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View Full Version : if NC is dead, why are you still here?

02-11-09, 00:16
NC was said to be dead numerous times. it isn't, as you can see at every new log-in. NC was said to be dead with every patch, and even more often by people of strong, predefined opinions.

i heard NC was dead because the hybrid, the apu, the ppu isnt rocking as much anymore as it did before and after some of the many patches in this games' long history.

or cause there a sexy new games around. like huxley. or tabula rasa.

so why am i here, repeatedly? because of the unrivalled atmosphere. not because it'd be a great FPS, which NC doesnt deliver. in fact the RP-quality of NC ist much higher than its PVP-quality. believe it or dont.

because this cyberpunk-world, tinkered by reakktor in the early days of this decade is giving more long-term fun than... fallout 3.

because i like that complex crafting-system.

because i'd still discover new places ingame, after 8 years.

and why are you still here?

02-11-09, 00:33
because I'm addicted to the neocrack

02-11-09, 00:45
or cause there a sexy new games around. like huxley. or tabula rasa.

Didnt Tabula Rasa close down their servers ? but valid point anyhow, lots of other decent games out there.

02-11-09, 02:24
Let's compare it to your first love (but that's just being fucking sad)

You never forget her and you always dream of being back there, in her arms kissing her succulent lips :p

But you keep bringing the bad side into mind, how she fucked you over, cheated on you with someone else or in this case with NC, simply died.

You hang around in the sad hope that things will be as they once were...

I hope this explains it ^^

02-11-09, 02:54
I'm stuck on Borderlands right now. It makes me happy in my pants :D

02-11-09, 05:23
because I'm addicted to the neocrack

atm in playing HLČ even it's an old game it's sexy as hell... NC is the same, great game, tons of things to do, tons of location to explore, but it needs a renew... i mean more features and etc but for that it needs a new game engine (new code)... i don't really care about graphics like UT 3, just new features... new locations (Dome of Tokio, maybe)...

02-11-09, 05:59
I completely agree with the neocrack diagnosis. I haven't played in over a year and suddenly, without provocation, I've got the itch again. Client is downloading as we speak.

02-11-09, 08:34
The people and the PVP

02-11-09, 13:14
I have never subscribed to the NC dead think tank. People are still playing and it is far from dead. Thus, I am still here because NC is not dead.

Regards other games: I played an Eve free trial on and off for a fortnight, but got a little bored. I played Wow free trial for a week and thought it naff. I have not looked into other games than those I have noted, other than a cursory glance at BP.

Why stay: trade, OP, guns, atmosphere & PVP. This game is part of me since I have played it nearly daily since 2002. Its not a first love: This was Elite/Frontier.

02-11-09, 13:15
The OP wars, the only end-game of Neocron there ever was.

They are somewhat masochistic with clipping / lag compared to the peak of Neocron 1 (before the dark times, before the server-side checks), but I can't resist those epic 8 hour back and forth's.

Was really disappointed the day KK said it wasn't possible to make DoY City / NC Outzone into Outpost zones, would have been great :( Maybe NC2 (or Planetside 2?)

Doc Holliday
02-11-09, 18:53
Let's compare it to your first love (but that's just being fucking sad)

You never forget her and you always dream of being back there, in her arms kissing her succulent lips :p

But you keep bringing the bad side into mind, how she fucked you over, cheated on you with someone else or in this case with NC, simply died.

You hang around in the sad hope that things will be as they once were...

I hope this explains it ^^

said it a long time ago myself but not in so many words. very eloquent. :)

03-11-09, 04:39
Excellent nobby :D

05-11-09, 18:54
Because the feeling of those first tentative steps out of the Outzone Station were the most fulfilling and rewarding of any game I've ever played. I'm still hoping that NC will one day live up to it's potential.

Or Uranus will be brought back :p

05-11-09, 20:36
Because the feeling of those first tentative steps out of the Outzone Station were the most fulfilling and rewarding of any game I've ever played. I'm still hoping that NC will one day live up to it's potential.

Or Uranus will be brought back :p

As you were killed by either a STORM bot because you didn't know it would be offended by a knife, or a wolf at the bottom of the steps, or were rezz-killed five times without knowing what was going on. At least this was how it was for me on Uranus :lol: It was great.

05-11-09, 21:11
i'm not here.

Been beta'ing another fpsmmo, i'll come back when KK can setup a proper f2p system with premium accts.

06-11-09, 19:15
I'd been dying to contribute to this this thread but had to bite my tongue. NC, of course, isn't dead. Please see this thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=143967) for more details, but changes are a comin'...


06-11-09, 19:44
I'd been dying to contribute to this this thread but had to bite my tongue. NC, of course, isn't dead. Please see this thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=143967) for more details, but changes are a comin'...

still don't understand why you have to wait for official announcements to bring hope back to people, but its good to hear

06-11-09, 19:56
Cos it's not his place or right.
No doubt people have to make sure things are in order before prematurely making announcements and looking like incompetent business people if it goes tits up. Don't mistake the friendliness of the KK reps as business naivety.

06-11-09, 20:24
Lawyers were involved. Nuff said. ;)


06-11-09, 20:47
NC, of course, isn't dead. N
i shall start a new carrer. as a psychic. at least in the mmo area

07-11-09, 00:16
Lawyers were involved. Nuff said. ;)

lol, thank you for that :D

but what I meant was to be more like a developer like unknown worlds (http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/) , they blog about a lot of different aspects of their development, showing lots and lots of different things, and you know what the reward is? they have raised over 200000 dollars for a game by letting the community preorder a game that will not be ready for more than half a year, letting them chose between a standard version of 20 dollar and a special edition of 40 dollar, where the special edition gives only a slight visual difference in game, without any other extras like boxes or posters. over 98% of the pre-orders were for the 40 dollar special edition, just because their community is so god damned dedicated to that one little company. (and 200000 dollar is a lot of money for a 3-4 person development company)

what I'm asking for is not official announcements, but things like "we're thinking about doing things like this, but we have no idea whether or not we are able, want or are allowed to do this", try to show us you are not some computer spurting out a game, but human person we can connect to. Keeping the servers up might seem very caring to you, but it's something that is very easy to forget. Constant community contact will bring so much more dedication.

To be honest, I've never played a game where none of the players have anything good to say about the developer... I don't think I would care much about KK going tits up if neocron kept going... it's just I have absolutely no personal connection to your company, aside from maybe Hoder, niddy and the mods on here...

don't get me wrong, I'm glad there is work being done, and probably your all great guys who I'd love to meet and had I known you would really hate to see hurt by this insolvency thing and all, but I do not know them, I have no personal bond with KK aside from the occasional dislike or frustration, KK to me is this big entity that spews the occasional announcement, never listens to the community, and can't be bother to fix bugs that have been in the game for more than 7 years. I want to know you are people, not a corporate entity.

07-11-09, 13:35

All my respect to unknown worlds aswell, im one of the people who bought the special edition aswell just because how well they keep their community informed hows the progress with the game, twittering and active forum posting along with constant updates on the news page.

Their game is very late from the original plans of releaze but they managed to keep all the faith cos they are being all honest about it.