View Full Version : [Ger - Berlin] Nc3 Rl Meeting

20-11-09, 02:27
... it's been a while since I had the pleasure of welcoming NC nerds 'round here. the last international meeting was pre-nc1. the last big (+60 participants) german meeting was 'round 2002.

... about time for another meet-up.
If you are generally interested in meeting some of the other nc1/nc2 vets on german soil, give us a shout.

When: Spring 2010
Where: Somewhere in Germany (tba)
Cost: approx. 85€ travelling (premium sleazy flight), 50€ drinks (and food if you must), $0 shelter (if a blank floor or balcony serves you - that is...)

I want to get as many NC1 and NC2 Vets together as possible.
GMs, KK and other social cases are welcome too ofc :p

just leave a quick yay or nay here (or mail spam@akedo.de if you are shy) and pass on the word to fellow NC vets so I can organize the appropriate venue.

20-11-09, 02:52
sounds like a fun idea

20-11-09, 04:46
i might travel in feb 2k10 to europe, it would be cool to meet you guys that's for sure...

20-11-09, 04:50
got any specs on the exact timeframe already? if so, let me know...
I really want to make this one massive again - we had close to 70 ppl last time ... I guess a 100% increase wouldnt be to bad for 2010 :)

20-11-09, 13:19
Great timing im for a short trip (around a month) in europe at about february.

20-11-09, 14:46
lets meet up in amsterdam the pizza hut there is awesome :cool:

20-11-09, 15:14
good luck finding cheap accommodations there tbh

20-11-09, 16:45
I better get my passport renewed if I'm going to come. :cool:

Depending on dates etc, I would be up for coming.

21-11-09, 15:54
If this "social case" is going to turn up, then for me, it would need to be within range of an airport which takes direct flights from Manchester.

Düsseldorf, Frankfurt or Hannover are within reach. The southerners travelling from Heathrow can fly pretty much anywhere direct.
Keep me posted :)

I better get my passport renewed if I'm going to come. :cool:Thanks for reminding me.. I think my passport expires next year 8|

21-11-09, 23:30
lets meet up in amsterdam the pizza hut there is awesome :cool:

Yeah, come to the Dam: I'm there. The pizza is yuk, but the girls in De Wallen make up for it even when they shout "You fucking bitch get you're fucking camera out of me, you bitch" to the tourist snapping her in the window shop :) You can throw the left overs of your Pizza Hut pizza at her.

Eddie Murphy
24-11-09, 16:44
Sounds like fun i will try and make it sometime if i know when because i still got my passport and will start saving.

24-11-09, 19:09
Hmm.. I'm sure i can sort out a trip to Germany, circumstances permitting. :)

24-11-09, 19:26
i hope to pass my exam for new college if I successed I'll meet you in Germany for sure...

25-11-09, 18:45
Was this idea subverted or just converted into another venue and thread? :p

26-11-09, 19:53
Well I am in Germany every year between April 15 and Mai 31, and we have an NC meeting everytime.
But if u have one I would be happy to join in :angel:

Eddie Murphy
26-11-09, 20:03
Hello MsRessi how are you. Are you still playing nc i have not seen you in for a long while.

26-11-09, 20:16
I've had a quick chat with chenoa on this matter as she was about to announce a big nc-meeting as well.

I guess it is in the interest of everyone to have one great, amazing, outstanding, incredible and BIG event, rather than multiple small meetings.

this also settles the location and date:

BERLIN, MAY 22, 2010

We'll have a website up and running soon for more info on accomodation, travelling, and also registration.

more info to follow :)

[ edit - Took the liberty of fixing the year, if you do have access to a time machine please make me aware and i'll change it back ;) - Triv ]

Eddie Murphy
26-11-09, 23:14
Can i get into berlin if i have a criminal record in the past? If i can i am going to save up and meet everyone.

Eddie Murphy
26-11-09, 23:15
Do you mean 22nd of May 2010?

27-11-09, 02:15

see... thats what happens when you have to write "2009" a dozen times per day at work :p

If I had that timemachine, I would have picked 2001 - thanks for the quick bugfix mr. triv ;)

Dribble Joy
27-11-09, 05:04

Sod it, I'll be there.

27-11-09, 11:53
Can i get into berlin if i have a criminal record in the past? If i can i am going to save up and meet everyone.

As an EU citizen you are entitled to travel between any EU countries without a visa or any other special arrangements - assuming you are not under any legal requirement to not leave the country of course. You may be required to provide a passport if travelling from/to outside the Schengen Area (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schengen_Area). As a citizen of the EU15 (the first 15 nations to join the EU) you are also entitled to work anywhere within the EU without special dispensation - you may need to go through considerable local tax beaurocracy however. If you come from one of the 12 newest EU members, you may need a work permit or similar to work in certain other nations.

