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05-06-09, 23:50
FFXIV has been announced that its due out next year, and omg it looks incredible! The dev's are creating it (PS3/PC) to be able to run on average systems, in 5 years time! Obviously its no competition to NC as SE don't want much in the way of PVP, where PVP'ers get in the way of content.

Trailer is here (http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/) prepare to wet ones pants!

Naturally being SE it won't be another WoW clone, odds are it won't have any aspects of WoW. It'll have a *real* story with cut scenes.

Interestingly they are talking about changing the way people level, whilst keeping something akin to the job system in XI, it'll be really sweet to find out exactly what they have planned.

Bastards better not release it during the World Cup however!

Man, 2 Final Fantasy titles in a year, what is the world coming to?

05-06-09, 23:55
Screenshots looks sweet, never played the previous game :/ (shame on me), this is definitely a game I'm going to drool over ;).

William Antrim
06-06-09, 00:33
Go play 7 Rob, its the best one yet.

06-06-09, 00:39
7 was over-rated, I found 9 to be better. 7 was good because of the materia system but suikoden (out around the same time as 7) had a much better story and more involvment with your characters :D

14 though looks, omg, I need to change my underwear again ; ;

06-06-09, 01:46
Go play 7 Rob, its the best one yet.

Oh trust me I've played FF7, got ultima weapon etc.. One of the best if not THE best FF game ever imo :P.

Doc Holliday
06-06-09, 15:13
it got beaten to the number 1 spot by a few votes in a recent empire poll too.

granted it was a bit of a skewed poll (they had CS in the high 90s for godsake. not a fan myself that much but its better than high 90s compared to some of the crap they got in there)

FF7 came in at number 2. supermario world topped the bill.

07-06-09, 22:44
Watching that in HD, Fuck me, Look's Amazing !

I think we all need to remember however...

ALL MMOs have fancy FMVs, Fancy Cut Scenes, Fancy Everything.

I wouldn't really get disappointed by mass excitement until Gameplay is shown :p

07-06-09, 23:32
i feel weird for never having played a final fantasy game... played chronotrigger though, does that count? :p

so ok, some said 7 is best, what game should I play as a newbie to ff? (I don't really mind old games as long as they are not too slow)

08-06-09, 01:56
Nobby, that movie in HD is cutscenes AND gameplay, its going to need the latest version of DX (which will be 11) and cutting edge PC hardware to run it full whack though, with the expectation that in 5 years time the average PC will be able to play it at its best, or at least upto a half decent standard.

If you look at FFXI, that thing is going on 7 years old now and *still* looks better than WoW even though it has PS2 limitations, and on my hardware (dual core, 8800GTS) I can still suffer low framerates when that game wants to get pretty (bearing in mind I get over 100FPS on the last remenant, and have to physically cap it at 60!)

09-06-09, 04:25
Awesome, I always wanted to play a 13 year old in a world of 13 year olds and pre-rendered cinematics.

And I didnt care for ff7. I found its story to be a contest of how many plot twists can be squeezed into a particular scene. Its only real claim to fame was that it was the last one before Square got boy crazy for its lead roles.

As for gameplay, I enjoyed 6 the most. But not for its story. Fuck jrpg stories. Crpg stories are the way to be.

EDIT: Oh, and Square completely missed that point when it comes to mmo motivation for me - I don't want to spend the whole game aiming to destroy bigger mobs, I want to crush people! If pvp is not the end goal then there is no point imo.

09-06-09, 06:26
I have two things to say.

1. Final Fantasy VII is the best Final Fantasy every followed closely by VI. Anyone who says differently is a liar and frankly they're insane.

2. Final Fantasy XIV, all I can say is, Holy Shit. I was hoping they'd (Square-Enix) would try and move in on the Sci-Fi genre but if they combine these kinds of graphics with the job system of FF XI and execute properly this could be the game that moves in on WOW in the Fantasy MMORPG market. Once again, amazing.

10-06-09, 16:32
So far from what we know, it'll have the job system from XI only expanded greatly, no one knows what that means however. There will not be "leveling" as such, so best guesses are it will be a skill based system, go out, kill mobs, get skills towards whichever skills you use.

It'll be more futuristic than FFXI, but not as futuristic as XIII, it'll have some SF elements whilst remaining true to the normal FFXI style, possibly. It'll also have gameplay that suits casual play, whilst also appealing to hardcore players. They will not be copying anything from WoW so not another Wow clone.

