View Full Version : Servers OFFLINE (Patch173)

John Doe
10-07-10, 14:17
Hey Community,
I'm not happy to tell you that we've decided to keep the server downtime during this weekend. We've tried fix the problems but we don't have any progress on that right now. We want to be fair so now you have to choose the second best choice for this weekend.

To be honest: This patch was tested without any problems on our local machines. This behaviour was a big surprise to us. So please excuse these unexpected changes.

We will not stop digging - if we have new information we will give it to you.

10-07-10, 17:55
Such is life. I'll head off to the bar. Have fun debugging your code on such a sunny weekend. Best of luck. (Sincerity implied)

10-07-10, 18:50
I never thought I'd say this on these forums, but I think you guys should definately keep the servers offline until they're ready. I've been forum hopping around abit and this new patch has sparked some renewed interest in possibly playing again. No need to mess that all up with borked servers deleting items and such.

Dr Phil
10-07-10, 18:56
I never thought I'd say this on these forums, but I think you guys should definately keep the servers offline until they're ready. I've been forum hopping around abit and this new patch has sparked some renewed interest in possibly playing again. No need to mess that all up with borked servers deleting items and such.
Agreed! Keep that shit down (no offence, but it really ran like shit), till its fixed..

Quite a lot of people wants to try NC again, with that "anti-cheat" patch..
So dont you fucking dare ruin their experience *shakes fist at KK*

11-07-10, 05:40
Hmmmm....I come lurking, and we have a new patch?

What exactly does this fix?

11-07-10, 06:12
you might want check the announcement post, but in short the patch fix the network protocol and disable many known hacks...

11-07-10, 06:32
Holy shit, a new patch!
Finally! Thank you Reakktor! :D

11-07-10, 13:47
someone has to send out an advertise mail about the new "anti cheat" patch.

id like to see 15%+ pop when the servers are up again

11-07-10, 16:08
Will there be more moderation in-game ?

11-07-10, 23:08
i guess not, unfortunately! But maybe they will moderate, as they patched the game... Who knows!

11-07-10, 23:28
i guess not, unfortunately! But maybe they will moderate, as they patched the game... Who knows!

personally I think we need some people that actually know and play the game to become moderators, I'd vote for people like Brammers and DJ.

It's not like there's much of a danger of a crooked GM giving people items, the economy is pretty saturated as it is (I know I have pretty much everything I'll ever need, or have enough to trade for anything I might need).

Generally respected people like these with known commitment would create involvement of the community with the actual running of the game, certainly would shut me up more ;)

Dr Phil
11-07-10, 23:46
personally I think we need some people that actually know and play the game to become moderators, I'd vote for people like Brammers and DJ.

It's not like there's much of a danger of a crooked GM giving people items, the economy is pretty saturated as it is (I know I have pretty much everything I'll ever need, or have enough to trade for anything I might need).

Generally respected people like these with known commitment would create involvement of the community with the actual running of the game, certainly would shut me up more ;)
Pff i should totally be a GM!!

12-07-10, 02:34
Pff i should totally be a GM!!
No, just plain no :P

And for those wondering, Dr Phil and I are mates and none of this is insulting :P

12-07-10, 11:14
Gotta love it when people just say "we could bring people who knows the game and how to play it". These you listed I have never seen around PvP-active and not to mention you-probably-know-who just tradeskilling on his PE in Plaza1.

But we indeed should have new people around for moderation, truth is doing support in Neocron isn't as funny as you might think it is.

12-07-10, 11:55
Gotta love it when people just say "we could bring people who knows the game and how to play it". These you listed I have never seen around PvP-active and not to mention you-probably-know-who just tradeskilling on his PE in Plaza1.

But we indeed should have new people around for moderation, truth is doing support in Neocron isn't as funny as you might think it is.
I have over 3 years of experience as main moderator/server admin on a community for 5 servers ran for a UK ISP (regretfully they closed their server business :(), I know being a GM/admin sucks, at least most of the time.

The point of me saying DJ and Brammers is that they are generally respected as not being dicks, while pretty much the rest of the server is by some group or another. Of course it would be better if the GM actually knew how to recognise cheating from the way people run and shoot, but regretfully not even you or invinci is right all the time. In that case a GM that is at least looking to be on the community's side, would smooth things over between the community and KK.

Dribble Joy
12-07-10, 12:21
I can't be a GM. I have a forum ban. True it's a three day one from around 2003 for a spam thread I joined in on, but rules are rules. Plus I have a three page rap sheet too.

Besides, with regards to cheating, it's very hard for GMs to do anything about it without solid proof.
A character moving fast, hitting a lot and/or doing lots of damage isn't proof. They need actual data on client/packet abuse and that's not easy.

12-07-10, 12:25
I have over 3 years of experience as main moderator/server admin on a community for 5 servers ran for a UK ISP (regretfully they closed their server business :(), I know being a GM/admin sucks, at least most of the time.

The point of me saying DJ and Brammers is that they are generally respected as not being dicks, while pretty much the rest of the server is by some group or another. Of course it would be better if the GM actually knew how to recognize cheating from the way people run and shoot, but regretfully not even you or invinci is right all the time. In that case a GM that is at least looking to be on the community's side, would smooth things over between the community and KK.

Well if not even I or anyone else can see it, then how about non-experienced players. Anyway it's not our job to call on that and thus why this patch is in. Ironically, I feel it won't be good enough, but yet good enough to make it better. Anyways by moderation I meant less exploiting in the HQ and Ow-Ow-See. Oh and then again, I'm a PvE-bear and I like Events :lol:

12-07-10, 12:31
personally I think we need some people that actually know and play the game to become moderators, I'd vote for people like Brammers and DJ.

Thanks for the vote, but I'll pass on becoming a mod/GM.

