View Full Version : There needs to be a way to contact a GM faster

18-02-10, 16:00
I'm in El Farid Scorp cave, second level. There's an LE'd droner here called Le Scientifik, he won't reset the dungeon. He's pretending to be afk but I've seen him moving around, I went to submit a ticket and saw 9 people waiting.

It's rediculous how long we have to wait for GM's, and I know for a fact you guys aren't understaffed because there are many people offering to be volunteer GM's and you are telling them you have enough staff.

Either give us active GM's, give certain people GM abilities or let us kill LE'd idiots who won't reset dungeons.

18-02-10, 16:54
it's prolly KK blocking new GM's cause it would mean actually spending time getting them trained, and maybe even actually communicating with fellow humans, or even *gasp* customers!

18-02-10, 19:44
Have you even made a ticket? GM_Paralax and I have just cleared the ticket queue there and haven't come across one about an LE in El Farid; only one about a guy of a different name in Regant's. If you don't make a ticket, GMs cannot magically appear.

Luke']It's rediculous how long we have to wait for GM's, It's 3½ hours since your post. I don't think that's unreasonable. 24 hours is cause for concern, which is why our website advises you to mail support@neocron.com if you don't get a reply in 24 hours. Sometimes tickets (other than dungeon blocking) can't be answered straight away as we need further information or simply to find answers which can take time.

and I know for a fact you guys aren't understaffed Not for the current population, no. Given that we've recruited trial GMs in the past who have gone for days without a single ticket to answer, then it isn't viable to deploy resources to training new GMs. Of course, that may all change after any patch. New GM training is very intensive and many people who are keen at first soon lose interest (or simply don't make the grade) once they discover exactly what's involved.

Either give us active GM's, We do have active GMs. We're just not online 24/7 and work part time around our own careers and lives.

give certain people GM abilities Think about what you're saying. Can you imagine the people you can't stand ingame being given GM h4x???

or let us kill LE'd idiots who won't reset dungeons.Again, think of the consequences of that. What's to stop people then killing any LEs anywhere?

/edit: Despite no ingame support ticket being submitted, I've taken the liberty of checking El Farid, and both levels are totally clear of runners.

19-02-10, 01:41
Ok I may have overreacted a bit but this isn't just a one of thing I see it almost on a daily basis and it is starting to annoy me. I guess I should of just left it alone but I don't really see GM's online much at all, although that's no excuse to go off on one. As for killing LE'd runners, I know any way of doing this is considered an exploit and so I would never do it but could you try an implement some sort of ability to reset dungeons even with LE'd players who are afking?

Anyway, I submitted a ticket regarding an OP fight I just had. I was gunning a Rev in Krupp while Sun Tsu was blowing holes into me. The reveler was traveling at full speed and Sun Tsu was running faster than us and anytime he went out of range he would magically appear next to us 5 seconds later, and he was landing every CS shot on me despite going up and down due to the terrain.

I didn't record this because ultimately I'm not asking you to ban him, I was just wondering if we could get a GM pressence at OP fights? You could even bring a player and fight along side us. If people know they are fighting with or against a GM they'll think twice before using any sort of hack.

As I said I'm sorry about my previous post I was just a bit tense when I made it, so please forgive me :(

19-02-10, 01:52
I don't really see GM's online much at allThat's highly likely. GMs can monitor the ticket queue using our support systems without needing to be logged into a particular server. That way we can monitor all the servers equally.

I know the GM team aim to assist as quickly as possible (often they're bored to tears waiting for a ticket!) but there are times when I'm afraid you'll have to hang on. As Hoder said, above, if you don't receive assistance within 24 hours then please email the helpdesk.


Dribble Joy
19-02-10, 02:42
It's not like the GMs walk around Plaza 1 and chat on trade. Unless they want you to know they are there you'll never see one.

19-02-10, 09:37
It's not like the GMs walk around Plaza 1 and chat on trade. Unless they want you to know they are there you'll never see one.
thats might be the prob. sometimes it can be realy helpfull to show power and attendance.
i guess a easy "BUH!" on OOC from a GM, once or twice a day, will stop many ppl doing nasty stuff.

19-02-10, 10:55
if KK did have GM's and be active in plaza or other fights spots. the hackers would'nt be around so much if they do see the GM's if there is any....

19-02-10, 13:01
No. What would happen is that everyone would crowd around the GM asking for favours. That's why GMs are under strict instructions to remain invisible unless dealing with a ticket.


19-02-10, 13:12
I'll break the mold, gimme GM powa! :lol:

19-02-10, 13:40
Point somewhat proven, methinks. :p

If you have a problem and need a GM, please submit an in-game call ticket and one will assist you as quickly as possible. Thanks.


20-02-10, 17:28
It's not like the GMs walk around Plaza 1 and chat on trade. Unless they want you to know they are there you'll never see one.

Not anymore anyway! Poor attitudes and abusive behavior ceased the high profiles of yesteryear :P