game and I wanted to contribute a bit more of my time basically.

Is this idea any good?

24-09-11, 21:41
Helping newbies is always a good idea, especially increasing the population until they get good enough to be able to op-war and PvP!

At one point I do remember that as the TH and within the Wiki we were aiming to put together a new players experience area so that people could use it instead of the manual (or these days as most people will download it as the only manual).

This is the only remnant of the guide that people were putting together that I can find:


And this is the remnants of the 'New Player Project' which I was putting together, specifically to explain the RPOS system and what each area of the HUD meant - look at the hoverable sections in the image.


If you want to work on this, or have any ideas then I soon might have sometime to put some of this together when I am finished with my PhD come the end of this week.

Anyway just wanted to add what I could remember to the thread of what we were working on!

- Maybe if we could get the new players guide sorted to a point where it is ready for people to use, then we could get a friendly GM to sticky something at the top of the forums for people to use.


24-09-11, 22:43
Ok so, damn..... thats a sweet earth..... (who knows where that is from)

25-09-11, 01:14
I have been given approximately 1 million credits also on various toons by random people
thats the last time i give u any cash :p

Doc Holliday
25-09-11, 10:01
easy. make a clan. collective group to be identified as non pvp. agree not to have any class in the clan that actively pvps and just is there to help noobs. roll chars with the necessary skills to help the "noobs" (and load) and make a full clan appartment full of low level shit. construct it all so its decent stuff and not store bought and hang on to it. the trick would be to have a clan appartment in p1 as well which would be useful as it means you can go with the noob up to the appartment show it (not wanting to be gender specific) and get the stuff it needs.

NCAT did this a long time ago (well somethin like this) and before anyone spouts off about how they were in NCAT i dont mean slutsumi and skuld and the nTWAT edition. i meant the real Neocron Community Action Team. the guys who actually did shit like this (or tried to do. i heard of them but never met one)

this is also an idea amalgamated from a very old idea put to me by Bozz when we first started out with our tangent clan back in the day. God bless you Weyland Yutani.

however in order to make this all work you need a genuine noob player base otherwise you got a bunch of people who do a load of stuff for nothing when they could spend their nc time in a much more productive fashion. This includes flaming each other on OOC or trade, grinding monk intel ;) or in neofrag getting owned (load again ;))

25-09-11, 12:18
Not a bad idea Doc. Would be fun to use my own tradeskillers for a cause like that rather than simply supplying myself with equipment for my various characters.

25-09-11, 13:22
I've always helped noobs with cash and items, construction and simpy answering questions (as well as working on the th wiki), but don't exactly see why you'd want to make a clan that just focussed on helping noobs? what would that clan do 99% of the time?

Doc Holliday
25-09-11, 13:30
help noobs. u dont need to have the clan playing night and day. its not hard to identify a noob asking questions. the person with a char in the clan may "choose" to log on and help out the noob with the clanned char.

think outside the box big. its not all about pvp and epeens and owning ops. theres a lot more to neocron than that.

i have seen players in neocron, famous players, have alts that they never used hardly but when they did they logged them on for a purpose. Alia was one. When she logged on people would literally rush to her as she had a very well founded rep as one of the servers best constructors back in the day.

Another was bus driver. He would be on selling all manner of high end rares with different slots and stats. some of it was junk some more expensive but when he wasnt on his other chars he would hop on bus and sit on the lights in plaza selling things. maybe someone even chooses to roleplay.

heaven bid of course. this isnt wow ;)

William Antrim
25-09-11, 14:18
I think the clan making idea is good but you cant help the noobs to level. You would have no le so that would fall down. Plus with no le yourself youre open to a world of grief from other players. I have 3 clans already i can easily fill one of those with csted items.

There is mileage in your idea but I was thinking some form of resource (supported via and hopefully through) the Tech Haven network to allow people to have access to a list of people AND in game items they could easily get to improve their gaming experience.

Basically my initial idea was something along the lines of Logans Emporium but with some LE'd players running to help the noobs out too.

You cant do clans with le's in...... So thats why I wanted to get some community feedback to see if the idea is worth pursuing.

Dont get me wrong I am not trying to play GM I just think the community could contribute something different to improve the experience of our beloved game.

25-09-11, 14:23
lol, the point was, why the clan? whats stopping me from helping noobs right now? My trade skillers arent in clan, but I help noobs whenever I can. I have logged many a ppu to support leveling characters, I have rezzed people, and flown them around the map to get gr's. All without a clan where I'd have to move my tradeskiller to.

While I'm sure my epeen does exist, due to my lack of skills (of which I'mreminded daily :P) I generally play this game for the fun, not the owning of ops or winning in pvp (except on my apu, he's all epeen).