As for GM's in-game, I do hear there are some in-game, but you just can't see them. ;)

P.S. On-topic, the servers are currently offline? Is that correct?

12-07-10, 14:17
Forum bans don't necessarily rule you out. Sure we do a "behaviour" check on applicants but we take every case on its own merits.

In actual fact we've taken on a number of GMs over the past few months but many don't seem to last out the trial period; it's not an easy job.

12-07-10, 15:02
DJ for president err imperator

if u get that job lemme be your apprentice, ill do the nasty Mob spawns :D

any news about the server?

Dr Phil
12-07-10, 15:36
Sure we do a "behaviour" check on applicants but we take every case on its own merits.
Awww so im pretty much ruled out then aye? :p

12-07-10, 17:13
Unfortunately we haven't been able to get rid of the world crashes yet so we'll need to keep the servers down until at least tomorrow.

12-07-10, 21:01
Good, keep fixing! I'm so proud of you guys :tear:

Tell us when its up and fixed, I'm interested in playing again when its back up. I hope the netcode rewrite helps a lot of problems.

12-07-10, 21:03
Good, keep fixing! I'm so proud of you guys :tear:

Tell us when its up and fixed, I'm interested in playing again when its back up. I hope the netcode rewrite helps a lot of problems.
I don't care if the fatals double if it actually works against all the cheaters!

12-07-10, 21:05
btw a question I think a lot of people want answered, this is not the patch that will cause repayment to start right (it's a good start ofc, but I'd say a content patch is overdue before that?)

12-07-10, 22:19
btw a question I think a lot of people want answered, this is not the patch that will cause repayment to start right (it's a good start ofc, but I'd say a content patch is overdue before that?)

Good question, and I hope the answer is no.

Also the MMORPG payment model has been changing lately, with big games such as Lord of the Rings online moving to a F2P model. World of Warcraft is also looking at the F2P options.

Maybe NC needs think about looking at the F2P model? *Ducks*

Dribble Joy
12-07-10, 22:32
I'm not sure an MMO of NC's size could support itself on FtP....

12-07-10, 22:42
I'm not sure an MMO of NC's size could support itself on FtP....
not in it current state, but I think it's an exquisite game that would work very well in f2p, as ego, quick leveling and roleplay are huge parts of what made NC once so great, which are the things that would make it suitable for f2p. Hell, maybe a model like that new game recently came out? it has like the pve and 1on1 pvp in the free game, but to play clan vs clan u need to pay (and u get some more extras, but most important is clan vs clan and faction vs faction)

at the very least I think it would bring in more cash that it would currently, cuz restarting payment at this point would make even the most die hard fans leave.

Dr Phil
12-07-10, 22:58
cuz restarting payment at this point would make even the most die hard fans leave.
Yup.. They better do a whole lot to the game before they start charging people again..

And do those things a while before starting to charge people, so we would uuuuh i dont know, have a population first....

Dribble Joy
12-07-10, 23:03
The style of FtP is important. Getting it wrong won't be good. As to what type NC should go for is unclear. It's unclear for MMOs as a whole, let alone a niche model like NC. Though clan/faction membership would be a simple starting point.

12-07-10, 23:23
I just hope these new patches could bring back NC 2.1....goddamn, i'm afraid it will never happen. :(

13-07-10, 01:59
i know, those times were so worth paying for it. Bringing back nc 2.1 would be the best thing for this game. Bringing back the pop. and a income for reakktor >< making me depressing thinking about old days in nc.....

13-07-10, 02:14
Its a giant patch going back to NC1, no lie, check out this link (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=144376&page=3&styleid=11), they even converted the forums.

PS, If you want to get back......here (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=144376&page=3&styleid=16)

13-07-10, 09:49
looool nice one trip

god i hate that theme hahah

13-07-10, 10:35
Unfortunately we haven't been able to get rid of the world crashes yet so we'll need to keep the servers down until at least tomorrow.Is there a status update?

br morph

13-07-10, 14:45
Screw it, seeing as no one else is gonna be a cheeky bastard and ask...ahem

Do we get free items for the downtime? :D

Dr Phil
13-07-10, 14:50
Screw it, seeing as no one else is gonna be a cheeky bastard and ask...ahem

Do we get free items for the downtime? :D
Haha, yea gief free shit! :D

(well getting the server to work properly, would be enough a gift for me tbh..)
Only thing i could want from a GM spawn is an all arti tl92 pulselaser pistol anyways, so nothing important :p

13-07-10, 15:06
Haha, yea gief free shit! :D

(well getting the server to work properly, would be enough a gift for me tbh..)
Only thing i could want from a GM spawn is an all arti tl92 pulselaser pistol anyways, so nothing important :p

What about a mighty one-night-stand with the most sexiest runner of all times (artifact quality.. ofc :D )

Dribble Joy
13-07-10, 15:18
sexiest runner of all times


Dr Phil
13-07-10, 15:23
What about a mighty one-night-stand with the most sexiest runner of all times (artifact quality.. ofc :D )
Well I dont need GM support for that, do I? ;)

13-07-10, 18:44
God, I'm hard right now.

13-07-10, 20:44
Unfortunately we'll still have to continue our work tomorrow, so the servers will have to stay down for another day.

13-07-10, 20:48
I might have a fun idea for an event to celebrate the new anti cheat patch:

A fightnight!
pvp tournament :D let's see who of us is any good anymore ;)

13-07-10, 21:00
A fightnight!
pvp tournament :D let's see who of us is any good anymore ;)
Yes please, i would die for a well arranged tournament :D

Do we get free items for the downtime? :D
*cough* golden WOC PA :angel:

13-07-10, 21:05
Yes please, i would die for a well arranged tournament :D

*cough* golden WOC PA :angel:
recently traded my woc3 tank pa for a cannon :P

with the economy fucked there was an overload of woc3 pa's, most people could fund a trade for one

13-07-10, 21:15
Screw it, seeing as no one else is gonna be a cheeky bastard and ask...ahem

Do we get free items for the downtime? :D

Are you financially effected by the downtime?....Oh wait....free accounts...

