View Full Version : Star Trek Online: Review

15-01-10, 02:03
I thought I'd write this review for the Neocron community. I hope it's of use to someone.

Star Trek Online Review

Cryptic’s latest MMO release has been feverishly anticipated for many months now –

especially among the Star Trek fan base, a notoriously critical and hard to please

group of people. I decided I would give the open beta a blast, as I was experiencing a

‘lull’ between games, and am one of many waiting for ‘the next big hit’.

I’m not a diehard Star Trek fan, and can only claim to have seen a few of the movies

and newer episodes. So all in all I felt I could approach the game with an open mind,

free from any over-optimistic/pessimistic expectations.

The first facet of the game you encounter is character creation. I was left very

impressed by the sheer range of options (many subtle) you could employ to create

your desired avatar. I could easily have spent three hours tweaking countless

superficial details like tattoos, scars and head equipment. Eager to get into the game I

settled for a rather generic looking human (exactly 183 cm tall, with grey/blue eyes,

and an odd scar above his left eye!).

The first hour of play follows the traditional spoon-fed tutorial style, and involves

phasering a few Borgs, and sabotaging their equipment. I wasn’t going to expect

anything too revolutionary in this department, so it’s safe to say, the tutorial is fairly

straightforward and gently eases you into the game mechanics.

I’ll get down to specific areas now;

Combat takes place in two arenas. Space and ‘ground’. The latter was what I

experienced most, and is modelled on the typical ‘point and click’ mechanic.

Although it is very slick and works just as you would expect it if you’re a veteran of

WoW or similar – it is very shallow. I found myself just firing, waiting for refresh,

then firing again – with special attacks thrown in for good measure.
The three classes in the game contrast most strikingly on the ground.

Engineers are the archetypal ‘tanks’ and have access to shield recharge

deployment, and static turrets. Tacticians have access to debuff attacks and

are the general high damage, low defence, glass canons. Scientists are (yep

you guessed it) the healers, and provide general support, but also can hold

their own in a fight and deal not insignificant damage.

In Space, the classes are less strikingly different. Special combat powers are

granted by having BOs (bridge officers). These NPCs fall into the three class

types, and offer related powers. For example an engineer BO would have a

power that would bolster shield defences, and a tactical BO would offer the

shield drain ability.

The problem with this is, due to every ship having space for at least one of

each class (with the caveat that a tactician player must have predominantly

tactical BOs) is that at least at the early levels, every player is basically the

same. In fact, in combat, I never found myself noticing ‘‘Oh John has just

saved our asses with his special ‘engineer only’ ability’’. Thus space combat

turns out to be simply a matter of constantly firing your phasers, and waiting

on the (horrendous) cool downs for your special abilities.

Unfortunately (and this is one of my biggest gripes), there is essentially no ‘crafting’

in STO. Supposedly the traditional MMO crafting system (think Neocron) wouldn’t

fit in with the IP of Star Trek. The closest there is, is a system whereby players collect

various resources from around the galaxy, take these to an NPC, and they are

converted into a weapon/armour piece etc. There is absolutely no tradeskill system.

Server stability would be expected to be a serious issue, especially in beta. Cryptic

opted to make heavy use of instancing, and EVERY zone is instanced. For me, this

really detached me from the feeling of playing an ‘MMORPG’. Obviously if they

wanted to accommodate every player in one instance of the Sol Spacedock (main base

of operations) then the lag would be of biblical proportions, but nonetheless, I think if

they had put more thought into spreading the players around a bit more effectively,

then the lag issues wouldn’t present themselves. I also found that even on my slightly

aged, though quality rig, the game ran reasonably well – and if you have a

Beast which is capable of turning the graphics settings up to full, you won’t be


Having covered the main points of the game, I’ll try to give you a ‘gist’ of the game,

and try to suss out the vibe. All in all, I was disappointed. For such a polished and

quality game, I just found myself wondering ‘what is there actually to do?’.

Once I got past the initial awe of the game – mainly the graphics, and the ‘coolness’

of flying your own spaceship, I realised that at it’s core, this game isn’t very deep.

Apart from doing mission after mission – which once you’ve played a few, you’ve

played them all – there isn’t really much to do. I found that there was minimal player

to player interaction, and due to the simplicity (I would say shallowness) of the

combat system, you rarely had to resort to actually ‘communicating’ with your team. I

constantly felt like I was playing a single player game interspersed with short periods

of multiplayer annihilation of Borgs.

My opinion – I don’t think this game will last long. If you are a below average

intelligence gamer, who just wants to ‘blow shit up’ this game will cater

plenty for you. But if you seek something which offers depth and challenge,

then stay away. Although some diehard fans (go to the STO forums to find

this breed) would argue that ‘its only in beta’ and ‘you’ve only experienced a

portion of the game’ I would say that, it’s not the content, or the technical

realisation that is the problem, it’s the core game itself. And no amount of post

release patches will change the core mechanics of what is essentially a

shallow, uninteresting game.

