View Full Version : ]OT[ Nobby Goes To Tokyo 2009 ! :p

06-10-09, 13:44
Well it's that time of the year once again ^^

First it was Nobby goes to Tokyo 2007,
Then Nobby goes to Tokyo 2008,
Then Nobby goes to Egypt 2008,
Then Nobby goes to Canada 2008,
Then Nobby goes to Cyprus 2009...

NOW.... dun dun dun....

Nobby is off to Tokyo for his 19th Birthday for over a week to have a lovely time :)

I'll be leaving next wednesday on my wonderful flight with Virgin Atlantic

Can't believe i'm 19 soon : o

So wish me a safe flight and such and I'll post vids and pics afterwards :)

06-10-09, 23:19
I'm glad we have another "Nobby goes to" thread; I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms. :rolleyes:

Bon Voyage! Sorry, I don't know that in Japanese. Don't forget to post pics of some commonly bought household items that have humorous slightly rude sounding names!

07-10-09, 00:54

Find a panty vending machine! Also good luck getting laid, their women are xenophobic and ice maidens.

07-10-09, 10:18
Yeah I found that out last year :(

American birds are still easy though :p


I never actually found a used panties machine, I'll go hunting just for you... "ahhh!"

07-10-09, 11:21
Have a good trip Nobby and Happy prebirthday wishes

07-10-09, 11:25
I never actually found a used panties machine, I'll go hunting just for you... "ahhh!"

They withdrew the used panties machine, but you can find them in any unreliable stockist.

07-10-09, 22:45
Useful phrases for you to know in Japan, that will 100% get you laid by a cute Japanese girl!

Chiwassu - Howdy
Ossu - Whats up?
Uissu - Whazzap!
Ussussu - Whazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!! (that's a reply)
Choshi doyo - How's it hanging?
Bochibochi denna - It's hanging
Nihongo ga hetakuso de suman - Excuse my shitty Japanese
Biijin hakumei - Beautiful girls have unfortunate fates

Long one this....

Ore wa Nobby tte iunda, mada cheri dashi, igirisu jin desu. Atashi o atsukaeru otoko nanka inai.

My name is Nobby and I'm still a virgin. I'm from England. No man can handle me!

Jikan wakarimasuka - Do you have the time?
Arigato. Anata ni hajimete atta jikan o seikaku ni kiroku shite okitakattandesu - Thanks. I just wanted to record the exact time I first met you

Yo no naka de mottomo arigatai sonzai wa yappari sefure dana - You know, a fuck buddy is the greated thing a person can have.

Ie ni kaette yarimakuru koto ni shiyo - Let's go home and fuck like rabbits

Replace the bits in bold for different effect, like yaru to fuck, ippatsu kamasu, have a quickle.

Yeah, I really good stop reading such weird books........ :lol: :lol: :angel:

07-10-09, 23:02
Nobby is there for the culture not "sucky sucky five dorra"

Doc Holliday
07-10-09, 23:26
Nobby is there for the culture not "sucky sucky five dorra"


07-10-09, 23:46
and how is sucky sucky five dorra not part of culture?

07-10-09, 23:47
You can get Japanese culture anywhere, except Japan! Let's face it, the youth of Japan today are obsessed with the West, so the only culture you get from them is the whole "we want to be Westerners!" whilst in the West you get the whole "I want to be Japanese!" thing going on. So the only viable reason to go to Japan, is for hawt Japanese luvin, just take a driving licence with McLuvin as your name and you'll get some hentai action from some tentacle luvin chick :lol: :angel:

08-10-09, 05:23
Am i the only one who was going there for food?

I mean sucky sucky is way better in shanghai then tokio IMO :angel:

08-10-09, 14:16
:wtf: Respect Selket. Respect.

Richard Slade
08-10-09, 21:12
Bloody hell are you people still alive?!

08-10-09, 22:25
... only culture you get from them is the whole "we want to be Westerners!"

So, Nobby give them some western nobbing.

09-10-09, 00:05
So, Nobby give them some western nobbing.
Except they have ice maidens.

Doc Holliday
09-10-09, 16:48
personal experience with japanese people is that if you either A. make an effort to speak japanese or B. actually do speak it they are very hospitable and are a lot of fun to be around. you guys are spouting off a lot of stereotypes within the thread and im wondering how many of you have any actual experience or is it all hear say?

