View Full Version : game status

07-08-10, 04:18
its been a long time, is there anyone that still plays, or is it mostly dead now???

07-08-10, 07:32
It blows me away how often and consistent the "is this game good yet" and "should I come back" post come into this forum. This is the single best example of the "almost perfect" game ever.

It pisses me off that I download the game and when I try to play, the patch dies... I cant play. Really? Reminds me of beta... Its just disappointing :-/

07-08-10, 10:38
the whole game works fine, except there's no anti-cheat, but playing works perfectly, and has the biggest active population in months

07-08-10, 12:11
if everyone who asked " hey is it worth to come back?"would just log in and play we had a huge pop. then noone would leave because of boredom....

check it out and play fs ITS FREE TO PLAY

and ye its worth to come back even if KK disabled the "anti cheat" patch.most of them hackzorz left anyway or got banned

bring some friends, roll new toons, pull your law enforcer and get ganked :D

07-08-10, 12:15
The game is awesome, you should totally come back and play! Plus it's still free for the time being!

ok, now stop reading. This next part is only for people still playing.

I said stop reading and go install!...


WTF guys seriously! Stop telling the truth and stuff! Tell them it's AWESOME and they should totally come back and play!
You're all like 3 people that want to play a 4 player game but tell everyone it sucks and they wont like it then wounder why nobody will play with you!
JEEZ do I have to do everything around here?!

edit: damn you garfield, beat me by a few seconds! atleast someone is using there head around here!

07-08-10, 12:58
We should defo have a..
After retail beta, meaning let people create account easily and advertise it or something.

Or.. We need to cast Holy Realize-Neocron-is-a-quality-game 3 on KK.
Oh and, Neocron against Antis was a way better system than factionboard right now ;)

Dribble Joy
07-08-10, 13:38
Ya, come back.

anti-vs-pro works with a smaller pop, but I prefer the current faction system.