Graphics – 9/10
Sound – 7/10
Gameplay – 5.5/10
Lag/performance – 7/10 (and will only get better with release)
Longevity – 2/10
Depth – 2/10
End-game content – 3/10 (this will be fleet wars, but due to reasons of the inherent game mechanics covered above, many level-headed people believe this won’t be very dynamic and won’t offer much entertainment value)

Overall: 3/10

15-01-10, 02:25
On the bright side, FFXIV is due out this year and looks alone mark it as the most gorgeous MMORPG on the market... ever (it uses the full power of the PS3 and will struggle on highest settings on even the highest spec PC for the PC version).

You can sort of see the direction SE are taking 14 with the things they implement into 11, solo play in 11 is a major factor now and it's possible for almost any job to solo from 1-75 with ease (except Summoner, they can "cheat" and get 10 levels in 5 minutes >.>)

STO? I've blown up my ship countless times and have had no ill effects from it, not even a message from star fleet saying "yo dawg, quit blowing your shit up else we gunna bust your arse down to ensign biatch".

So far the content is just missions, go to A do stuff, go to B do more stuff, get XP, level up, go to C and do stuff again. There is no exploration value, you can't just head out to planet Sexy Nymps IV and shoot up some perverts for 2 days to get a few levels, it's too much like WoW, and no auto-attack is a bit of a bitch, if I turn my front phaser on and it's pointed at a ship, I really want that phaser to fire when it's ready, not wait for me to push 1.

I do like the tactical side of space flight though, fight them side on to fire front/rear phasers to take their shields down, then turn frontal to fire a torpedo at them, though you could just as easy keep front facing and fire phaser/torpedo until the other ship goes boom (especially with Engineer and emergency shields and stuff) - evasive action... run away.

15-01-10, 11:50
I really appreciate the review... I was thinking of giving this a try!

Not so much now though... will await the free trial.

15-01-10, 13:04
I'd say give it a try, you may be able to teach your bridge staff the command "Fire at will" and stuff, I've not really gone in depth with that side of it, but it's possible for 2 ships exactly the same to be totally different, it's worth playing with, if you can get a key.

15-01-10, 17:59
I really appreciate the review... I was thinking of giving this a try!

Not so much now though... will await the free trial.

+1 really good review, i was thinking that the tradeskilling would be like in SWG... But now i'll wait for free trial aswell.

15-01-10, 18:22
i read there isnt even money? just basic barter?

15-01-10, 19:31
There is money, but there are multipile different currencies. For example energy credits are used for buying typical off the shelf crap. For stuff like high end weapons and ships you need these 'badges of exploration'. I'm not entirely sure how you get these credits. The worst thing is really the lack of tradeskilling. There is literally nothing to do except run missions.

I'm going to stick it out a few more days and see how it goes. I'm hoping that the promised server merge in Vanguard will take place this month, as it is a truly awesome game, and I really wanna play it again! Feel free to join me if you've always wanted to play it but have overlooked it due to bad release press. (I believe they've a 15 day free trial now)

16-01-10, 01:58
I played vanguard for a bit, the crafting in that is the best of any game, ever, it's in depth and your actions provide the final quality of the item your producing, which is nice.

FFXI got a new thing though, sorta shared crafting. Say you are high level leather craft and need a bit of gear that is high leather AND bone, grab a bone crafter, find a machine and you both make the gear, it's pretty sweet and if that do that with 14, sweetness.

STO, I dislike dc'ing, and when it gets busy I dc, gunna have to download NC2 again :angel:

17-01-10, 12:01
Played STO and boy was I disappointed. This aint Star Trek and it's got like no end game and gets boring fast even more if you were in closed beta like me lol.

I will not be giving STO another try onto Darkfall I go.

17-01-10, 13:06
I got Vanguard working last night, didn't take long to patch. Halgar seemed a bit quieter than what I remembered, but I managed to pretty quickly find a group for Trengal Keep. It was excellent fun and reminded me why I missed VG so much ;)

Would advise any people looking for a deep, challenging game to head over to Vanguard. Trust me, it's up there with the likes of Neocron.

17-01-10, 13:07
Boo Deno Darkfall all the way here. I like Hardcore games not wings :P

17-01-10, 15:52
Yeh I was looking at Darkfall, but I got the impression it was a bit too buggy and had really bad translations. It also looks far too hardcore. I don't want to spend 400 hours to reach cap lol.

Fenix Wylde
20-01-10, 01:50
STO turned out the way I expected.. though more dumbed down than I thought.

