View Full Version : Revive: Buying NeoCron?

19-09-10, 08:07
This is one game that stayyyss on my mind. I havent played it in about a year or so but every game I've play past it has yet to live up to NC's craft system, housing system and overall story. The game is simply amazing, hardly anyone can ignore that...

..so that being said? While I'm sure KK is great, time and interest plays a roll in updates and features so why not sell the title over to another game developer... of course no one slouchy. I'm thinking BioWar(known for sci-fi insights/story/features), or Rockstar(GTA ppl), or any like company that could be "sold" the idea. I wish I had my own company, I'd sure buy it . Hell, I'd even put out a NC3 with updated graphics and the long-lived space combat/areas(space station) and/or under-water themes

While still keep that cyber punk attitude

Just a thought and Query thats always been in my mind

19-09-10, 10:37
recently there have been shitloads of companies with a similar idea, so selling the concept wouldn't help, the concept is out there already.

selling the trademark neocron itself, might work for some f2p, but the game itself is too much of a niche game I think, no big studio would spend time updating a concept that has proven not to be massively played.

Dribble Joy
19-09-10, 12:26
It's less a matter of ownership than it is investment. A developer has to shell out for coders, artists, modellers, etc.

What they will be concerned about is the returns on that investment. NC is probably too small, even at it's peak, for a big studio to take on.
Could be wrong though (and hope I am).

19-09-10, 12:58
I'd love to work on NC, but chances of that are zero.

Maybe KK should just reset the game back to Beta are push advertising, everyone loves playing betas for free!

19-09-10, 13:36
What they will be concerned about is the returns on that investment. NC is probably too small, even at it's peak, for a big studio to take on.
what I meant to say and as usual lost in the flow of words ;)

20-09-10, 03:22
everyone loves playing betas for free!

Aren't we doing that now? :D

I kid, I kid.

20-09-10, 15:40
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I don't understand why on earth anybody would buy Neocron to develop it.

If you wanted to make a post-apoc or cyberpunk (or an NC-style fusion of the two) MMO, you could just go and make one. Why pay money for someone else's fiction, with a name that has more negative associations than positive? Seeing as you'd have to make a new game anyway, the little bit of storyline you could keep from NC is hardly that worthwhile or difficult to recreate.

21-09-10, 01:04
I want NC with iron sights, a cover system and regenerating health.

And lots of bloom and brown.

Everyone would play neocron then!

26-09-10, 11:04
Ha... interesting. Though I've yet to see a MMO that matches NC full content and concept, both in art and fashion.

Yeah, some game company could make an "NC clone" and in a way, some have tried but all I've seen is fail. Matrix Online(shut down by Sony though it was a good game), Tabula Rasa(shut down after 5~7month, bad/unfinished gameplay&concepts), All Points Bulletin(recently shut down due to money-though it was roughly $30/a.month)

There's also Global Agenda but its more of a 3rd person shooter or battle arena then an actual MMORPG

Even with that said, none of the above even came close to NC's overall depth...housing, trophies, Vehicles(though KK messed that up), OP Wars, Crafting, Weapons, Strip Clubs, leveling system and whatever added to the list.

I personally just think the game needs a little TLC and is far from impossible to fix up. IMO very little has to be done though I would update some of the models, specially the NPC ones. After that, you could easily build on the story via other areas to goto... sorta like they did with DoY(they should have kept the NPCs there alive: shops and such). It could easily be another town.

29-09-10, 01:28
I personally just think the game needs a little TLC and is far from impossible to fix up. IMO very little has to be done though I would update some of the models, specially the NPC ones.

Just to point this out, as you say yourself, this is what you "personally think." It's entirely possible that, being as the game has had many of the issues it currently suffers since launching in 2002, the engine may simply be fundamentally flawed and would require too extensive a rewrite to make it work. Being as the game has gone through many, MANY patches as well as what is technically a sequel, I'd be more inclined to think it may be too far gone to be worth fixing.

Believe me, I love Neocron too, and if I had the resources, I would totally try and do this, but if the people who designed and built the darn thing from the ground up can't seem to fix it, do you think you can do better? Would you also be willing to contend with Neocron's mostly negative repuatation outside of its core playerbase, rather than start at a neutral point like you would with a new IP?

29-09-10, 17:12
The problem that plagued Neocron from day one was human nature.

29-09-10, 19:42
The problem that plagued Neocron from day one was human nature.
seeing how that plagues every single game in the world.... :P

06-10-10, 21:40
Ha... interesting. Though I've yet to see a MMO that matches NC full content and concept, both in art and fashion.

Yeah, some game company could make an "NC clone" and in a way, some have tried but all I've seen is fail. Matrix Online(shut down by Sony though it was a good game), Tabula Rasa(shut down after 5~7month, bad/unfinished gameplay&concepts), All Points Bulletin(recently shut down due to money-though it was roughly $30/a.month)

There's also Global Agenda but its more of a 3rd person shooter or battle arena then an actual MMORPG

Even with that said, none of the above even came close to NC's overall depth...housing, trophies, Vehicles(though KK messed that up), OP Wars, Crafting, Weapons, Strip Clubs, leveling system and whatever added to the list.

I personally just think the game needs a little TLC and is far from impossible to fix up. IMO very little has to be done though I would update some of the models, specially the NPC ones. After that, you could easily build on the story via other areas to goto... sorta like they did with DoY(they should have kept the NPCs there alive: shops and such). It could easily be another town.

Fallen Earth has some good ideas and is pretty, but yeah not the same it's way too easy there's no scary moments like giant monsters and zombies that actually bleed and make weird noises constantly chasing you fast and can actually kill you unlike in FE where everything is made so that even the worst person can win everything... no difficulty levels or anything either to compensate for that :(

07-10-10, 10:22
Let's be honest guys, it's highly doubtful any game developer would build a game as good as Neocron. The story is great, factions, combat system, point system, tradeskilling, housing etc, we'll never get a game as good as NC, so I understand where the OP is coming from by suggesting they sell the game to another company.

At least then we will keep the NC feel. I don't want to play another game and think 'Well, NC is better here, and this is nothing compared to NC's ______ system', so if KK can ensure that the company buying the game would keep the NC feel then I'd say go for it! No point letting such a great game just die.