09-10-09, 18:12
Doc in regards to what's been said before, I experienced a LOT of xenophopia last year, to the point of simply asking a woman on the train

"sorry, excuse me, what stop is this" with her turning her back on me and walking away...

(Nearly nutted her in the back of the head for that... doesn't matter if she's a woman or not, it's simply fucking disrespectful)

Also the first time I went in 2007, I was looking around the town for the train station as I couldnt read much then, I asked a passing woman "excuse me, where could I find the train station," I got "WAKARIMASEN WAKARIMASEN (I don't understand I don't understand) walking away at speed... Right towards the fucking station !

There is a lot of bad shit that gets left alone, which can be humourous depending on your personality... For example, I stayed at my mate's for the night in "Machida" which used to be a head spot for yakuza hanging around, the place with the highest crime rate in Tokyo... (Aparently that all stopped once the police put up megaphones playing "It's a small world, Afterall" constantly) :p

I was just walking around, was gonna play some pachinko when I see infront of me in the street, a guy with a traditional headband, dragging a hatchet on the ground, shouting uncompredendable random shit and running at people, then stopping...

I knew I HAD to walk past him to get to where I wanted... I did so slowly, we walked past eachother, him giving me the weirdest fucking eye look I've ever seen. Then I hear him stop walking and start coming closer towards me from behind. Never have I ever felt like, ohh fuck... ah well... death time...

I put my hand into my pocket... itching to take out my digital camera to film and get a fucking great youtube video for you lot, however I couldn't bring myself to do it, I was so fucking scared hearing the hatchet dragging along the ground behind me...

He then ran past me, infront looking at some teenagers in the street and then his random stop and turn around.

The thing I couldn't understand the most was how fucking stupid the public are to just "leave" someone like that, not say a thing, people were NOT doing ANYTHING!

And the Worst thing to top it off...

I found out later a police box was only 100 metres away...

Other than that, the people can be very hospitable when they want to be, if not "too scared" by a foreigner, thinking they'll have to speak English.
English ability is practically zero and unseen, so if any of you do go, DO learn some Japanese, it's not That hard a language as french, german or spanish you learn at school.

Events like this can make someone think Japan is nothing but full of racist weirdos, but it's when you get Japanese friends that have studied in Britain/America, you find the true Hospitable and even your best friends you'll know your whole life :)

09-10-09, 20:55

Say hi to Godzilla for me.

09-10-09, 22:03
http://www.gaijinsmash.net/ ;)

11-10-09, 15:37
But Nobby, if you were to come up to me in the street and ask for directions, I'd turn and run away too! Or walk fast... or maybe slow, old age and unfit :p

12-10-09, 18:35
The thing about it though, is suddenly imagining that people around you see you as a threat :(

I look like a 12 year old boy with short hair and waxed Mario moustache :p

The LAST thing i'd ever expect ever in my life is to be seen as a threat :(

anyways, i'm off in 2 days :D

here's a video from Nobby to make you smile and keep your spirits high !

Click for video - ARGH CANT EMBED YOUTUBE VIDS INTO FORUM :p (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVPweGuI-jU)

Asurmen Spec Op
13-10-09, 07:10
Make sure you tell all the Japanese ladies 'watashi no chinchin ga moete iru', I did it while I was there on a study abroad over the summer and it was awesome. :p

Dribble Joy
13-10-09, 10:49
Here's a fun thing you might want to try when you're there.

Learn some German, a couple of random phrases, any european language will do infact.

Then, if some other Westerner comes up to you (who will most probably be American or British) asking for directions or something, relief at finding another soul who understands them; whip out your German phrases and watch them panic.

13-10-09, 12:52

Speaking of German, when I went in 2007, around the red light district around Shinjuku, kabukichou- (I went there for the massive arcade, Didn't realise it was what it was, since there wasn't any sluts around)

Nigerians would scout left, right and centre for foreigners, so you'd have them running from afar just to get to you and say "Yuu wahna Kom to arh cluhb?"

You'd get very pissed off with having 6+ of them ask you within the hour, you tell them you've got to get back because the trains stop in an hour, they ask "well where do yuu liv?" I told them shiinamachi, then you get a long pause... "yuu hav enuff taim !"

I had quite enough of these, and you could constantly see police quizing and arresting them for visa reasons, my Japanese friend told me they're recruited by the Yakuza, since they own all the nightclubs and bars around Tokyo.

I spoke the next nigerian in fluent german :p

telling him to speak english and how I CANT UNDERSTAND YOU! Was very fun watching his face turn all angry 'n' that, "arh yuu messing me? ><" said he.