Probably no compensation.

13-07-10, 21:20
Are you financially effected by the downtime?....Oh wait....free accounts...

Probably no compensation.
by that logic all the people that are paying should get compensation? and yes there still are a few

13-07-10, 22:46
by that logic all the people that are paying should get compensation? and yes there still are a few

I am aware of this, but it doesn't out weigh the people who aren't paying...

Either way, another item hand out will only cripple the all ready broken economy in NC.

But hey, if all you guys want is free items, I say go for it.

We need a test server again for this reason...or maybe just another PVP server that just hands everything to you like the test server did....that would be fun I guess....more fun than playing by yourself with nobody to tradeskill for you :(

13-07-10, 23:01
I am aware of this, but it doesn't out weigh the people who aren't paying...

Either way, another item hand out will only cripple the all ready broken economy in NC.

But hey, if all you guys want is free items, I say go for it.

We need a test server again for this reason...or maybe just another PVP server that just hands everything to you like the test server did....that would be fun I guess....more fun than playing by yourself with nobody to tradeskill for you :(
I agreed with u that there was no need for compensation, but didn't agree with the logic ;)

but tbh I don't have any problems finding tradeskillers, except sometimes a poker when im on my poker account (as in the account that has my char that pokes :P)

tbh it's mostly that there are hardly any dedicated tradeskillers, if you know a few people ingame its easy to have them log their tradeskillers for you

14-07-10, 02:12
I agreed with u that there was no need for compensation, but didn't agree with the logic ;)

but tbh I don't have any problems finding tradeskillers, except sometimes a poker when im on my poker account (as in the account that has my char that pokes :P)

tbh it's mostly that there are hardly any dedicated tradeskillers, if you know a few people ingame its easy to have them log their tradeskillers for you

If those people actually play then its no problem, but with the pops so low it becomes a big problem.

I was leveling some trade skillers awhile back but gave up.

14-07-10, 02:20
Are you financially effected by the downtime?....Oh wait....free accounts...

Probably no compensation.

The only compensation I will offer is...

I'll sing for you! har.

14-07-10, 04:37
The only compensation I will offer is...

I'll sing for you! har.

I'm holding you to this.

I await my PM with my song from you in it. You have 6 hours to deliver.

14-07-10, 07:21
The only compensation I will offer is...

I'll sing for you! har.
Will you start undressing yourself while singing? :D

14-07-10, 10:48
i still remeber the last time you got cought singing on sin radio we turned it
into a sounder well dreek did looool.....

i swear you wanted to kill him when you first heard it lol

good ol days

member that one danae

Dr Phil
14-07-10, 12:04
I'll sing for you! har.

Will you start undressing yourself while singing? :D
Looking forward to it! :p

14-07-10, 13:06
Ok, let's steer away from the creepy internet stalker vibe this thread picked up recently...

Dr Phil
14-07-10, 13:14
Ok, let's steer away from the creepy internet stalker vibe this thread picked up recently...
Aww your boring! :o

14-07-10, 14:02
Ok, let's steer away from the creepy internet stalker vibe this thread picked up recently...

Aaaaaaaw but I just google mapped your house!

My chloroform is useless now :mad:

14-07-10, 14:04
ye, back to

Fight Night!


14-07-10, 15:15
ye, back to

Fight Night!


It has to be moderated, otherwise almighty Germans are going to try and kill us again and.. well, as usual, fail hard. :D

14-07-10, 15:38
I still want NC 2.1 back! 2.2 to my eyes offers much less diversity than before with much less fun to play what still exists :(

Droners only use revenges, no more raptors, no more PN, nore more mosquitos to OP fights.

Tanks are mainly all HC, almost no more melees, and for the only melees left, almost no high tech.

PEs, for the few that still play them, are pistols or rifles, no more HC PEs, no more melee PEs.

Monks, are mainly ppus, some apus are left but rarely played in OPs, no more hybrids apu or hybrids ppu.

Spies are mainly rifles and some pistols, no more funny wierd setups with HC spies or melee spies.

TBH to me, that was what made NC so funny, the diversity of different setups you could play with a load of fun, which isnt the case anymore. This is why i want NC 2.1 back, and the action was quicker and more intense at that time to my opinion.

This being said, I know again that this will never happen, can't understand why though, but I still wish for it, and I'm pretty sure in some ways, the only remaining few players that still play NC are doing it because they think of the past and still hope for something to happen.

14-07-10, 16:51
It has to be moderated, otherwise almighty Germans are going to try and kill us again and.. well, as usual, fail hard. :D
I dunno, most of the grievers should not be able to play very well if the patch actually works ;)

tbh, last event moderation didnt help much against grievers, they just logged other chars once they got their temp bans/teleports

plus they only killed spectators which is ok, that's why they invented Le'd chars if u only wanna watch

but it would be a great chance to finally see which pvp'ers are actually as good as they pretend to be :D

14-07-10, 17:29
I still want NC 2.1 back! 2.2 to my eyes offers much less diversity than before with much less fun to play what still exists :(

Droners only use revenges, no more raptors, no more PN, nore more mosquitos to OP fights.

Tanks are mainly all HC, almost no more melees, and for the only melees left, almost no high tech.

PEs, for the few that still play them, are pistols or rifles, no more HC PEs, no more melee PEs.

Monks, are mainly ppus, some apus are left but rarely played in OPs, no more hybrids apu or hybrids ppu.