If it were all about ops en pvp for me, why would I keep my tradeskillers if my clan has acces to most of the shit I'd need anyway (I haven't constructed anything for myself in about a year).

25-09-11, 14:25
Being somewhat of a newbie myself I can't help a ton, but I can help some newbie assassins with some gear, got me about 4 - 5 slotless Archer Companion Rifles to give away, and am thinking about making a constructor character and scientist character so I can help a little bit, I can also help anyone out with leveling in the mutant pool (great place, I was leveled there by a guy called Ihasgun, is he on this forum?), but you'll have to have someone take you there, I can't remember the way. :P

I also agree that a clan would be a good idea, to help newbies and stuff. :D

William Antrim
25-09-11, 15:31
Without getting bogged down in trivia the general point I am trying to get across is to try to think of a way to get the resources available channelled at the noobs!

I think my brother was thinking clan apt because you have multiple user access full of lowby weapons/armour/chips etc that noobs can help themselves too to level. The problem with that is theft. We got rinsed out of our clan apartment 3 times over the first year of NC1 by people who were clannies and then decided one day to be asshats and take all the stuff and sell it at yos or whatever else when noone was online. I am not going to make that mistake again.

I have spent most of my waking time in nc doing 3 main things - farming, op fighting and helping noobs. I have done this since day 1.

I get a big kick out of helping other people. its just something I like to do.

Its all well and good helping people when you're online and that is commendable to everyone who does! The point I am trying to make is there should be a 24 hour resource service available to the noobs to keep them playing. If they had somewhere to go for a list of people to contact ingame even to help them level or whatever else. That way there would be somewhere to contact people who arent in game and say hey can you do this for me on this day at this time and ill log in and get it sorted. Be it a product or service or whatever.

We used to have Faction Councillors and Assistants for RP purposes. We will always have $%^$£'s for the gank experience. I am just thinking it might be nice if there were some form of official recognition for the work that quite a number of the community put in to helping noobs. So the noobs could say for example - go to Tech haven network and find a new gun they can use. Then they could go to a directory of players who could possibly help them make said gun or give them a ride to mb or link up with other noobs to level or some other product or service they could require.

Like a yellow pages type deal.

Does this make sense or am i just spitting in the wind?

Edit: Ashley003 - the mutant pool is in Jeriko Op Zone, just East of the main op building.

25-09-11, 16:23
Without wanting to push the wiki, you could always do a yellow pages system on the wiki, we put up peoples names and link to their accounts on the wiki where they can detail what they are willing to do, and what they are willing to give away. Obviously this isn't some kind of in game recognition - but it is a start!

Doc Holliday
25-09-11, 16:33
lol, the point was, why the clan? whats stopping me from helping noobs right now? My trade skillers arent in clan, but I help noobs whenever I can. I have logged many a ppu to support leveling characters, I have rezzed people, and flown them around the map to get gr's. All without a clan where I'd have to move my tradeskiller to.

simply because a clan is more easily identifiable than one single runner. its also not hidden by numerous alts and can be seen as an entity in its own right. it will gather a reputation much easier than one or two runners.

if your a noob and someone helps you then great. you might remember their name. you might even ask em if you can add em on buddy chat. If they are in a clan however you will see other runners (if there are other runners) sporting the same badge and u will recognise a clan.

its actually a marketing concept. Positioning. Brand image. how your percieved in the marketplace. in this case your consumers are other runners in nc. secondly the clan appartment provides itself perfectly for storage of low level guns and gear for ALL users in the clan to access to give out to new players/low levels as required. not just one person doing his or her good deed.

@ Will. no. you dont make a clan like this and invite the low level players in to it. you make it so you have a group of trusted people in the clan who wont go and sell all your shit to Yo the minute you log off. you restrict it to just that.

ps. the yellow pages idea, while great means they gotta go out of game for stuff. if you can keep it all in game its just easier. (especially if they dont fatal as much by alt tabbing like i do ;) )

25-09-11, 17:21
im for the yellow pages Idea, i prefer to have my tradeskiller in my own faction so I can use ops for extra skill point.

feel free to add me to any yellow pages, I'm pretty identifiable ingame ;) (either biglines or all the tools)

William Antrim
25-09-11, 17:54
Without wanting to push the wiki, you could always do a yellow pages system on the wiki, we put up peoples names and link to their accounts on the wiki where they can detail what they are willing to do, and what they are willing to give away. Obviously this isn't some kind of in game recognition - but it is a start!

That sounds awesome. Thats the sort of thing i was thinking of. It doesnt have to be a huge neon-lights, star-spangled thing. Just a list of people who are willing to help when they themselves have time on nc.


