View Full Version : Hello all (again)

Clive tombstone
13-11-09, 19:24
Long time no see guys, just seeing how everybody's been doing. Has Neocron made any changes since my disappearance back in 07? Just wondering. I wonder if my dear Clive tombstone still exists in the game... Hmm.

PEace out.

13-11-09, 22:33
Yo, welcome back. I myself is a returning vet and I have not seen many changes, but it is nice to see that the community is still here, but it seems not as active as it once was.

Clive tombstone
13-11-09, 22:52
I wonder, how is KK doing in terms of progress for developing this IP or another? What of there Space sim mmo they're working on?

I honestly think that if they made Neocron better it could be more profitable. Its a shame really, this game is pretty much what borderlands became (mind you, as a far more finished and visually up to date product), yet nobody knows of it. Reminds me of also how Fallen earth though sometimes claiming the FPS mmo post apoc tittle is a bit stupid as well. I guess what Im rambling about is that neocron still has immense potential to pull itself into the forefront if it could redevelop itself into a modern day tittle.

13-11-09, 23:55
read the kirk 2 letter in the announcements forum, probably a patch within 3 months

16-11-09, 00:21
Where's my comic Clive?

Dribble Joy
16-11-09, 02:43
m00 at j00.