Spies are mainly rifles and some pistols, no more funny wierd setups with HC spies or melee spies.

TBH to me, that was what made NC so funny, the diversity of different setups you could play with a load of fun, which isnt the case anymore. This is why i want NC 2.1 back, and the action was quicker and more intense at that time to my opinion.

This being said, I know again that this will never happen, can't understand why though, but I still wish for it, and I'm pretty sure in some ways, the only remaining few players that still play NC are doing it because they think of the past and still hope for something to happen.

You are kinda right... but you should also see the bad parts of evo2.1

Xbow, odd armor-resist-management, overpowered apu/ppu combo, Weapons like First Love or Dissi being totally nonsense, noob buffs, no nanites and so on...

14-07-10, 17:41
I must admit, I do really miss my executioner PE.

Either way... I shall be making a full return when the servers get back up. All being well, the game should be more enjoyable and I look forward to a population boost (hopefully) :cool:

14-07-10, 19:18
Haven't played in really like 3 months I'll be glad to check out this new patch though.

14-07-10, 21:00
Ok, let's steer away from the creepy internet stalker vibe this thread picked up recently...
you could provide us with a appropriate status update (server downtime) :angel:

14-07-10, 21:26
Status update please "support" team.

14-07-10, 23:38
you could provide us with a appropriate status update (server downtime) :angel:
like they know how long it'll take :P if they knew it wud have been foreseen. It's taken them over 7 years to fix the cheating, a few months extra isnt bad is it? :P

14-07-10, 23:45
Aww your boring! :o

You can interpret it as boring, but I am interpreting it as: Nid wants you guys to ask him to undress *just once* :angel: He's hawt tbh!

<3 u nidderz


The servers are still down - an update will be made as soon as we have more information for you. I honestly appreciate your patience and everything each and every one of you do to keep Neocron alive. I thank you sincerely for your understanding.

15-07-10, 00:54
I still want NC 2.1 back! 2.2 to my eyes offers much less diversity than before with much less fun to play what still exists :(

Droners only use revenges, no more raptors, no more PN, nore more mosquitos to OP fights.

Tanks are mainly all HC, almost no more melees, and for the only melees left, almost no high tech.

PEs, for the few that still play them, are pistols or rifles, no more HC PEs, no more melee PEs.

Monks, are mainly ppus, some apus are left but rarely played in OPs, no more hybrids apu or hybrids ppu.

Spies are mainly rifles and some pistols, no more funny wierd setups with HC spies or melee spies.

TBH to me, that was what made NC so funny, the diversity of different setups you could play with a load of fun, which isnt the case anymore. This is why i want NC 2.1 back, and the action was quicker and more intense at that time to my opinion.

This being said, I know again that this will never happen, can't understand why though, but I still wish for it, and I'm pretty sure in some ways, the only remaining few players that still play NC are doing it because they think of the past and still hope for something to happen.

15-07-10, 01:00
You are kinda right... but you should also see the bad parts of evo2.1

Xbow, odd armor-resist-management, overpowered apu/ppu combo, Weapons like First Love or Dissi being totally nonsense, noob buffs, no nanites and so on...

Well, from bad side from one to bad side of the other, i still much preferred the action as presented in 2.1 than it is now in 2.2

15-07-10, 08:14
Well, from bad side from one to bad side of the other, i still much preferred the action as presented in 2.1 than it is now in 2.2
so true!

15-07-10, 09:55
Yes i do think a balance is needed with perticular attention to making the melee and apu classes actually useable... and alot of the weapons now available in the game are obsoleet *basically anything not an xbow, ion, dev, dissy, or ak*

but id much rather have cheats eradicated so its actually possible to play the game again.. becuase at the moment it just isnt.

15-07-10, 10:08
You can interpret it as boring, but I am interpreting it as: Nid wants you guys to ask him to undress *just once* :angel: He's hawt tbh!

<3 u nidderz

Oh you! :p

Dr Phil
15-07-10, 13:06
You are kinda right... but you should also see the bad parts of evo2.1

Xbow, odd armor-resist-management, overpowered apu/ppu combo, Weapons like First Love or Dissi being totally nonsense, noob buffs, no nanites and so on...
Mmmm sniping with Xbow... :D
Didnt mind the old armor resist system tbh (I can barely remember it though).
apu/ppu combo was a problem though yea.
First Love was WAY better than it is now... Dissy was shit (old shitty dissy > new hardcore overpowered though).
Noob buffs was one of the most fun things to do in NC. They took a huge part of skill out of the game with 2.2 :(
And finally; noone uses nanites anyways.. They are too much of a pain to use :rolleyes:

15-07-10, 13:08
I much perfered the noob buffs of only have two and a 10 second heal that you would constantly keep track of than the red, blue, whatever thing we have now lol

Dribble Joy
15-07-10, 15:49
That was... coherent...

Viability of certain weapon classes is an issue, but I still think the general balance of 2.2 is better than 2.1. Primarily with regard to PPU shields and heal strengths.

15-07-10, 20:07
I bet 1 million nc the servers won't be up this week ;) any takers?

16-07-10, 00:26
I bet 1 million nc the servers won't be up this week ;) any takers?

I accept this bet.

*shakes hand*

16-07-10, 03:20
we will just have to wait and see

16-07-10, 10:39
I accept this bet.