Eddie Murphy
27-11-09, 14:52
Well i am coming from uk to berlin so does that mean i can travel?

27-11-09, 16:33
Well i am coming from uk to berlin so does that mean i can travel?
u don't know if you can leave the country or not? if you're allowed to leave the country, ur allowed to go to germany. Generally they don't give you a passport unless you're allowed to travel abroad.

27-11-09, 16:36
Well i am coming from uk to berlin so does that mean i can travel?
If the British government is OK with you leaving the country, then you can go - because of the EU, the germans don't get a say in it.

If you were going somewhere that you need a visa (written permission) to enter, then you may have some trouble, depending what your conviction was.

Eddie Murphy
27-11-09, 17:14
Yes i am aloowed to leave the country so that means i can leave and go to belgium.

Eddie Murphy
27-11-09, 17:20
How is everyone going to meet as i not been abroad for ages and i dont know belgium at all.

27-11-09, 18:51
How is everyone going to meet as i not been abroad for ages and i dont know belgium at all.
berlin is in germany mate..

and CMaster, that's not completely true ;) Geert Wilders (yes I think he's a dangerous prick too), was not allowed to enter the UK a year or so back.

Dribble Joy
27-11-09, 19:28
The UK/RoI is not part of the Schengen Area however, so you will need a passport to leave the country on to the continent.

28-11-09, 01:47
Geert Wilders (yes I think he's a dangerous prick too), was not allowed to enter the UK a year or so back.That was different as he was internationally famous (or infamous, however you look at it) and the relevant minister of any country can deny admission to any internationally well known person on the grounds of national security or public order.

So let's hope Angela Merkel hasn't yet heard of our Mr Leadbeater ;)

28-11-09, 01:55
edit: i made a joke but I probably shouldn't ;)

29-11-09, 22:20
I'd considering hosting one in Pennsylvania - but unfortunately I don't believe there are many folks in the area or willing to travel this far - I just can't travel anymore since Oathy and I have 4 wee monkeys.

30-11-09, 20:16
Hi everyone!!!

Yes Berlin (http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=Berlin&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=19.675485,56.206055&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Berlin&z=10) is in east Germany.
As written, the Meeting is going to be on 22nd May 2010, the location will be announced laters. Depends on the registrations.

Of course, everyone is welcome. I will show a list of hostels and more, cheap and easy, also with many many helpful links etc. CJ will set up a helpful webpage for this meeting when it's time (just about the beginning of 2010).

I know, that some of you are planning to join us, and I would be very happy to meet you or to see you again (yes I was in London in June this year to meet some of you :lol: ).

Well, notice this date and start to save your money for a great weekend. Berlin is worth it! I moved here 8 years ago and never regret it :)

Hope to read you soon and of course to meet you !!!


30-11-09, 20:37
hoping that i can get to travel to europe during Febuary but i don't know if i'll be able to stay 'til the may 22nd....8|

01-12-09, 00:55
I'd considering hosting one in Pennsylvania - but unfortunately I don't believe there are many folks in the area or willing to travel this far - I just can't travel anymore since Oathy and I have 4 wee monkeys.
Where in PA? I live just south of PA!

01-12-09, 02:10
I have a feeling this is bang in the middle of exams for me. Visited Berlin this year and I loved it from the moment I left the airport!

I got addicted to Radler.

10-12-09, 23:20
Just so this won't slip down the forum for those interested in attending, thread stuck.

19-12-09, 03:50
I'd love to come, but I need to do some moneysums. I'm fighting for my life financially at present, and have already sworn to some old clannies that I'll make the London one to finally meet them - but if it can be done, it will be done :)

moment I left the airportI hope that's inward bound!

18-01-10, 04:38
Likewise, let me crunch some numbers. I'd love to meet some of the German players and any mods and devs that may attend. It's time to pick vacations @ work and if I can swing the cash, I'd love to be there!

EDIT: $1360 is the cheapest round trip ticket... sigh, in coach, 13 hours... each way... Let me talk to my dad, he works for Delta Airlines, perhaps he knows of some super secret cheap way to fly. As of now, I can't swing that kind of money... I'll keep you posted.

03-02-10, 18:27
Might be possible to head that way. The last time I went to Berlin was in 1996 for the Love Parade :)

31-03-10, 13:03
hmm.. if I can get the money together I will look at going (although i've said that for every year so far).

If I can come, Hoder, you'd be more than welcome to come with me in the car of doom!!!