View Full Version : Recover deleted characters

20-02-10, 15:31
I've never really known the answer to this because I've never deleted a character that I then wanted back, however my 2 year old nephew likes to play Neocron, he can load the game up and log in and select a character all by himself. If he was to accidentally delete a character would GM's be able to recover him? If not I'm going to have to either start logging in for him or stop him from playing it ^^

20-02-10, 15:42
rofl cool make an account for him or log for him. ive tryd to get my 4year old nephew to play nc but my sista said "stop showing him killergames!" :eek:

20-02-10, 16:00
haha you should see him playing Call of Duty, he can load it up, create his owner server and pick his favourite map, he'll join the team and pick a gun, climb a ladder and jump off over and over again. He's really smart ^^

20-02-10, 17:18
There is no mechanism for un-deleting characters so my advice would be not to let your two year old nephew to play on your account. ;)


20-02-10, 23:31
rofl cool make an account for him or log for him. ive tryd to get my 4year old nephew to play nc but my sista said "stop showing him killergames!" :eek:

same only it was my wife regarding my 6 year old son....but what she dont know wont hurt her

of course in regards to age limits its not the killing, I usually mute all the channels the chat in nc is usually way more graphic to young eyes and minds than shooting stuff

and another thing to consider if you are worried about deletion of characters, I let him play on mercury :P

21-02-10, 12:53
Heh he's smart enough to log into one of my current characters, I tried making him one to play on but he prefers looking at the swirlies ^^ I make sure he never goes into PP though, he can blow the shit out of mutants all he likes but he's not running through a red light district staring at dancing pixels!