*shakes hand*
*shakes hand*

does your week include the weekend? :P

16-07-10, 10:49
i agree.. mmmmhmmm

16-07-10, 12:31
Kind of off topic, but I can't even connect to the server to download the patch
have the servers changed IPs or something? :wtf:

16-07-10, 12:36
Kind of off topic, but I can't even connect to the server to download the patch
have the servers changed IPs or something? :wtf:
seeing as they're down... yes? what use is downloading the patch anyway, once they have it fixed they will probably have to patch it again (there were at least 3 patches required last week already).

if you insist on downloading the patches, u can do it manually from ftp://ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail/ , but like I said, kinda pointless unless you're on a very very very very slow connection

16-07-10, 15:11
while I appreciate KK's method of making me having to pay 1m nc to mrtrip, it still won't let me log on properly

bunch of errors, last ones are:

Worldclient: sync to worldserver failed
Connection failed : WorldClient: Connection rejected by nethost : Unable to handle!

I get these after having selected my character and it start connecting to the server, sometimes I get a sound, sometimes I don't

16-07-10, 16:27
wow, I'm surprised this actually surprised me, not only did you not fix the crashes/zoning issues, you actually managed to blow up the pings from my usual 60ms to over 350ms, and that actually took more than a week of downtime not to fix...

(and yes, this is happening to the people I spoke to ingame as well, when they weren't crashing)

16-07-10, 16:59
wow, I'm surprised this actually surprised me, not only did you not fix the crashes/zoning issues, you actually managed to blow up the pings from my usual 60ms to over 350ms, and that actually took more than a week of downtime not to fix...

(and yes, this is happening to the people I spoke to ingame as well, when they weren't crashing)

300ms~ average, still something wrong :o

16-07-10, 17:33
300ms~ average, still something wrong :o
you're forgetting constant crashes, problems connecting and problems zoning, just like it was before they took them down...

16-07-10, 17:36
Everything seems fine my side... Only thing wrong is the high ping

16-07-10, 18:32
wow, I'm surprised this actually surprised me, not only did you not fix the crashes/zoning issues, you actually managed to blow up the pings from my usual 60ms to over 350ms, and that actually took more than a week of downtime not to fix...

(and yes, this is happening to the people I spoke to ingame as well, when they weren't crashing)

Hey, but they are online, where is my 1 mil? Dammit :P

EDIT: lol shit, I got dropped within 2 seconds of being in. Oh well whatever...

16-07-10, 18:44
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!

16-07-10, 18:47
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!

I had to reinstall NC. I just used the tar.gz copy I had and patched from there. Its available to the public so if its loaded with hax...well lots of Linux players have it then.

Kicks me off in the first minute saying "unable to handle !"

EDIT: Well, works now, huh *shrugs*

16-07-10, 18:57
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!

Hahaha. Thanks, you just made my day.

16-07-10, 19:00
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!
lol'ed at that, tnx

but how can we give more detailed reports? the server kicks everyone off, just like before the week of downtime, nothing changed. sometimes it will work for like 10-20min, sometimes it can't even log on and gives the error messages I've posted before.

it also seems I cannot at all log on when I'm logged onto my university's vpn, which I used to be able to do, which is kinda annoying since I'm often on that vpn to circumvent megavideo's ip filter :P (yes, in the netherlands it's legal to watch tv series online as long as you don't distribute it)

16-07-10, 19:03
lol'ed at that, tnx

but how can we give more detailed reports? the server kicks everyone off, just like before the week of downtime, nothing changed. sometimes it will work for like 10-20min, sometimes it can't even log on and gives the error messages I've posted before.

Biglines I.. I think you should, disable your cheats now. Enough is enough. :lol:
More seriously this is the only backup we are able to provide, as he said we can't even get in-game or zone, it's too laggy and the same issues are present

16-07-10, 19:05
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!
btw, unless you're accusing everyone on the server of hacking, this really doesn't apply, as everyone gets kicked, has trouble, and everyone has giant ping issues

16-07-10, 19:08
Biglines I.. I think you should, disable your cheats now. Enough is enough. :lol:
More seriously this is the only backup we are able to provide, as he said we can't even get in-game or zone, it's too laggy and the same issues are present
sorry, never clicked on any of your links so that shouldn't be the problem :P

16-07-10, 19:32
no worki workie


16-07-10, 19:55
Doesn't work for me either, guys. Not accusing anyone of anything.

/doesn't even need GM hax! ;)

16-07-10, 21:25
anyone else getting this error when you try to install the new updates?
"Error : couldn't open: baselib.dll possibly write protected patch"
i downloaded the new C++ and that didnt seem to make any difference.

16-07-10, 21:28
Tried to zone from Plaza 2 to Plaza 1 on Mars (No-one on Terra :( )

Didn't work got thrown back to login screen. With something on the lines of - "WorldClient: Connection rejected by nethost : Unable to handle" (This is from one of the logs)

Sorry NC is no go for me.

Edit: One thing I did notice was it was very slow to sync into zones when logging in.

16-07-10, 21:53

Concerning the ping and lags, it looks like OK to me.
Just as I writing this I crashed though
Edit2: We are back to the basic problems we had after the first patching

Edit: Plaza1 benches = gone and hovercabs are acting crazy (like..flipping on themselves while flying. I'm not stoned I promise :lol: )


16-07-10, 22:28
Ping is 150 -170, better then normal 200 tbh, losing sync every few minutes though, as opposed to every 20 minutes before.
Sniper guns won't zoom.....

16-07-10, 23:15
More stable now, but can't dual log on separate boxes on the same lan for some reason, if one is on, the other can't sync in, gets all the way to "syncing" but fails. Changed local ports, same result. Sniper gun fails on both boxes, 7 x64 and vista x86.

Dr Phil
16-07-10, 23:32
I know this doesn't really need saying but I'll say it anyway. If you've got any client hacks installed, you might want to disable them or you won't get anywhere. ;) Not accusing anyone one this thread, just pointing it out.

Other than that, the more detailed reports we get on this thread the better. Thanks!
Hehehehehe :D

Anyways, oh well, guess i have my pretty chatroom back then...