28-01-10, 23:17
Me and a couple more former NC players (if anyone remembers Rangers) are moving over to STO tomorrow. If anyone else is gonna play it and wants to join our fleet give me a shout :D

28-01-10, 23:32
lol the whole thread kinda discusses how bad sto is, and you're asking people to join u? :P

28-01-10, 23:43
It is actually a good game, 1 of my guys refused to even try it to start off, he said "oh its going to be crap". He eventually tried it (beta), starting out he complained about everything but as he kept playing he got hooked. If people give it a chance and actually try it they will see how much of a good game it is.

If you want crafting in a game play wow, you dont see anyone in the star trek series building their own ship...

When you start out in the game its really easy to just go round mindlessly blowing stuff up, when you progress in levels it gets harder, you do need to think about what your gonna do and use teamwork.

A few weeks ago the servers had quite a few problems, loads of lag, crashes, bugs, but it is (WAS) a beta, there was an end of beta event the other night, hundreds of mobs spawned constantly for hours, loads of people there firing weapons constantly, yet not a single bit of lag and no server crashes. They did actually listen to peoples bug reports and in the final few days of the beta they released atleast 5 large patches which fixed pretty much all of the bugs.

I dont see how most people can put a game down so much when they hardly played it, its still in beta and they havent progressed in the game past the noob content

29-01-10, 00:05
I for one happen to agree with ste, its still early days for this game but they have made one hell of a start.I was also in beta yes it had its problems but as soon as the problems were make clear to the devs they work on it almost right away.

I intend to play the game in retail and i am very much looking forward to it and i would recommend to anyone who is a fan of Star trek and/or scifi mmo's to atleast give this game a proper look.

Cheers all

29-01-10, 16:44
Guys don't try and play the 'you just got caught up on the bugs'. I play Neocron - I can look past minor (even major) bugs if the core game is great. STO lacks a great core. For a beta game it was incredibly polished and if you were to just play the game for a few minutes you wouldn't instantly guess it was in pre-release.

I played the game for around 6 or 7 hours total, and trust me, my qualms were with the actual gameplay itself. It was just too simplistic and superficial.

I find the majority of people (for example a good friend of mine) who play it - and like it - are Star Trek fans. I mean theres nothing wrong with that, they can appreciate stuff that non-fans can, such as artwork and background, but as an actual game it is neither groundbreaking nor good.

29-01-10, 18:20
it lacks of Kirks misogyny

Viper 911
30-01-10, 13:59
coming from the fact that me and deno played vanguard for quite a while together, and have both played STO i'll add my 2 sence.

For me when i left Vanguard it wasnt because of bad tradeskilling or bad graphics or even the fact the pops wernt awfully high, it was more the fact that it was a chore to lvl, period. Missions were the usual boring grind missions, kill 100 of these 30 of that ect, also it took ages to just about traval anywhere, and to be fair DAoC has far superior crafting.

Now im not a harcore star treky fan never have been never will be, yet ive never bought a lifetime sub to a game either till STO.

Simply put there is enough there until they expand and the luxury of the game is these possibilities are endless, also the gam reall y dosen't open up till you have reached the later ship levels and higher BO(Bridge officer)ranks.

Also it has also been mentioned that tradeskillign will be implemented into STO in the neer future, with fleets being able to open there own starbase's(player made of course) to sell items made or aquired through the fleet (or if you mega rich and able maybe by yourself), ive probably played sTO for around 20-30 hours in beta and the missions do get far more interesting the later ou get into it.

While i admit ground combat needs tweakign and polish,although the ability to upgrade your bo's tactics and equipment is an extreamly good feature, allows scope and the ability to create your own personal play style with whatever you choose to be your away team.
Space combat is polished and tactical,, things like power displacement and increasing shield strength to the difernt sides of the ship on the fly keep you seriously on your toes, especiall once you hit tier2 ships and missions where you will find a 50% increase in dificaulty on combat from your first 10 levels.

my personal ratings i will post below like deno.
Graphics 9/10
Space Combat 9/10 (fleet batles rock 40 or so players, also fleet ground missions)
Ground Combat 7/10 needs polish get far better with later missions where actical placement is far more important.
Lag/performance 8/10 has had major improvements especially if the final days of beta.
Longativity 8/10 lots to be doing from the get go(played head start), and there are far more zones open, and due to an evolving onstant universe plenty more they can add, hell you can even create your own race!

P.S on regards to end game content there is more than fleet battles all the very rare stuff which alows low lvl officers(you can only have so many officers at high ranks, dependednt on class and ship types) can only be found in high lvl pve areas these range from epic quests to 2 day missions which requirte you to log on another day to continue.

31-01-10, 00:14
The game is too heavily instanced and there isn't open PvP. MMOs in which you can't gank someone leveling/farming aren't worth playing.

31-01-10, 03:11
I played the game for around 6 or 7 hours total, and trust me, my qualms were with the actual gameplay itself. It was just too simplistic and superficial.