World wide release is due in 2010 on the PC/PS3, it'll probably look best on a PC in 1080p resolutions (1920×1080) or maybe 720 (1280x720) as they are native PS3 resolutions, though my monitor can't actually display 1080p, I'm going to need to add one of them to my shopping list :( Along with an i7, and god knows what else to play this frikken gorgeous game!

They did want to create a physical link between FFXI and FFXIV, where you are in your mog house (apartment) and a door would appear, walk through the door (in XI) and you're suddenly in the XIV world! Technical limitations prevented it >.<

Over the past couple of years though, SE have really stepped up their game with XI, adding things that should have been there from the start. Level synch, where people who are level 75 can party with a group who are level 20, and gain XP (they become level 20 and all their gear synchs down to 20 with them). Going into level cap areas you can wear gear your own level, it synchs down. Easier mobs for faster XP, XP rings, adding stats to armour, improved storage, more xp from easier mobs, plus easier mobs become easier.

FFXI now is a much different game than FFXI 5 years ago, it takes less XP to get to 75, and with the ToAU expansion pack, it takes less time too! It also has a policy of sideways expansion, so gear which was "the best" 5 years ago, is still "the best" today, so people who have worked long and hard (worked...) to obtain their gear won't suddenly find their gear is crap because of an expansion.

If SE can take all they have learnt from XI, take away the most annoying, frustrating bits (mobs that have huge repop timers, stupidly low drop rates, over-competition on endgame mobs etc.etc.etc) then FFXIV will be the game that people go to. XI's population has remained steady at 500k, it didn't even dip when WoW came out, so for people who want a great game with an actual storyline rather than wall-o-text-quests-which-no-one-reads then XIV will be *the* game, it won't appeal to people who prefer PVP, although it will have elements of PVP it will be in controlled areas and group vs group, more competition than anything else.

10-06-09, 20:25
I bet it'll be rubbish like every other Asian MMO...


Looks nice 'n' all... but that's all I see

I played FF11 and it wasn't this whole "story driven" game like everyone made it out to me as. The combat was boring... the community was well... Ignorant and anti-social. I had better conversations with the shy Japanese players than I did with anyone else.

The game was purely grind grind grind with no reward imo.

Even the link shell (clan) I was in, said nothing but the same...

11-06-09, 10:39
I've played FFXI for a few years now, and no other MMO has been able to compete with it in terms of storyline. You have several distinct storylines, from the nation ones (Bastok/Windurst/San d'Oria), CoP, ZM, ToAU, WoTG which are very well thought out and implimented. You actually feel like you are part of the story rather than just another person out of 1/2 a million.

Then you have the job quests which are also stories. Armour quests, also stories.

Combat is tactical in FFXI, in most MMO's if you make a mistake during combat it's not an issue, in FFXI a mistake can be the difference between a win or a lose. Don't stun at the right moment? Tank bites the dirt quickly followed by everyone else.

As for anti-social, I dunno about that, FFXI is built up around team play, so anti-social people wouldn't really get very far. WoW is a perfect example of anti-social play, you can go from 1-cap without ever chatting to another person.

Reward? Rewards are what you make of them. Some people like the rewards from finishing a particularly hard storyline (CoP), some prefer the rewards from endgame (gear), some prefer the rewards from crafting, farming, getting all their jobs to 75, beating Maat with all the Maat jobs, exploring new areas, finding the little secrets SE put into the game, soloing incredibly hard monsters. So which part wasn't rewarding to you Nobby? The part where you didn't put in enough effort to realise any of the rewards that awaited you? Got to level 30-40 and quit without fully opening up the job?

Chosen One
16-06-09, 17:55
Looks pretty...

Are they just going to drop FF11?

its funny how all you people hate elves but love FF so much O_o

sorry, never a big fan of the series, moving on!

16-06-09, 18:25
Looks pretty...

Are they just going to drop FF11?

its funny how all you people hate elves but love FF so much O_o

sorry, never a big fan of the series, moving on!


17-06-09, 12:16
Omfg, I've just realised why I have a pathological hatred for the Elvaan's in FFXI! It's NC's fault! :lol:

Anyhow, FFXI has Mithra, cat chicks with tails and ears (and hopefully 14 will have proper physics on their boobies), what man can resist hot mithra action?

FFXI will continue and will continue to be updated, they have been working with XI and XIV together the past 4 years and it still pulls in $30-60mil a year (depending on exchange rate).