M'kay just tried to log in..
Its doesnt run very well... My ping is alright, but constantly getting kicked to login screen and such :rolleyes:
And dual logging just keeps the second client i try to log syncing (dual logging on one machine).

These issues ARE something you are going to fix.. right..?

17-07-10, 00:48
Edit: Plaza1 benches = gone and hovercabs are acting crazy (like..flipping on themselves while flying. I'm not stoned I promise :lol: )

LOL - You are not stoned! I though it was something I missed, but when the hover cabs land in the centre of Plaza 1, they are trying to tip the passengers out!

I tried to ride one, until I got a sync and thrown back to the Login screen with the same error message as earlier.

P.S. Phoenix Ltd would like to make a disclaimer that it never designed the hovercabs. After all, we would not make hovercabs that tip-over when gripping the handle bar in the wrong place. ;)

17-07-10, 00:52
well i got online tonight sorta

my experiance

PC: long assed sync then bk to the log in screen

laptop: long assed sync then game crashed

this when tryin to move to my plazza 1 appy lol

Edit * i saw garff there for all o a min til the world client failed*

17-07-10, 01:03
was online for about 5mins: got kicked twice, hovercap in p1 thinks it is a rollercoster, log in syncs are very long.
cant say if any cheats are fixed because ive got no "fixed" exe but i will check some other things and pm the report

17-07-10, 01:23
wtf PE lib bug AGAIN :eek:

cant launch observer drones and all others got this screen: on LE`d and un LE`d chars
http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/101041610-1.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/profile/rlion/screenshots/?view#101041610)
http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/101041608-1.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/profile/rlion/screenshots/?view#101041608)
when ive droped the drones they dissapeard

and no i didnt trie to get the known drone bug

17-07-10, 01:48
wtf PE lib bug AGAIN :eek:

cant launch observer drones and all others got this screen: on LE`d and un LE`d chars
http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/101041610-1.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/profile/rlion/screenshots/?view#101041610)
http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/101041608-1.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/profile/rlion/screenshots/?view#101041608)

and no i didnt trie to get the known drone bug
apparently snipers don't work anymore either

17-07-10, 01:56
obliterator doesnt work anymore, well it doesnt in the appy wich the char i was on doesnt own.
cant leave that appartment. right click isnt possible. neither is use the gogo or cc or lift and since the owner is on the same acc i cant open the door to gr out....

the obli and any other stealth tools are the prob as soon as i tried to use them, nothing is working anymore :confused:

cant launch Kamis or Revenge Drones
cant dual log the second client stucks in sync all the time

bad ass long zone syncs too
found one fixed cheat (not a PvP one but at least something is fixed)
few bugs/xploits still happen/working...

17-07-10, 02:18
mini rollback, killed and hacked wb, opened to loot and crashed to login, came back with wb alive and at half health.

Dribble Joy
17-07-10, 05:06
Similar issues. Randomly sync and come back in to find a 30 second 'rollback'.
Stealth tools don't work, can't zone at the moment.

17-07-10, 05:15
as long as the non cheat shit works.. i dont care.. it can be away for another 2 months! just fix the non cheat shit!! NOW!

17-07-10, 05:53
Everything seems less than fine here, but doesn't seem very smooth, and those malfunctioning hovercabs....

Oh and some vendors appear to be missing their merchandise, like the ammo and hightech weapons vendors in the Battle Dome, to name a few...

Someone on chat told me that if you're having issues, try uninstalling neocron and reinstalling it and reapplying all the updates, apparently some issues were fixed for them.

17-07-10, 07:50
Wheres that sexy PA Garfield? lol

17-07-10, 11:58
Servers down again by the DEVs until Monday probably.
They are working on your reports, thx for this!

Update will follow here ASAP!

17-07-10, 16:45
I am terrible frustrated...


17-07-10, 21:52
I am terrible frustrated...


... when I cannot get it into the right hole. I did not think them to be that close to each other.

18-07-10, 02:00
Servers down again by the DEVs until Monday probably.
They are working on your reports, thx for this!

Update will follow here ASAP!
Tell them to take their time! We aren't going anywhere anytime soon :p

18-07-10, 03:18
as long as they fix these issues i don't mind how long the servers are offline

18-07-10, 13:37
OHMYGAWD! Servers are down AGAIN!?!??! I hate this game it's so shit!!!

Keep the servers down aslong as you have to, I think the ones that are here will stay even if the servers stay down for months, including me.

18-07-10, 16:56
Hint: Terra is online. Please test it out if it is going alright for you now.
But notice: Everything is on your own responsibility!

For me it was fine the last hour!

Please post everything wrong here in this post, so I can handle it to the DEVs tomorrow.

18-07-10, 17:11
Worldclient: sync to worldserver failed

won't connect on either accounts, vpn is off, firewall is off

18-07-10, 17:17
Thx, for me too.

Really strange, before I posted, Terra is online again, it worked very well for me. And I am testing with the DEVs since hours today....

/edit: Online again!

18-07-10, 17:20
im surprised noone made any hamster jokes

18-07-10, 17:37
They are overrated. Going to test Neocron again now :)

18-07-10, 17:53
Servers tend to make long syncs still but nothing major I guess. The rollback and high ping issues appears to be OK.

Although, still same issues with the cabs in P1, the benches gone (not really going to break my day whatever) and the sniper scope still ain't worknig.

18-07-10, 18:34
Zoning out of my P1 appy on my APU

long sync an then sync to world server failed
an the cabs arnt bugged there entertainment loool
yuppers the sniper is still down well the scope
stealth tools still not working for me ither

18-07-10, 19:37
im surprised noone made any hamster jokes
Mh i guess you already know the answer ^^ KK deleted any posts about that :)

18-07-10, 20:19
im surprised noone made any hamster jokes


Dribble Joy
18-07-10, 20:21
Servers are down again.

