View Full Version : repairing skill

Shane Dunn
07-02-09, 04:47
can I go with a minium skill of 65 which will make me 130 in repping or is it the more points you have in the skill the better you can repair. I just figured that 65 is really all I need. I didnt want to repair rare stuff if it would make it unusable faster?

Dribble Joy
07-02-09, 05:59
Half the tl is the minimum, but more rep means less main quality loss and more secondary quality gained. I don't know if there's a cap as such but the more the merrier. I allways try to have at least the same rep as the tl of the item.

Shane Dunn
07-02-09, 18:52
alright thanks very much

Kalonji Faya
09-02-09, 18:27
Well v imo, repair skill is the thing that changed the less so you can go for the same amount of skill point than one year later I think ...

I ssee pple with 200 skill points in repair nowadays (that means 400 in rep skill) , so i tried to put all my skill points in rep, and I had the same rep skill than when I gad only 150 (300) : I repped a monk PA3 about 18/120 and it went 113/117 with 400 rep and 300 rep ... so imo 140-150 is enough in rep even for rares ... so you can spend some more skillpoints in recycle and make some w10 ^^


Dribble Joy
09-02-09, 19:12
96 rec and you can make redflash, plus any other drug. I currently have about 112 rep, 96 rec and I'm still only dex 77.

Kalonji Faya
09-02-09, 19:37
96 rec and you can make redflash, plus any other drug. I currently have about 112 rep, 96 rec and I'm still only dex 77.

well my conster isn't capped, I didnt drone, I only made missions, I h'av about 83dex, 65rec for parts and 146for repping ... I wish I had 96 rec for drugs but I couldn't rep with the same efficiency ! thats why I said 200 (400)rep is shit), 125-150 (250-300) is enough but I think with 112 re^p you're a lil bit short no ?? I mean on a 120/120 PA3 (I used for my tests) you won't have 113/117 I suppose ... but I'd hope so !! could you test it?


Dribble Joy
09-02-09, 19:39
I have 50 vhc too. I fly noobs about. Plus it's a cst char, so there are some negative effects from imps. Plus I use a cst glove, not rep or rec.

Kalonji Faya
09-02-09, 19:54
ok its a cst char , my char is a cst char too (uncapped int and dex with hawkins th cpu cst2 cst3, ress and cst bone ...)

well all I wanna know is if 112 rep you have, can you rep the item I told you before the same !!!

so much things have changed on OOc I see "masters" of neocron with 200 (400) rep and telling its th way to go or youll wreck yourass, but I'm here since 2001 with a little less then 150rep (290rep indeed) and I repair everything; all MC5 all weps ... etc ...) and I still see ppl that dont want me to to rep their weaps coz they think I'm gonna break it !!!!

so If you have 112 rep and you make 113/117 condition on a tl115 wep that was 120/120 that'll mean rep skill doesnt need so much req, as I thought from the beginning ...

hope you understand what I mean DJ!!


Dribble Joy
09-02-09, 20:17
Oh, well I repped a broken (0/120) SH (about the same tl) and it went to about 84/117, then to 116/116.