View Full Version : [Modding] Psi spells : handling

Kalonji Faya
12-04-09, 04:29
I saw on the forums that handling didn't do anything on psi spells, but all topics were old ... and I'd like to know if its always the same in 2.2 ??!

On my ppu I never mod psi spells with handling but a woc3 ppu told me he casted faster his spells with more handling, and whenever I told him he was wrong, he told I was a dumb O_o

so what is really the issue with handling on psi spells nowadays ?!


Kalonji Faya
12-04-09, 18:59
nobody can answer me please ?


13-04-09, 02:48
As far as i know the Handling for Spells or Weapons work the same way i may be wrong but i think the handling of a spell/weapon does make it faster to cast/aim(weapons)

Kalonji Faya
13-04-09, 03:33
well, I searched on the forum, and all the links I found were old :




but in that links it is said that handling does nothing at all, but I found nothing about nowadays skills :(


Kalonji Faya
16-04-09, 03:39
so nobody can answer ?


16-04-09, 10:09
Apparently not

Kalonji Faya
16-04-09, 19:47
erm :/

I saw that in nc2 skills guide handling was not in the calculation of psi skills
but in nc2.2 handling is in skills calculation but I don't know if its effective in spells modding

if a monk can tell me that would be sooooo nice !!
