View Full Version : UK NC Meet | Piss Up #7 - The Aftermath

Dribble Joy
07-02-10, 22:16
So this weekend was the London trip. I managed to get some funds together and on Friday, Mr Hoder was kind enough to give me a lift down.

Alas I don't have any photos as I forgot to bring my camera.

We arrived at the hotel around 5pm and found Brammers, Triv and his two friends from Newcastle. Paralax turned up at some point too. I dumped my stuff in the latters room and then we all got on the train to central London.

I couldn't remember which tube station was the deepest, but knew that Covent Garden was pretty close (google now tells me it has the second longest staircase), so we were knackered when we got to the top.

I vaguely knew my way around the area so I was summarily appointed as the group's guide. I thusly took us on a little crawl around the area, ending up in a Browns. After a few drinks we decided to get a bit of food.
This quickly turned into a full blown three course meal. I had a starter of black pudding salad, braized pork for the main and a cheese board for desert. Me, Hoder and one of Triv's mates shared a bottle of wine.

After this I think we had a couple more drinks and then went back to the hotels.

More about the rest of the weekend later, I have a pub quiz to attend ;).

08-02-10, 00:52
Alas I don't have any photos as I forgot to bring my camera.Good job I remembered :p

Here's a taster of what we got up to:




More later :)

08-02-10, 14:51
Good times had by all :) was great to see the regulars again. Shame on everyone who badgered us into going to London and didn't actually show up!

Notice my northern pride by not wearing a coat as much as possible :P Sunday of course was the exception!

08-02-10, 21:08
I would have been there the Saturday but when I tried to borrow 30 quid off my mother, hell broke lose : \

So I'm sorry about my badgering :(

Looks like you guys had fun

08-02-10, 21:34
Well a good time was had by all.

Mohamed al fayed didn't know what hit him yesterday as we wound our way through Harrods. We had a few strange looks as we talked about "Sexing Droms" but more of that later.

Heres a few snaps of us having a few drinks on friday night.

"All of us at our last bar on friday night"

"Hoder getting friendly with DJ"

"Trivaldi and Brammers trying to work out where they can find the Droms"

"Duncan and Morgan having a good time"

Ok its Drom time

"Trivaldi spies a Drom"

"Trivaldi tries the smooth talking aproach, but whats that black fur over his left shoulder?"

"Woah it was hoder going in for the kill........or should i say SEX"

08-02-10, 23:00
A few of mine, it was a good weekend! Although I did think the "Copbots" in Harrods was going to throw us out when we found the Drom!

The first group pic - in a pub of course...

What is DJ about to do to Paralax?!

Triv with Duncan and Morgan on the London Eye

09-02-10, 19:14
"Hoder getting friendly with DJ"Blame the white wine.. I don't normally drink the stuff, so let's just say I "got into character" :p

"Woah it was hoder going in for the kill........or should i say SEX"
That made my weekend :D Now I'm trying to scrape together £395 to buy myself a life-sized Small Drom! Donations gratefully accepted ;)

10-02-10, 23:44
Not many photos. So who turned up anyway? The pics suggest a smaller gathering than the last couple of outings.

11-02-10, 02:00
Not many photos. So who turned up anyway? The pics suggest a smaller gathering than the last couple of outings.

You would be right, maybe this is one of the smaller gatherings. However I don't count the number of people who come to a NC meet, as it always a pleasure to meet anyone, new and old at a NC meet.

Also I've only publish only a few photo's from the weekend here on the NC forums... we all have some extra pics kicking around to embarrass anyone ;) (I just hope it's not pics of me!)

Now I respect a few people wanted to come, but they couldn't, however we all respect that we all came a long way to London, and also we all had a good time.

The next meet is most likely to be in the North - So are you going to come Jodo? ;)

11-02-10, 04:11
Maybe. I've wanted to go to one for some time but haven't really made any great efforts to sort things out. Perhaps next time.

Dont Mess
13-02-10, 15:46
I came, but no pictures of me thankfully. I was only there for about an hour or so. Was good to see everyone that came though.