Yeah I like the idea of brand awareness, it does raise the profile I agree. Now you mention it that way I guess it makes more sense.

As Biglines rightly points out though the logistics of running a clan in game would have to be more beneficial. We would need to establish something akin to Logan's Emporium to make it work. Ideally would need a clan of 3-4 people (alts even) in one faction to do it.

I guess we can use the existing TT key then? Im thinking ill move Nate over to TT after he is capped etc? Rabbit is already there obviously and if you get me a decent spy resser so i can get rid of it for my APU then we are in business.

Getting the low level chips is easy enough, thats all we would need really and a copy of each of the guns possibly.

As Delphi said we can knock up an advert on THN so I will find out about how to go about that stuff (never had any experience with WIKIs and stuff).

Just need some noobs now..... Elric you free? LOL.


25-09-11, 18:22
As for an advert for the THN - there is a possibility (brammers don't shoot me :p) that we could put up a banner on the main site which would join the advert cycle linking to the yellow pages on the wiki. Obviously brammers has to agree to this but I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem....

An example of a current side banner is:


and top banner is:


so if it was the same size then I'm sure we could add it to the cycle for you ;)

25-09-11, 19:09
my tradeskillers are allways able and willing to help send me a mail ingame if i not on or on here what ever works i have as far as i know all bps for weps and other gear .

clan fury we have what you need :) (shameless plug)

25-09-11, 20:55
Just need some noobs now..... Elric you free? LOL.


I am not a noob! well... maybe a little noobish... but still... :p

(researching skills always available, just ask ;) )

25-09-11, 21:42
Like I said, feel free to add me to yellow pages (when I fix my pc I'll be in game again), but I want to keep my constructor in my faction so I can use the ops.

William Antrim
25-09-11, 22:19
Like I said, feel free to add me to yellow pages (when I fix my pc I'll be in game again), but I want to keep my constructor in my faction so I can use the ops.

I think there is no reason to move factions. Ideally multiple factions would be better to access things like FSM and Hacknet Db.

Just need to think of a way to actually get it published. I have no idea how to write html scripts or any other type of web based format stuff.... can you tell. They probably dont even use HTML any more.

If anyone has any ideas I can collate names and data for respective chars and factions and necessary skills. I will create an excel sheet or something to store data but could do with some help if anyone can volunteer?

26-09-11, 05:58
I think there is no reason to move factions. Ideally multiple factions would be better to access things like FSM and Hacknet Db.

Just need to think of a way to actually get it published. I have no idea how to write html scripts or any other type of web based format stuff.... can you tell. They probably dont even use HTML any more.

If anyone has any ideas I can collate names and data for respective chars and factions and necessary skills. I will create an excel sheet or something to store data but could do with some help if anyone can volunteer?
You need a website made?

26-09-11, 10:38
If you put it all into an excel sheet at the end of this week I will put it on the yellow pages section of the wiki!

26-09-11, 10:57
As for an advert for the THN - there is a possibility (brammers don't shoot me :p) that we could put up a banner on the main site which would join the advert cycle linking to the yellow pages on the wiki. Obviously brammers has to agree to this but I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem....

KOS Delphi :lol: j/k

No problem at all. What I can do is freeze the other banners so they show exclusively for a period. (And also we could do with some fresh new banners!)

William Antrim
26-09-11, 16:45
Ok gonna promise to do this by the end of the week and then im gonna be silent for several more and see if i can wind biglines up.....

No just kidding.

Will be exceptionally busy with work for the next 10 days or so and so will have very limited time for anything that is not boot polishing or uniform ironing.

I will attempt to collate the information however if i can (dont actually have Excel but thought i did!) and send it on to whomever requires it.

26-09-11, 17:51
Doesn't need to be excel, can be open office, mac numbers, excel or just a simple plain text file!

26-09-11, 18:36
use google documents so that several people can maintain the info and lower the chances of it going dark.

William Antrim
26-09-11, 18:58
Ok i will collate the information today from the thread and add my own different chars into this.

Please note that we need ANY and ALL services people are willing to offer. Not just Res and Cst. Hacknet Db access (and noted faction) and even poking would be a welcome addition to the list.

26-09-11, 19:04
Ok gonna promise to do this by the end of the week and then im gonna be silent for several more and see if i can wind biglines up.....

I can be contacted on the chars in my sig

26-09-11, 19:57
use google documents so that several people can maintain the info and lower the chances of it going dark.

This is why the wiki is ideal - plus then as an extension people can post what they will and will not make on their own user-area of the wiki!

William Antrim
26-09-11, 20:01
Any chance of some posts with what FSM/Hacknet Db you can provide?