Right...so the first few hours you originally spent in NC was more eventful? Hmm let me think, I started playing NC when it was released from beta....killing rats and launchers? hmm, yeah I can see how you can compare that to the starter missions on STO...

Im not slating NC here, I used to love the game, and would come back to it if it gets fixed and a new community...

31-01-10, 03:11
The game is too heavily instanced and there isn't open PvP. MMOs in which you can't gank someone leveling/farming aren't worth playing.

TBH, what you said was kinda pathetic...

31-01-10, 12:51
I'm a big Star Trek fan, I have been since I was about 12 (21 now). I played the beta and I feel the same you do. Firstly I was excited about actually playing a Star Trek MMO, it's something that most Trek fans have been wanting since stepping into UO or Everquest and thinking 'Damn, a Star Trek version would kick ass!' Unfortunately that didn't really happen.

As you said graphics and character creation are AWESOME! I spent about 4 days in the beta before I got bored of the missions, and I would constantly go to the quartermaster and change my uniform at least 4 times a day.

Space combat is truely boring though. You either fight the same type of mission every time with ease, or you'll have a few missions which are so overpopulated with enemy vessels that you can't do it anyway.

The 'Miranda' type ship you start with is ok, good to look at when you start, and you can customise it with colour and take different ship models and mould them into a new ship, but ultimately it takes way too long to get to Lt Cmdr to get your next lot of vessels.

I was really looking forward to flying a constitution class ship that I had seen flying around, but once I reached Lt Rank 7 (3 ranks from Lt Cmdr) I got bored and didn't log on again for a week. The next time I went to log on I found out the beta was closed :\

Ground combat is great though, I love taking my away team down to a planet, hunting down species 8472 and kicking some klingon ass.

Customising your away team is good as well, giving them all different weapons offers a variety of special abilities when in combat, unfortunately the Starship abilities are very generic and because so many people have them you won't be impressed by other players in your party. In WoW if you went to a dungeon and you were teamed with a player who has full tier 10 gear, top of the line weapon and trinkets and so on, you will be very impressed at what he can do, but Star Trek fails to do that. The only difference I found was that some ships will drop disruptor banks, I preferred them to phasers (they were a great DPS increase as well) and so I was firing green bolts at enemy vessels while everyone else was firing the standard phasers. I got a few comments about it but that's the only real difference when it comes to starship combat abilities and customisation.

It's a decent game, they put a lot of effort into character side of things, such as ground missions, customisation, you can customise your BO's uniforms as well, and character development gives you a fair bit to play with. Unfortunately Cryptic dropped the ball on everything else. Graphics are great but that will only last you a few hours before you realise the missions are very generic, there's not as many people to play with as there should be in such a big MMO title, and PvP seems to be poor.

If you're a Trek fan this will definitely peak some interest but you won't be playing it for more than the first month. It's a real big shame that Perpetual dropped the project, they had a better vision of the game where everyone would play a crewman on a ship, that would have been so much more interesting to play rather than just giving every person their own ship and throwing them into combat.

31-01-10, 22:18
Yeh I agree with what you said about character creation and the graphics. As for someones comment about the first few hours of NC, well on paper yes, its the typical 'kill 5 of these' missions, but maybe my memory is just failing me - I really did 'get' Neocron when I first played it, and I always logged off hungry for more. I think most people who play/played Neocron always said they remember the first time they played, and have fond memories of it.

I think one of the problems that I found with STO, namely that it doesn't feel like your playing an MMO is that they made it too easy to get teams. All you have to do is grab a mission, autopilot to the sector, and as soon as you zone in you autojoin a team. The fact that the action usually starts straight away means there isn't a moment to talk or even plan strategies.

Also, although yes, theres are passive 'buff' abilities, you never really have to rely on your teammates. Yes you may argue there are many very useful abilities you can use to augment your teammates, but the game simply doesn't punish you hard enough for just playing 'solo style'. You come across the odd team player, but at the end of the day, most people are lazy, and if they are on their 5th mission of the night, they just want to get it done, and since teamwork isn't a prequisite for success in battle, most don't bother with it.

Also, as Luke said, although it is awesome having your own spaceship, you very quickly realise every other person does as well. I found that in the heat of battle, and due to the scale of space combat, you never have any of those moments where you see someones ship and think 'wow that looks pretty cool'. For the majority of the time your other teammates just register in your vision as the spaceship silhouette.

01-02-10, 10:35
TBH, what you said was kinda pathetic...

No, it's quite true for me. Without open PvP, MMOs aren't worth playing. If I wanted to grind for cooperative pve only, I'd just play a single player RPG with a better story. If I wanted just arena fights for PvP, I'd play Modern Warfare or Left4Dead.

For a MMO to be worth playing, it needs a persistent, open world with open PvP. A fact of PvP is ganking people.