18-07-10, 23:21
Servers are down again.

Yes, sorry for this. We will continue tomorrow. Will inform you ASAP about.

19-07-10, 12:51
Seeing as everyone's steeled for some downtime, why not take the opportunity to merge all the servers and just look after one?

19-07-10, 14:08
Seeing as everyone's steeled for some downtime, why not take the opportunity to merge all the servers and just look after one?
like the 100 times it's been suggest before, it's apparently not possible anymore

19-07-10, 14:14
The last official thing I saw was from SnowCrash in 2007 - as it was 3 years on I didn't think it would hurt to ask if anything had changed on that.

19-07-10, 14:21
mmk, I've seen it be suggested soo many times and dismissed half the time (ignored the other half), so apologies for reacting slightly more derogative than intended ;)
(and I know this has been suggested so many times since 2007 since I have only played again since 2008, last time before that was 02/03)

Dribble Joy
19-07-10, 14:57
It would be like merging the old Saturn and Pluto.

Aside from the cultural aspect of the playerbase, you have one group who wants a single slot server and another that wants a multi-slot one. If you merge you have to choose one or the other, not an easy decision.

19-07-10, 15:02
It's no problem, it's just the 'you don't ask it doesn't get considered' motto.

19-07-10, 16:24
Seeing as everyone's steeled for some downtime, why not take the opportunity to merge all the servers and just look after one?
They would have to make it a 9 slot server to accomodadte the 4 chars from Terra, the 4 chars from Mars, and the 1 char from Mercury. Otherwise we'd have to delete 5 Chars (if you have all slots on all servers filled like I do). Although I would very much like to see a single server I don't think it will ever happen.

19-07-10, 22:46
YaY Pluto ..... god how much i miss it

20-07-10, 10:51
Anyone there for testing Terra with me a bit for the DEVs???

(Notice: But on your own, only testing!)

Join me !

20-07-10, 11:03
still sync to server failed error, can't log on at all

20-07-10, 11:34
To the test people: Pls relog everytime when Terra crashes until I will notice it here. Thx!

20-07-10, 11:37
im in ok

20-07-10, 11:39
5 min. break, pls wait - dont run away :)

/Update: on again, continue testing pls

20-07-10, 11:41
looool okay we will let you feed the hamster

20-07-10, 11:55
in fine again - zoning ok as well

20-07-10, 11:59
aww 1% online but infinite syncs :(

:O more people online atm than before the patch :S (2%)

20-07-10, 12:03
No problems here - all fine.

Neocron Zoo is ok as well. That's important.

I didn't have to download any binaries/executables either - just the patch.

20-07-10, 12:08
every thing seems to work well for me on sync bug but a relogg fixes that

Scoping is still dead though

20-07-10, 12:12
haven't crashed in a while, and was finally able to get on. Will try dual logging now

20-07-10, 12:17
not managed that one yet big loool

20-07-10, 12:17
after trying dual log, it wont let me log on at all anymore :S

20-07-10, 12:19
connection to world server failed is what i get

even after makin sure they are both on diffrent ports as the patch reset that

20-07-10, 12:23
Duallog isnt still available and known. Change the port on your 1st client and try again, should work. Runners told me about ingame.

Please continue testing (on your own!), the DEVs are still watching the hamster if he will run now :)

Thx everyone for your great support! Thumbs up!

20-07-10, 12:27
changed on both same result an so far all i tested works save the scopes not jus sniper but the modd one to

Dribble Joy
20-07-10, 12:32
Was working ok for me up untill a moment ago when I got kicked to login. Servers down.

20-07-10, 12:34
got turfed out mobbing in CRP
now i keep getting nethost error when trying to log in the character and it just kicks me back to the choose server screen

20-07-10, 13:02
All servers on again.... everyone can play now, but on your own!

We still have a look on it. Report much as possible here please! I will still collect and forward everything !

Thx !

20-07-10, 13:15
dual log still not working (for me WIN7 64bit). second client message: Sync to worldserver failed :(

my drones still not working, is it because ill use another hud?

Dribble Joy
20-07-10, 13:41
I can't get on or near my bed, it just flings me away when I get near.

20-07-10, 13:59
all drones are fucked fatty not jus cuz you have a custo hud

i tryed all with out custo hud an lost em all loool what a waste o cred ehh

20-07-10, 14:02
can't log in at all still :(

20-07-10, 14:18
since one bug still works. PLEASE lower the reseller prices for furniture to 1nc ! or just remove the resell option for such items, whatever is easyer to do.

now if the drones arent working, remove them :D then lower the WoC disc droprate so we have a valuable item again...

VOTE for drone dislodge !

20-07-10, 14:27
since one bug still works. PLEASE lower the reseller prices for furniture to 1nc ! or just remove the resell option for such items, whatever is easyer to do.

now if the drones arent working, remove them :D then lower the WoC disc droprate so we have a valuable item again...

VOTE for drone dislodge !
without drones it's almost impossible to make a viable pe...

Dr Phil
20-07-10, 14:50
Yeh.. Leveling a PE to WoC without drones would take.. Years..

20-07-10, 14:53
acctualy i know loool
5.6 weeks acctual play time. to WOC from cap with pistols

i was silly enough to do it b4 some one said you could drone it looool

Dr Phil
20-07-10, 15:19
Didnt DJ level his PE to WoC5 with pistols........?

20-07-10, 15:31
Zoning at normal speed now, so far.

Scope mod is working foe me.

Stealth is working

Dribble Joy
20-07-10, 16:02
Didnt DJ level his PE to WoC5 with pistols........?
Yes. (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=141494)

WoC one isn't too bad, you can do it quite quickly in regants if you imp up to something like slasher/BoH.