My Japanese friend found it hilarious, however my American friend was shit scared. Meh, I had fun and I recommend everyone else to do it :D

Richard Slade
15-10-09, 13:12
How come you're always prancing around different countries every year?

15-10-09, 18:53
How come you're always prancing around different countries every year?Because he can.

Don't knock it until you've tried it :) I love country hopping too.

15-10-09, 18:56
How come you're always prancing around different countries every year?

Cause he doesn't live in Sweden with that secret hidden village of lesbian women, so has reasons to leave the UK (but can't go to Sweden cause the secret hidden village is a secret, shh, don't tell anyone!)

15-10-09, 19:33
I wouldn't go there anyway Lexxuk. They're lesbians they aren't interested in men.


15-10-09, 23:09
That's totally besides the point, lesbians are hawt, therefore an entire secret village of lesbians is uber hawt, and as this is a post about Japan, its about to be infested with monsters that have lots of tentacles! Wonderful place to visit! :angel:

16-10-09, 14:56
That's totally besides the point, lesbians are hawt, therefore an entire secret village of lesbians is uber hawt, and as this is a post about Japan, its about to be infested with monsters that have lots of tentacles! Wonderful place to visit! :angel:

Yup they sure are hawt. :rolleyes:

17-10-09, 01:02
That one has an adams apple, its not a lesbian, its a man! :lol:

17-10-09, 01:08
But ya wouldn't would you?

My point still stands.

17-10-09, 18:04
I wouldn't no, because its a guy!


Samantha Fox apparently came out of the closet, you would, wouldn't you? :angel:

17-10-09, 18:09

I just came back from a wonderful outing with 5 Koreans and 5 other Japanese to the "Korean" part of Tokyo, shinokubo. Ate superb food on a grill on our table then relaxed singing crap at Karaoke :lol:

What a fun night it's been :p

17-10-09, 22:43
The one in the middle is the lesbian right? :o

17-10-09, 23:17
Looks like a real life anime character!

OVER 9000!

18-10-09, 03:09
Over 9000? Dragon Ball was over-rated, 30 mins of a spiky haired dude with constipation! Sailor Moon is where its at! :angel:

Carrot Muncher
19-10-09, 15:43
The amazing thing about that picture sean is that you look tiny next to Japanese People it really highlights how much of a shortass you are 5 foot 2 isnt it?

Dribble Joy
19-10-09, 16:28
Over 9000? Dragon Ball was over-rated, 30 mins of a spiky haired dude with constipation! Sailor Moon is where its at! :angel:
Dragonball Z was one of the first ongoing mangas to be adapted into an anime. They quickly came across the problem that one episode can easily cover 4 chapters of the manga. Thus they dragged out just about everything when the anime caught up, leading to the program's rather infamous tediousness.
These days of course they just stop showing the original story and put in filler episodes between arcs. Bleach, Naruto and One Piece for example.

The DBZ manga is much better, though not as good as the original Dragonball, which was funnier, had arguably better fights (not all about power levels and stuff) and generally more surreal and fun.

19-10-09, 19:20
A decent anime I've seen recently is "School Days", its worth watching just for the final episode (who's original air date had to be moved back a week due to a murder in Japan), if you go to www.crunchyroll.com you can watch it (its all legal and licenced too! With subs not dubs). Then there is FMA:Brotherhood which is going pretty darn good, Saki which is fun, Bleach is alright but what the heck is the Japanese obsessions with big boobies? In every anime if one of the chicks has larger than average boobies its always pointed out, every time, constantly, and there is always a flat chested chick who's there comparing them! :lol:

Though we all know that Sailor Moon is the saviour of a genre, a trend setter, bringing back the magic girl genre, you could even look at the similarities with Bleach, they power up (turn into sailors/shinigami) power up some more (moon crisis/bankai) and can even power up more (moon princess/hollow ichi). The big difference is that SM was a mega monster a week (except for the one arc which was brilliant) whilst Bleach is a continual storyline, to be continued... repeatedly... forever.... how many episodes?! O_O

24-10-09, 15:09
I had a lovely time btw, feeling a bit meh back at home now :p

My favourite types of anime are thrillers, however i only think i've seen one type of that, and that being of course Death Note.

Very superb anime :D

24-10-09, 17:25
Here's a picture of Nobby and his Japanese Mafia Crew before leaving for the airport !
