View Full Version : Detoxic nanite - Missing mod

03-02-09, 18:31
I thought I would see if there were anti-poison nanites available, and there are. Called Detoxic Nantites.

From Crytons in P1 one can usually find the related paraphenalia with these tools, and the Detoxic Nanites are listed.

Question: Where is the associated Mod? Its not there.


03-02-09, 18:43
Stab in the dark, don't the Crahn range of Organism Cleaners take the anti-poison nanites without a mod?

Edit: List of tools and nanites here - http://www.techhaven.org/db/tools/nanites (Except the mods!)

03-02-09, 19:36
Nope, the injectors don't. I just tried to load some POR natite into an unmodded one but it did not work.

03-02-09, 20:04
are you talking about the cryton advanced protection or organism cleaners?

03-02-09, 20:09
because por goes in the advanced (spit) tools, and the mod is protoxic

03-02-09, 20:24
No, not the Cryton, but the Crahn Organism Cleaners. Unless the mod is shared between the two with the name left to confuse me.

03-02-09, 23:18
Right just tried this in-game, works for me.

Got a Crahn CIT-0.48 Basic Organism Cleaner, and loaded the Crahn DeToxic Nanites into it with no problem.

In otherwords you don't need a mod just the tool and the skill to use it (INT:48 IMP:55 FCS:81 - in otherwords a poking monk, or a poking PE) and oddly it can't be used in a safe zone, it's treated as a weapon!

04-02-09, 00:30
ye u need detoxic, not por

Kalonji Faya
09-02-09, 18:30
detoxic = CIT = remove dot
protoxic = SPIT = give poison resist

think its that


ps : indeed : if someone can give me some infos about foreign cast nanites ??! I read someting about that but but no info about how it works ...


09-02-09, 18:49
detoxic = CIT = remove dot
protoxic = SPIT = give poison resist

think its that


ps : indeed : if someone can give me some infos about foreign cast nanites ??! I read someting about that but but no info about how it works ...


The advanced CIT tools (I think) are antibuff nanites. You spec for them, run up to somebody and inject and it puts a stack on them that removes a shield after a few seconds. They aren't very practical for combat seeing as it has to be done at melee range and the cast time for a decent PPU is less than the stack time, as well as not fitting very well into any good combat setups. Still, they do technically work.

Kalonji Faya
09-02-09, 19:29
ok, so this :

detoxic = CIT = remove dot
protoxic = SPIT = give poison resist

is OK for self cast, and what you're speaking about is foreign cast but just with advanced CIT injectors but what nanites ??!!
it could be uselful for PE's that dont have 3 mc5 in the brain and can focus more on fcs, poke, etc so they can foreign cast nanites ?! Is it something like that or Am I totally wrong ??!

ahhhhh nanites : such a good thing for spys but so hard to man age for other classes .... for what I've tested right now ...


PS : it was my birthday january the 31, but I was ill so I could'nt make a "fiesta" ... anybody would like to drink some kron at eletrcis club in outzone substation tonight ?! if there is ppl coming I'll get some gifts for those who are there !!