20-07-10, 16:40
Thanks for the patch, these issues really were annoying and I'm glad they are fixed. On another note, in the brief time that the servers have been up and running (and seemingly stable) I've noticed a lot of the active clans have gone inactive ;)

20-07-10, 17:16
terra offline again?

20-07-10, 20:03
We should invade one of the other servers :lol:

21-07-10, 00:52
rofl even cant log my second acc on my office machine wich is shareing the router with my game pc.
only one client is working... whatever uve done IP wise it su*** :rolleyes:

Dribble Joy
21-07-10, 07:52
Perhaps they don't want people dual-logging anymore?

Dr Phil
21-07-10, 08:53
[ edited ]

21-07-10, 12:20
perma sync this morning

black screen n synchronising

terra is showing 0% so im guessing its got a problem still

21-07-10, 13:59
Yea, got the same thing. I even let it sit there for a long time trying to synch.

21-07-10, 14:25
Perhaps they don't want people dual-logging anymore?
it would cost them more than half the amount of subscriptions if they disabled dual logging, I know I wudn't keep on my second account if dual logging wasn't kept, and there's lots of people with more than 2 accounts that wouldn't be happy with that

21-07-10, 15:33
Duallog shouldn't be disabled the DEVs told me, atm its wrong! But thats a point on the list for laters.

Atm they are still working to fix the hamster!

Thx for your very much patience !!!

21-07-10, 16:42
rofl even cant log my second acc on my office machine wich is shareing the router with my game pc.
only one client is working... whatever uve done IP wise it su*** :rolleyes:
This was my problem yesterday, one computer logged in fine, but the other wouldn't connect while the first was connected.

21-07-10, 17:29
You can keep knockin but you aint goin in :p

Dribble Joy
21-07-10, 18:57
Can select character, but end up with endless sync.

21-07-10, 20:14
it better bloody work! im almost constantly dual logged! plus... i keep the laptop in p1 for pokies most of the time AND what about when the boyfriend plays!!!

21-07-10, 20:14
Can select character, but end up with endless sync.

same here

21-07-10, 20:26
yeah i think everyone has the "perma sync" problem..

hmmmm?? get it to at least kinda work please so we can feedback on the other problems!

21-07-10, 23:50
Chenoa I'm not sure if this as obvious to the devs as it seem to me, but the devs do know that the servers were fucked up for months even before the patch right? longs syncs, rollbacks, trouble logging in was not as bad as it was after the patch, but you're not just dealing with the patch, but also with the fact the server have been fucked up ever since they were moved/maintained a few months back, so it's not just the server software, but something that changed already months ago, so maybe even something at your datacenter or server infrastructure?

22-07-10, 01:15
So.....not to stir up crap, but somebody just said something to me that kind of scares me..

Do you really think that the servers will come back? It's a common tactic to simulate issues and then to tell the people, that they are unfixable... Well, I would do it that way.

With BP coming up, and Neocron sitting at 0% for so long...why not?

:( Please just release the servers, even if its just Neocron 1 to SOMEBODY so we can continue playing this amazing game if this is the case...

22-07-10, 02:17
Mr Trip However said that gives up too easily IMHO. It is fixable.

This is my guess. They upgraded their development environment from MS C++6.0 to MS C++2005. Now I'm guessing NC compiled, and the devs found a few nice new options in the network features of the C++ 2005 libs. (I'm guessing they turned on SSL) Unfortunately, as we know, this networking upgrade hasn't gone to plan.

Why do I say it's fixable. Just rollback to the files used in patch 168, however that has a big drawback...the cheaters will be back.

22-07-10, 02:29
Mr Trip However said that gives up too easily IMHO. It is fixable.

This is my guess. They upgraded their development environment from MS C++6.0 to MS C++2005. Now I'm guessing NC compiled, and the devs found a few nice new options in the network features of the C++ 2005 libs. (I'm guessing they turned on SSL) Unfortunately, as we know, this networking upgrade hasn't gone to plan.

Why do I say it's fixable. Just rollback to the files used in patch 168, however that has a big drawback...the cheaters will be back.

This is true, they could roll back, but who says they have to? Its all just a big mess anymore.

I really really hate to say it, but its almost the end of this whole game... no devs for content patches, only a few devs for these kind of fixes, nobody communicating changes or balance with us anymore, its all taken a giant nose dive...

I'm sorry...but this whole thing is an example of why KK should have never listened to the community about how to run its game. It came up with the idea, it was going good, and a bunch of know it all jack asses had to throw their two cents in on what THEY think a good game would be. Now THEY don't even play it anymore....

Roll back to 2.1, end of story.

22-07-10, 02:54
Roll back to 2.1, end of story.

22-07-10, 11:39
I'm sorry...but this whole thing is an example of why KK should have never listened to the community about how to run its game. It came up with the idea, it was going good, and a bunch of know it all jack asses had to throw their two cents in on what THEY think a good game would be. Now THEY don't even play it anymore....

Roll back to 2.1, end of story.
I've never played 2.1, so might not be relevant, but isnt the problem the fact that KK said they would change everything in nc2.2 and then use that system to finetune, but they just never bothered with the finetuning?

so not so much 2.2 is the problem, but that they just didn't do as they promised? (which seems a theme)

as for using this to kill nc, they could have used the server rollback issues for that, but why would they bother putting out a patch (= lots of manhours) first? I don't think that's the point, they still want us to pay in the future, else they would have never kept the servers running and have this HUGE amount of negative press which neocron has been the last 2 years (anyone interested in black prophecy has only to visit these nc forums to be scared away for ever)

22-07-10, 12:07
Back in on Terra

Other two servers are offline though